description |
All the following exports are SERVER SIDED ONLY |
{% hint style="info" %} Here you can find all exports related to Groups within the phone! {% endhint %}
This export is used to notify the entire group about specific objectives or events.
exports['qb-phone']:NotifyGroup(group, msg, type)
- group (string): The identifier of the group.
- message (string): The message to be sent to the group.
- type (string): The type of notification.
-- USAGE --
local group = exports['qb-phone']:GetGroupByMembers(source)
exports['qb-phone']:NotifyGroup(group, "Hey cuties :)", 'success')
This export is used to notify the entire group about a specific objective, utilizing the built-in Phone notification type.
(Uses the build in Phone notification type)
Find the colour codes here:
Find the icons you can use for the phone here:
-- Stock Export --
exports['qb-phone']:pNotifyGroup(group, header, msg, icon, colour, length)
- group (string): The identifier of the group.
- header (string): The header/title of the notification.
- msg (string): The detailed message for the notification.
- icon (string): The icon for the notification (FontAwesome icon class).
- color (string or number): The color of the notification.
- length (number): The duration of the notification in milliseconds.
-- USAGE --
local group = exports['qb-phone']:GetGroupByMembers(source)
local message = "Head to the location marked and pick up trash!"
exports['qb-phone']:pNotifyGroup(group, "Garbage Job", msg, "fas fa-recycle", "#008FFF", 7500)
An export to make blips that sync across group members.
find all the FiveM related blip data you will need for this here:
-- Stock Export --
exports['qb-phone']:CreateBlipForGroup(group, name, data)
- group (string): The identifier of the group.
- name (string): The name/identifier for the blip.
- data (table): The data table containing blip details.
-- USAGE --
Do not copy paste this as the blip table might be broken only this as a reference
local group = exports['qb-phone']:GetGroupByMembers(src)
local blip = {
-- Picking none of these 3 will make it a normal blip by default
entity = 9421, -- Use this if you have an entity spawned server side
netId = 9421, -- Use this if you have a entity server side and you have the netId
radius = 200, -- How big do you want the radius of the blip to be
coords = vector4(231, 244, 92, 1.41) -- Just the coords for the blip
color = 49, -- just a red colour
alpha = 255, -- This makes the blip kinda see through if u lower it
sprite = 57, -- Just a circle icon,
scale = 0.7, -- How big do u want the blip to be?
label = "Garbage Route", -- The label for the blip
-- Route stuff --
route = true, -- Will set a route for the job (Note a route is not a waypoint they cant remove it)
routeColor = 49, -- just a red to finish off the routeColor
exports['qb-phone']:CreateBlipForGroup(group, "Garbage", blip)
An export to remove blips across all group members
-- Stock Export --
exports['qb-phone']:RemoveBlipForGroup(group, name)
- group (string): The identifier of the group.
- name (string): The name/identifier for the blip to be removed.
-- USAGE --
local group = exports['qb-phone']:GetGroupByMembers(src)
exports['qb-phone']:RemoveBlipForGroup(group, "Garbage")
All exports used to modify or get the group current job statuses, you wanna use this to AVOID groups doing 2 jobs at the same time etc.
An export to set the groups job to something specific.
-- Stock Export --
exports['qb-phone']:setJobStatus(group, status, stages)
- group (string): The identifier of the group.
- status (string): The name/identifier of the job status.
- stages (table): A table containing stages for the job.
-- USAGE --
local group = exports['qb-phone']:GetGroupByMembers(src)
local Stages = {
[1] = {name = "Head to the area located on your GPS", isDone = false , id = 1},
[2] = {name = "Find the vehicle I emailed you!", isDone = false , id = 2},
[3] = {name = "Head to the scrapping location marked on your GPS!", isDone = false , id = 3},
[4] = {name = "Dissasemble the vehicle for parts!", isDone = false , id = 4},
[5] = {name = "Break down the rest of the car to get rid of the evidence!", isDone = false , id = 4},
[6] = {name = "Get out of there before you get seen!", isDone = false , id = 5},
exports['qb-phone']:setJobStatus(group, "Chop Shop", Stages)
An export to get the current job the group is doing
-- Stock Export --
- group (string): The identifier of the group.
-- USAGE --
local group = exports['qb-phone']:GetGroupByMembers(src)
local job = exports["qb-phone"]:getJobStatus(group)
print(job) -- If you followed above step it will print Chop Shop
An export to reset the current groups job status to be WAITING.
-- Stock Export --
- group (string): The identifier of the group.
-- USAGE --
local group = exports['qb-phone']:GetGroupByMembers(src)
These are the type of exports you are going to be using most frequently and cannot make a group job WITHOUT
An export to get the players current group.
If the player has no group it will return nil.
-- Stock Export --
- src (number): The source ID of the player.
-- USAGE --
local group = exports['qb-phone']:GetGroupByMembers(src)
print(group) -- Will either print the group ID or print nil.
An export to get all the group members source ID
-- Stock Export --
- group (string): The identifier of the group.
-- USAGE --
local group = exports['qb-phone']:GetGroupByMembers(src)
local members = exports['qb-phone']:getGroupMembers(group)
print(json.encode(members)) -- Will print the table for the group members
An export to ge the current group size.
This can be used if u want players to be a specific number to start a job.
-- Stock Export --
- group (string): The identifier of the group.
-- USAGE --
local group = exports['qb-phone']:GetGroupByMembers(src)
local size = exports['qb-phone']:getGroupSize(group)
print(size) -- Will print how many people are in the group
An export to get the current groups leader
This can be used to make sure only the group leader can start a job.
-- Stock Export --
- group (string): The identifier of the group.
-- USAGE --
local group = exports['qb-phone']:GetGroupByMembers(src)
local leader = exports['qb-phone']:GetGroupLeader(group)
print(leader) -- Will print the group leader source ID
An export to check if a player is the group leader
-- Stock Export --
- src (number): The source ID of the player.
- group (string): The identifier of the group.
-- USAGE --
local group = exports['qb-phone']:GetGroupByMembers(src)
local leader = exports['qb-phone']:isGroupLeader(src, group)
print(leader) -- Will print true if the source ID is the group leader
An export to destroy a group.
-- Stock Export --
- group (string): The identifier of the group.
-- USAGE --
local group = exports['qb-phone']:GetGroupByMembers(src)
An export to remove a certain player based off their sourceID from a group
-- Stock Export --
exports['qb-phone']:RemovePlayerFromGroup(src, group)
- src (number): The source ID of the player.
- group (string): The identifier of the group.
-- USAGE --
local group = exports['qb-phone']:GetGroupByMembers(src)
exports['qb-phone']:RemovePlayerFromGroup(src, group)
In this case I removed the sourceID here from their current group
This eventhandler here can be used to remove groups from server sided events.
Usefull to avoid glithces and bugs if someone crashes etc.
AddEventHandler('qb-phone:server:GroupDeleted', function(group, players)
-- Parameters:
-- - group (string): The identifier of the deleted group.
-- - players (table): A table containing the source IDs of players in the deleted group.
-- Perform server-side cleanup or adjustments based on the deleted group.
print(group, json.encode(players))