- Copy all the contents from this repository.
- Copy all files and directories to the htdocs directory inside xampp (for example: C:\xampp\htdocs\CMSC121), where "CMSC121" will contain all of the files.
- If the webpage for CMSC121-L5-Yao_SJ doesn't work yet, import the databases [imdb_small.sql] in phpmyadmin or directly embed it into your MySQL database through the command prompt (refer to this link on how - https://www.warp.dev/terminus/mysql-import-sql-file).
- Open your XAMPP Panel and make sure to start your APACHE and MySQL 'Modules' under 'Actions' (refer to this link, if you do not have XAMPP, yet - https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html)
- Open any browser, enter localhost, and browse the file location on the search bar. (i.e. localhost/CMSC121)
- Front-End
- Back-End
- JavaScript
- Web Development
- Internet Technologies
- This webpage is my personal compilation of all the assignments and laboratory activities, that I've accomplished for CMSC 121 - Internet Technologies.