query: { name: "Babelgum"} projection: { name: "Babelgum"} sort: skip: limit:
2. All the companies that have more than 5000 employees. Limit the search to 20 companies and sort them by number of employees.
query: { number_of_employees: { $gt: 5000} } projection: sort: {number_of_employees: 1} skip: limit: 20
3. All the companies founded between 2000 and 2005, both years included. Retrieve only the name
and founded_year
query: { $and: [ { founded_year: {$gte: 2000} }, { founded_year: {$lte: 2005} } ] } projection: {name: 1, founded_year: 1} sort: skip: limit:
4. All the companies that had a Valuation Amount of more than 100.000.000 and have been founded before 2010. Retrieve only the name
and ipo
query: { $and: [{"ipo.valuation_amount": {$gte: 100000000}}, {founded_year: {$lte: 2010}}] } projection: {name: 1, ipo: 1} sort: skip: limit:
5. All the companies that have less than 1000 employees and have been founded before 2005. Order them by the number of employees and limit the search to 10 companies.
query: { $and: [{number_of_employees: {$lte: 1000}}, {founded_year: {$lte: 2005}}] } projection: sort: {number_of_employees: 1} skip: limit: 10
query: {partners: {$exists: false}} projection: sort: skip: limit:
query: {category_code: null} projection: sort: skip: limit:
8. All the companies that have at least 100 employees but less than 1000. Retrieve only the name
and number of employees
query: { $and: [{number_of_employees: {$gte: 100}}, {number_of_employees: {$lte: 1000}}]} projection: {name: 1, number_of_employees: 1} sort: skip: limit:
query: projection: sort: {ipo: -1} skip: limit:
query: projection: sort: {number_of_employees: -1} skip: limit: 10
11. All the companies founded on the second semester of the year. Limit your search to 1000 companies.
query: {$and: [{founded_month: {$gte: 7}}, {founded_month: {$lte: 12}}]}ac projection: sort: skip: limit: 1000
query: {$and: [{founded_year: {$lte: 2000}}, {"acquisition.price_amount": {$gte: 10000000}}]} projection: sort: skip: limit:
13. All the companies that have been acquired after 2010, order by the acquisition amount, and retrieve only their name
and acquisition
query: { "acquisition.acquired_year": {$gte: 2010}} projection: {name: 1, acquisition: 1} sort: {"acquisition.price_amount": 1} skip: limit:
query: projection: {name: 1, founded_year: 1} sort: {founded_year: 1} skip: limit:
15. All the companies that have been founded on the first seven days of the month, including the seventh. Sort them by their acquisition price
in a descending order. Limit the search to 10 documents.
query: {founded_day: {$lte: 7}} projection: sort: {"acquisition.price_amount": -1} skip: limit: 10
16. All the companies on the 'web' category
that have more than 4000 employees. Sort them by the amount of employees in ascending order.
query: {$and: [{category_code: "web"}, {number_of_employees: {$gte: 4000}}]} projection: sort: {number_of_employees: 1} skip: limit:
query: {$and: [{"acquisition.price_amount": {$gte: 10000000}}, {"acquisition.price_currency_code": "EUR"}]} projection: sort: skip: limit:
18. All the companies that have been acquired on the first trimester of the year. Limit the search to 10 companies, and retrieve only their name
and acquisition
query: {"acquisition.acquired_month": {$lte: 3}} projection: {name: 1, acquisition: 1} sort: skip: limit: 10
19. All the companies that have been founded between 2000 and 2010, but have not been acquired before 2011.
query: {$and: [{founded_year: {$gte: 2000}}, {founded_year: {$lte: 2010}}, {"acquisition.acquired_year": {$gte: 2011}}]} projection: sort: skip: limit: