Serve as a quick resource for the TAG to grab links that we work with at high frequency and reference from other research. This is not official guidance.
- TOC repo
- Due Diligence Guidelines
- Due Diligence Template
- Graduation Requirements
- Sandbox->Incubation Requirements
- Sandbox Annual Review has related questions
- CNCF Glossary
- Governance Checklist for OSS projects
- FOSS Project Governance documents collection
- Velero Governance
- Jupyterhub Project Governance
- Selenium Project Governances
- Debian Constitution
- Python PEP 8002
- The Open Source Way
- Attracting, Growing, Communicating, and Governance
- Moya Community Continuity Guidelines
- Kubernetes Org Membership and OWNERS structure
- Service Catalog Contributor Ladder
- Porter Contributor Ladder
- Guix's Definition of Commit Access
- Debian New Maintainer
- Becoming a Project Team Lead
- OpenStack Release Roles
- Ubuntu Membership
- Ubuntu Roles
- Creative Commons Project Roles
- Knative Roles
- Django Organization
- OPENMRS Developer Stages
- Astropy Roles
- Nayafia's template from researching a ton of open source projects
- GoodDocs: aiming to help projects with good templates
- Athens Contributing Guide
- Porter Contributing Guide
- Open Policy Agent Contributing Guide
- Nadia Edhbal's OSS resources
//can probably be broken down into sections - Checklist/workshop of related resources