can be compiled with mobile Tizen toolchain available in Tizen Studio. This article explains how to compile a native library with Tizen Studio CLI, but Tizen Studio IDE may be used as well.
- Tizen Studio can be downloaded from Please follow the installation guide available here:
- Install MOBILE-4.0-NativeAppDevelopment-CLI package:
'tizen-studio' is an absolute path to Tizen Studio installation directory.
${tizen-studio}/package-manager/package-manager-cli.bin install MOBILE-4.0-NativeAppDevelopment-CLI
All build commands need to be executed from the project root directory. This directory contains the project_def.prop file, which is used by 'tizen build-native' script to build a binary.
TV debug configuration:
${tizen-studio}/tools/ide/bin/tizen build-native -a arm -c llvm -C Debug -r mobile-4.0-device.core
Emulator debug configuration:
${tizen-studio}/tools/ide/bin/tizen build-native -a x86 -c llvm -C Debug -r mobile-4.0-emulator.core
TV release configuration:
${tizen-studio}/tools/ide/bin/tizen build-native -a arm -c llvm -C Release -r mobile-4.0-device.core
Emulator release configuration:
${tizen-studio}/tools/ide/bin/tizen build-native -a x86 -c llvm -C Release -r mobile-4.0-emulator.core will be available in {Debug/Release} depending on build configuration.
Note: The name of 'tizen' command is 'tizen.bat' on Windows OS.
The ability to execute a native code compiled by Tizen mobile toolchain is allowed on 2021 Tizen TV models and later. 2020 and previous models are not supported.