Data used in the competition is sourced from ICU patients in three separate hospital systems. Data from two hospital systems will be publicly available; however, one data set will be censored and used for scoring. The data for each patient will be contained within a single pipe-delimited text file. Each file will have the same header and each row will represent a single hour's worth of data. Available patient co-variates consist of Demographics, Vital Signs, and Laboratory values, which are defined in Challenge Data.
The Challenge data repository contains one file per subject (e.g., training/p00101.psv for the training data). Each training data file provides a table with measurements over time. Each column of the table provides a sequence of measurements over time (e.g., heart rate over several hours), where the header of the column describes the measurement. Each row of the table provides a collection of measurements at the same time (e.g., heart rate and oxygen level at the same time).
Click here to download the complete training database (42 MB), consisting of two parts: training set A (20,336 subjects) and B (20,000 subjects).