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All supported browsers need the respective WebDrivers. When using local execution (seleniumAddress not provided), the respective WebDriver and possibly selenium.jar are downloaded automatically on every execution and is kept in the selenium folder under the installation path.

The respective WebDriver version is specified in basic profile and can be overwritten:

  • from the command line:
$ uiveri5
  • from conf.js:
connectionConfigs: {
   direct: {
       binaries: {
           chromedriver: {
               version: "74.0.3729.6"

You can also configure the use of local webdriver and thus disable the automatic download:

  • from the command line:
$ uiveri5
  • from conf.js:
connectionConfigs: {
  direct: {
    binaries: {
      chromedriver: {
        localPath: 'C:/chromedriver.exe'

Generic WebDriver Options

Browser size and location can be specified in browsers.capabilities.remoteWebDriverOptions. The following options are listed in descending priority:

  • position - sets offset of the browser relative to the upper-left screen corner
  • viewportSize - sets inner size of the browser window (actual page display area)
  • browserSize - sets outer size of the browser window (including window toolbars)
  • maximized - maximizes the browser window
browsers: [{
  browserName: 'chrome',
  capabilities: {
    remoteWebDriverOptions: {
      maximized: true,
      position: {
        x: 0,
        y: 0
      viewportSize: {
        width: 1920,
        height: 1067
      browserSize: {
        width: 1920,
        height: 1067

The maximize option might not be supported for all browsers. In such case, the browserSize option can be used for setting browser window size.


browsers: [{
  browserName: 'chrome',
  capabilities: {
    remoteWebDriverOptions: {
      maximized: false,
      browserSize: {
        width: 1920,
        height: 1067


By default, the respective WebDriver that starts the required browser is started directly. To start it by using Selenium jar, you have to enable it with setting useSeleniumJar to true. Then, Selenium command line arguments can be provided in the conf.js file:

browsers: [{
  browserName: 'chrome',
  capabilities: {
    seleniumOptions: {
        args: ['-debug', '-log','selenium.log']

List the available arguments by executing:

$ java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar -help


Chrome uses the ChromeDriver which is updated regularly. By default, we use the latest ChromeDriver version suitable for the latest stable Chrome release. The exact version of the latest stable release of Chrome is resolved from uiveri5 github repo.

All ChromeDriver options from ServiceBuilder can be specified under the chromedriverOptions key.

All chrome options from Options can be specified under the chromeOptions key.

The values can be of type string or array of strings.

browsers: [{
  browserName: 'chrome',
  capabilities: {
    chromedriverOptions: {
      loggingTo: 'chromedriver.log'
    chromeOptions: {
      args: 'start-maximized'


Chromium uses the same ChromeDriver as Chrome. But automatic download of ChromeDriver is not implemented for Chromium. Please make sure you have the correct version of ChromeDriver for your Chromium version.

The easiest way to install Chromium and ChromeDriver on macOS is using the brew package manager. For stable versions of chromium and the corresponding chromedriver you can use:

$brew install --cask eloston-chromium 
# chromium is available as: /Applications/
$brew install --cask chromedriver
# chromedriver is available as: /usr/local/bin/chromedriver

Then you need to set the paths in the config file:

browsers: [{
  browserName: 'chromium',
  capabilities: {
    chromeOptions: {
      binary: "/path/to/Chromium"
connectionConfigs: {
  direct: {
    binaries: {
      chromedriver: {
        localPath: 'path/to/ChromeDriver'

Or using command line:

$ uiveri5 --browsers=chromium


Firefox uses the geckodriver that is updated regularly, so by default, we use the latest version.

All geckodriverdriver options from ServiceBuilder can be specified under the geckodriverOptions key.

All Firefox options from Options can be specified under the firefoxOptions key.

The values can be of type string or array of strings.

browsers: [{
  browserName: 'firefox',
  capabilities: {
    geckodriverOptions: {
      enableVerboseLogging: true
    firefoxOptions: {
      addArguments: '-private',
      setBinary: '/path/to/firefox'

Geckodriver expects to find Firefox executable on the system path or at the default location for the respective platform. In some installation or upgrade scnearios, it is possible that the Firefox binary is placed in a different location and geckodriver is not able to find it. One workaround is to add the path to the binary in the PATH environment variable. Another workaround is to provide the path to the Firefox binary in the firefoxOptions.

Internet Explorer (IE)

IE uses the iedriver which is only available for Windows. Currently, you need to specify an exact version (automatic latest version detection is not implemented).

All iedriver options from ServiceBuilder can be specified under the iedriverOptions key.

All IE options from Options can be specified under the ieOptions key.

The values can be of type string or array of strings.

There is a browser configuration that has to be followed before you start testing on IE. It is preferable to modify your browser's security settings as described here. This is the only way to overcome security limitations when Selenium jar is used. When you don't use Selenium jar, you can enable the introduceFlakinessByIgnoringProtectedModeSettings option, but keep in mind that it is reported to cause driver instability.

browsers: [{
  browserName: 'ie',
  capabilities: {
    iedriverOptions: {
      introduceFlakinessByIgnoringProtectedModeSettings: 'true'
    ieOptions: {
      addArguments: '-foreground'


Microsoft Edge requires a WebDriver that is distributed as a native installation. Please make sure you have the correct version installed as explained in Microsoft Edge WebDriver. The release version should match the first part of your OS build, for example, for OS build number 15063.0000, choose driver Release 15063. The downloaded driver should be moved to /selenium/ without renaming.


Safari10 includes native webdriver that is bundled with the Safari browser. Please make sure you have enabled it as explained in Testing with WebDriver in Safari. At this time, there are no meaningfull safaridriverOptions that can be provided under the safaridriverOptions key. If you wish to override the addArguments anyway, please make sure not to remove the -legacy argument as the WebDriverJs version we use requires it.

All Safari options from Options can be specified under the safariOptions key.

The values can be of type string or array of strings.

browsers: [{
  browserName: 'safari',
  capabilities: {
    safariOptions: {
      setTechnologyPreview: true