If overall installation status is successful, you can safely ignore them.
UIVeri5 depends on some modules that themselves depend on native code-like BufferUtils. During installation, npm calls node-gyp while it tries to build the native code to executable. This usually fails because build tools line python and VC++ are not installed. Anyway, the native code is only optional and is used to speed up the execution and all the relevant modules have pure js implementations. That's why the overall installation succeeds and UIVeri5 works fine.
Some versions of npm have issues with failures in optional dependencies. So you could retry the installation by using the '--no-optional' argument.
If you have a proxy configuration but the proxy is not working for internet access you could get a network error similar to: "network tunneling socket could not be established, cause=connect ECONNREFUSED : where and are the ones of your proxy. To solve it, just remove your proxy settings.
REM configure git
REM configure npm
npm config delete proxy
npm config delete https-proxy
Please ensure you have Git installed. Also, be sure to install Git for windows to run in the regular command prompt also. Make sure you have proxy configured for both Git and npm. You could copy the following commands to the proxy.bat file and execute it in the same console before operations requiring public internet access from Git or npm.
REM configure git
set HTTP_PROXY=http://proxy:8080
set HTTPS_PROXY=http://proxy:8080
REM configure npm
npm config set proxy http://proxy:8080
npm config set https-proxy http://proxy:8080
UIVeri5 uses WebDriverJs and it could start selenium-server-standalone.jar for local use case. So, you either need Java so that Selenium Standalone could run, or you need to run your test against a remote Selenium hub or a remote cloud provider.
For every somefile.spec.js
file, the topmost describe
call must have a string identifying the suite. This string must be the same as the name of the file, like so:
In file somefile.spec.js
describe("somefile", function () {
it("runs some tests", function () {
// ... test steps ...