This project is for my personal use, aimed at tracking financial expenses and comparing prices in different stores for statistical purposes. I developed this application for myself to monitor my financial outgoings. It's not intended as a commercial business solution but rather to demonstrate my Android platform development skills.
I implement certain functionalities in a quite specific way, and I can explain here (rus) why a particular solution was implemented by me in such a manner. Thank you for your interest in my project.
Regarding the architecture:
- mvvm/Coroutine Flow
- di/dagger dependencies
- gradle multimodal project (split feature: api/impl)
- single activity
- multi backstack fragments navigation
- cicerone (navigation)
Here is the technology stack used:
- jetpack compose with fragments - ui (with costume theme)
- coroutines - async
- Room - database
- deeplink
- notification
- WorkManager
- service
- unit tests/ui tests/integration tests
- widget on desktop launcher
- Ci github actions
- detekt check
- lint check
- run unit tests