Right now the quartus design projectfiles behind the initial mesa 5i25 test design in the first socfpga machinekit sd-images is residing here in masterbranch of the mksocpga repo.
It has an avalon --> uio driver interface, that hopefully shortly will be replaced with an axi interfacce.
Requirements to re-build the required quartus binaries:
Altera Quartus 15.1.2 prime lite Altera Soc Eds
(Install into default altera/15.1 folder do not change paths...)
From Altera --> Download --> (update version)
Quartus prime 15.1.2 (on Debian.)(no license required for lite version)
Download the complete download:
3. Change the file permission for all the setup (.run) files by running the command: chmod +x *.run.
4. Run the QuartusSetup- file.
Soc EDS: ( You do not have to install DS-5 )
On download page click Soc Eds download:
SoC Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
Size: 2.3 GB MD5: 7FE507F3A29652E3529FA6432AA9E165 - See more at: http://dl.altera.com/soceds/?edition=standard#sthash.lUOCRFVv.dpuf
extract and chmod +x as before
Run the SoCEDSSetup- file (first as normal user)
Read and follow instructions.
Run afterwards the suggested script file a root.
Install all suggested dependencies. (trick: install all the mentioned missing libraries apt-source packages in a separate konsole window)
(What I did was to search for the file on https://www.debian.org/distrib/packages#search_packages then put the apt package on my depedencylist linked below)
You do not have to install DS-5
Last not least if you want to use usb-blaster jtag you need to add a udev rule:
Altera 15.1 depedencies and udev rules
Git clone:
git clone https://github.com/the-snowwhite/mksocfpga.git mksocfpga
cd mksocfpga
Open Quartus shell in new konsole and run make all in project folder:
mib@debian9-ws:~$ ~/altera/15.1/embedded/embedded_command_shell.sh
WARNING: DS-5 install not detected. SoC EDS may not function correctly without a DS-5 install.
Altera Embedded Command Shell
Version 15.1 [Build 193]
mib@debian9-ws:~$ cd /home/mib/Development/the-snowwhite-git/mksocfpga/QuartusProjects/DE0_Nano_SoC_Cramps
mib@debian9-ws:~/Development/the-snowwhite-git/mksocfpga/QuartusProjects/DE0_Nano_SoC_Cramps$ make dts dtb rbf
Build time around 10 min or so .... ends with:
Info: Quartus Prime Shell was successful. 0 errors, 527 warnings
Info: Peak virtual memory: 1085 megabytes
Info: Processing ended: Tue Mar 29 12:55:52 2016
Info: Elapsed time: 00:07:31
Info: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:13:50
quartus_cpf -c -o bitstream_compression=on output_files/soc_system.sof output_files/soc_system.rbf
Info: Command: quartus_cpf -c -o bitstream_compression=on output_files/soc_system.sof output_files/soc_system.rbf
Info: Quartus Prime Convert_programming_file was successful. 0 errors, 0 warnings
Info: Peak virtual memory: 400 megabytes
Info: Processing ended: Tue Mar 29 12:55:53 2016
Info: Elapsed time: 00:00:01
Info: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:01
Output is collected in this archive.
To install into sd boot folder:
look at this script: