- SE
- non_local
- blur pooling
- Deformable Conv
主要参考:Hands-on: implement a spatial transformer network by yourself。简单的理论部分可以参考我的博客:深度学习 卷积神经网络即插即用的小插件。STN结构如下图所示: 里面包括三个组件:
- Localization net:该网络可以是卷积神经网络或者是全连接神经网络,它们有个特点是最后一层是一个回归层,主要生成6个值表示仿射变换的参数θ。
- Grid Generator:它首先在目标图像V上生成一个网格,网格的每个点刚好对应目标图像中每个像素的像素坐标。然后它使用Localization net生成的θ来变换网格。
- Sampler:变换后的网格就像源图像U上的遮罩,它检索遮罩下的像素。然而,变换的网格不再包含整数值,因此对源图像U执行双线性插值,以获得变换网格下的估计像素值。
Localization Net输入为[批量大小、高度、宽度、通道]的输入图像,并为每个维度的输入图像生成转换参数。转换的维度为[batch_size,6]。
def create_localization_head(inputs):
x = Conv2D(14, (5,5),padding='valid',activation="relu")(inputs)
x = MaxPooling2D((2, 2), strides=2)(x)
x = Conv2D(32, (5,5), padding='valid',activation="relu")(x)
x = MaxPooling2D((2, 2),strides=2)(x)
x = Flatten()(x)
x = Dense(120, activation='relu')(x)
x = Dropout(0.2)(x)
x = Dense(84, activation='relu')(x)
x = Dense(6, activation="linear", kernel_initializer="zeros",
bias_initializer=lambda shape, dtype: tf.constant([1,0,0,0,1,0], dtype=dtype))(x) # 6 elements to describe the transformation
return tf.keras.Model(inputs, x)
def generate_normalized_homo_meshgrids(inputs):
# for x, y in grid, -1 <=x,y<=1
batch_size = tf.shape(inputs)[0]
_, H, W,_ = inputs.shape
x_range = tf.range(W)
y_range = tf.range(H)
x_mesh, y_mesh = tf.meshgrid(x_range, y_range)
x_mesh = (x_mesh/W-0.5)*2
y_mesh = (y_mesh/H-0.5)*2
y_mesh = tf.reshape(y_mesh, (*y_mesh.shape,1))
x_mesh = tf.reshape(x_mesh, (*x_mesh.shape,1))
ones_mesh = tf.ones_like(x_mesh)
homogeneous_grid = tf.concat([x_mesh, y_mesh, ones_mesh],-1)
homogeneous_grid = tf.reshape(homogeneous_grid, (-1, 3,1))
homogeneous_grid = tf.dtypes.cast(homogeneous_grid, tf.float32)
homogeneous_grid = tf.expand_dims(homogeneous_grid, 0)
return tf.tile(homogeneous_grid, [batch_size, 1,1,1])
def generate_four_neighbors_from_reprojection(inputs, reprojected_grids):
_, H, W, _ = inputs.shape
x, y = tf.split(reprojected_grids, 2, axis=-1)
x1 = tf.floor(x)
x1 = tf.dtypes.cast(x1, tf.int32)
x2 = x1 + tf.constant(1)
y1 = tf.floor(y)
y1 = tf.dtypes.cast(y1, tf.int32)
y2 = y1 + tf.constant(1)
y_max = tf.constant(H - 1, dtype=tf.int32)
x_max = tf.constant(W - 1, dtype=tf.int32)
zero = tf.zeros([1], dtype=tf.int32)
x1_safe = tf.clip_by_value(x1, zero, x_max)
y1_safe = tf.clip_by_value(y1, zero, y_max)
x2_safe = tf.clip_by_value(x2, zero, x_max)
y2_safe = tf.clip_by_value(y2, zero, y_max)
return x1_safe, y1_safe, x2_safe, y2_safe
def bilinear_sample(inputs, reprojected_grids):
x1, y1, x2, y2 = generate_four_neighbors_from_reprojection(inputs, reprojected_grids)
x1y1 = tf.concat([y1,x1],-1)
x1y2 = tf.concat([y2,x1],-1)
x2y1 = tf.concat([y1,x2],-1)
x2y2 = tf.concat([y2,x2],-1)
pixel_x1y1 = tf.gather_nd(inputs, x1y1, batch_dims=1)
pixel_x1y2 = tf.gather_nd(inputs, x1y2, batch_dims=1)
pixel_x2y1 = tf.gather_nd(inputs, x2y1, batch_dims=1)
pixel_x2y2 = tf.gather_nd(inputs, x2y2, batch_dims=1)
x, y = tf.split(reprojected_grids, 2, axis=-1)
wx = tf.concat([tf.dtypes.cast(x2, tf.float32) - x, x -tf.dtypes.cast(x1, tf.float32)],-1)
wx = tf.expand_dims(wx, -2)
wy = tf.concat([tf.dtypes.cast(y2, tf.float32) - y, y - tf.dtypes.cast(y1, tf.float32)],-1)
wy = tf.expand_dims(wy, -1)
Q = tf.concat([pixel_x1y1, pixel_x1y2, pixel_x2y1, pixel_x2y2], -1)
Q_shape = tf.shape(Q)
Q = tf.reshape(Q, (Q_shape[0], Q_shape[1],2,2))
Q = tf.cast(Q, tf.float32)
r = wx@Q@wy
_, H, W, channels = inputs.shape
r = tf.reshape(r, (-1,H,W,1))
return r