description |
These are all the client side Functions |
Import the Lib by using this export as you would with a normal core
local Renewed = exports['Renewed-Lib']:getLib()
-- @brief This will return a table with the player's current job/gang(s)
-- @return table containing the player's current job/gang(s)
-- USAGE --
local groups = Renewed.getPlayerGroup()
-- OUTPUT --
Group = {
['mechanic'] = 4,
['ballas'] = 2
job = 'mechanic',
gang = 'ballas',
charId = 'QB245361',
name = 'Test Player'
-- @brief This will return the player's character ID
-- @return the player's character ID
-- USAGE --
local charId = Renewed.getCharId()
-- OUTPUT --
-- @brief Adds an object that will auto spawn/despawn
-- Adding objects has never been easier. You can utilize this function to add
-- objects in the world that will spawn/despawn when in/out of distance.
-- @param payload [in] A table containing the following information:
-- - object (hash): The hash of the object to be loaded
-- - dist (int): The distance at which the object will spawn
-- - coords (vector): A vector of the coordinates for initial placement
-- - heading (float): The heading of the initial placement
-- - snapGrount (boolean): Use this to snap the object to the ground
-- - freeze (boolean): Use this to freeze the object in place
-- - canClimb (boolean): Use this to specify if players can climb on the object
-- - colissions (boolean): Use this to change if the object can collide
-- - anim (list): A list containing the animation and dictionary for the object
-- - animSpeed (float): The speed of the animation for the object
-- - id (string): A unique ID for your object
-- - target (table): A table containing ox target parameters
-- - interact (table): A table containing interact parameters
-- USAGE --
object = `prop_weed_01`,
dist = 300,
coords = vec3(-596.54, -1096.99, 22.18),
heading = 308.0,
snapGround = true,
freeze = true,
canClimb = true,
colissions = true,
anim = {
animSpeed = 1.0,
id = 'brandNewObject_323'
target = {
name = 'brandNewPed_323',
icon = 'fas fa-cannabis',
label = 'Harvest',
event = 'weed:client:harvest',
id = 'brandNewObjectLol',
canInteract = function(_, distance)
return distance < 1.5
-- @brief Changes an object model, its location, and heading
-- @param id (string): The unique ID of the object you created
-- @param newObject (string): The name of the new model to use
-- @param newCoords (vector): A vector containing the new coordinates to use
-- @param newHeading (float): The new heading to use
Renewed.changeObject(id, newObject, newCoords, newHeading)
-- USAGE --
Renewed.changeObject('brandNewObject_323', `prop_weed_02`, vec3(100, 50, 50), 120.0)
-- @brief Changes an object's animation
-- @param id (string): The unique ID of the object you created
-- @param anim (list): A list containing the dictionary and animation for the object
-- @param animSpeec (float): The animation speed
Renewed.changeAnim(id, anim, animSpeed)
-- USAGE --
Renewed.changeAnim('brandNewObject_323', {"amb@world_human_gardener_plant@female@base",
"base"}, 0.8)
-- @brief Removes an object from being created
-- @param id (string): The unique ID of the object you created
-- USAGE --
-- @brief Removes all objects created by the invoking resource
-- @param resource (string or nil): The name of the invoking resource
-- USAGE --
-- @brief Allows a player to interactively place an object
-- Placing objects has never been easier. You can utilize this funciton to place
-- objects that will automatically spawn/despawn when in/out of range.
-- @param object (hash): The hash of the object to be placed
-- @param dist (int): The distance at which the object will spawn
-- @param snapGround (boolean or nil): Whether or not to snap the object to the ground
-- @param text (list or nil): A list containing help text
-- @param allowedMats (list or nil): A list containing the allowed materials that the
-- object can be on
-- @param offset (float or table or nil): The offset to use from the coordinates
-- @return A list containing the object coords and heading
Renewed.placeObject(object, dist, snapGround, text, allowedMats, offset)
-- USAGE --
local coords, heading = Renewed.placeObject('prop_weed_01', 300, true, {
'-- Place Object -- \n',
'[E] Place \n',
'[X] Cancel \n',
'[SCROLL UP] Change Heading \n',
'[SCROLL DOWN] Change Heading'
}, {
['concrete'] = true,
['plastic'] = true
}, {
x = 0.0,
y = 0.0,
z = 0.0
object = `prop_weed_01`,
dist = 300,
coords = coords,
heading = heading,
snapGround = true,
freeze = true,
canClimb = true,
colissions = true,
anim = {
animSpeed = 1.0,
id = 'brandNewObject_323'
target = {
name = 'brandNewPed_323',
icon = 'fas fa-cannabis',
label = 'Harvest',
event = 'weed:client:harvest',
id = 'brandNewObjectLol',
canInteract = function(_, distance)
return distance < 1.5
-- @brief Stops a player from placing an object
-- USAGE --
-- @brief Creates a ped that automatically deletes when out of range
-- Spawning a ped has never been easier. You can utilize this function to spawn
-- peds that will automatically spawn/despawn when in/out of distance.
-- @param [in] payload A table with the following information:
-- - model (hash): The hash of the model to be loaded
-- - dist (int): The distance at which the ped will spawn
-- - coords (vector): A vector of the coordinates for the ped
-- - heading (float): The heading of the ped
-- - freeze (boolean): Use this to freeze the ped
-- - invincible (boolean): Use this to make the ped invincible
-- - tempevents (boolean): Use this to make the ped block temporary events
-- - animDict (string): The animation dictionary to use for the ped (required if
-- you are using animName)
-- - animName (string): The name of the animation to use for the ped
-- - scenario (boolean or string): The scenario to use for the ped
-- - id (string): A unique ID for your ped
-- - target (table): A table containing ox target parameters
-- - interact (table): A table containing interact parameters
-- USAGE --
model = `a_f_y_business_01`,
dist = 300,
coords = vec3(-596.54, -1096.99, 22.18),
heading = 308.0,
freeze = true,
invincible = true,
tempevents = true,
animDict = 'anim@mp_player_intcelebrationfemale@the_woogie',
animName = 'the_woogie',
scenario = false,
id = 'brandNewPed_323',
target = {
name = 'brandNewPed_323',
icon = 'fas fa-shopping-basket',
label = 'View Shop',
event = 'Renewed-Businesses:client:openStore',
id = 'brandNewShopLol',
canInteract = function(_, distance)
return distance < 1.5
-- @brief Deletes a ped
-- This will delete a ped by ID specified with invoking Renewed.addPed()
-- @param id (string): The ID specified when creating the ped
-- USAGE --
-- @brief Sets the coordinates of a ped
-- This will change/update the coordinates of a ped created by addPed()
-- @param id (string): The ID specified when creating the ped
-- @param coords (vector): The new coords for the ped
-- @param heading (float): The new heading for the ped
Renewed.setPedCoords(id, coords, heading)
-- USAGE --
Renewed.setPedCoords('brandNewPed_323', vec3(150, 50, 50), 120.0)
-- @brief Returns the ped's entity ID
-- This funciton will return the entity ID of a ped's unique ID that was created by
-- addPed()
-- @param id (string): The ID specified when creating the ped
-- @return The entity ID of the ped or nil if not spawned
-- USAGE --
local ped = Renewed.getPedById('brandNewPed_323')