The following installation instruction are designed for command line on Unix systems. Refer to the instructions for Git and Anaconda on your exploitation system for the corresponding instructions.
Clone the repository to your local machine, using the following command:
git clone --recurse-submodules
This will download the repository and its submodules (external git repositories, in this case the SIGMORPHON16 dataset).
[Optional] To get the GloVe embedding model for German and set it up so that the Dataset class from
, run:
mkdir embeddings/glove
grep embeddings/glove/vectors.txt
Install Anaconda (or miniconda to save storage space).
Then, create a conda environement (for example nn-morpho-analogy
) and install the dependencies, using the following commands:
conda create --name morpho-analogy python=3.9
conda activate morpho-analogy
conda install -y pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch -c=conda-forge
conda install -y numpy scipy pandas matplotlib seaborn
conda install -y scikit-learn click
The Japanese data is stored as a Sigmorphon2016 data file japanese-task1-train
at the root of the directory, and should be moved to sigmorphon2016/data
, the Sigmorphon2016 data folder. This can be done by running the following command:
mv japanese-task1-train sigmorphon2016/data/
There is no test and development set. For the training and evaluation, the file japanese-task1-train
is split: 70% of the analogies for the training and 30% for the evaluation. The split is always the same for reproducibility.
For each of the files, it is not necessary to fill the parameters when you run the code, the terminal will ask you to fill them if you did not do it. However, for the parameters in parentheses, if you do not fill them when you launch the code you will not be asked to fill them by the terminal (they are automatically filled).
To train a classifier for a language and the corresponding embedding model, run python --language=<language> --nb_analogies=<number of analogies to use> --epochs=<number of epochs>
(ex: python --language=german --nb_analogies=50000 --epochs=20
To evaluate a classifier, run python --language=<language of the classifier> (--epochs=<number of epochs the model was trained for>) --nb_analogies=<number of analogies to use>
(ex: python --language=german --nb_analogies=50000
To evaluate all the classifiers on all the languages, run python --nb_analogies=<number of analogies to use> (--epochs=<number of epochs the models were trained for>) --mode=<transfer mode>
(ex: python --nb_analogies=50000 --mode=full). In mode
fulltransfer we use the same language for the embedding model and the classifier. In mode
partial` transfer we use the embedding model corresponding to the data with another classifier. This will output a CSV file containing the accuracy for valid analogies, invalid analogies and valid analogies in base form for all the languages. On the rows we find the values for one model.
To train an analogy solver, run python --language=<language of the solver> --nb_analogies=<number of analogies to use> --epochs=<number of epochs>
(ex: python --language=german --nb_analogies=50000 --epochs=20
To evaluate an analogy solver, run python --language=<language of the analogy solver> (--epochs=<number of epochs the model was trained for>) --nb_analogies=<number of analogies to use>
(ex: python --language=german --nb_analogies=50000
To evaluate an analogy solver with more looseness, run python --language=<language of the analogy solver> (--epochs=<number of epochs the model was trained for>) --nb_analogies=<number of analogies to use> --k=<maximum percentage of looseness on the distance to the predicted vector>
(ex: python --nb_analogies=50000 --k=5
: tools to load Sigmorphon2016 datasets, contains the main dataset classTask1Dataset
and the data augmentation functionsenrich
: neural network to classify
: neural network to solve
: neural network to embed
: functions to store the embeddings of the train and test set of a given
: file to train the classifier model together with the embedding model for a given
: file to evaluate a classifier with the corresponding embedding model and
: file to evaluate all the classifiers on other languages with the embedding model corresponding either to the classifier or to the language of the
: file to train the analogy solver model for a given
: file to evaluate an analogy
: file to evaluate an analogy solver with more looseness, we check if the right tensor is in a given range around the closest vector to the predicted
: tools for the different codes