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ShrineFox edited this page Dec 20, 2022 · 7 revisions

Once you have followed the steps on the Installation page, you should have the Mod Menu working in-game.
Perhaps you have ideas for improvements such as bugfixes or new features, or you want to customize the menu for your own purposes.
Follow these steps to get involved in development!
Please note, following this is not necessary if you only want to play the game with the existing mod!

Image of ModMenuBuilder program

Using a Text Editor

This is the most simple and straightforward way to edit the menu.

  1. Download from the latest release and unzip it.
  2. Download and install Notepad++.
  3. Download and extract [](
  4. Run ModMenuBuilder.exe from the extracted ModMenuBuilder folder.
  5. In the ModMenuBuilder window, specify the path to AtlusScriptCompiler.exe from the extracted AtlusScriptTools folder.
  6. Also specify the path to the EN.CPK folder of the mod, found at Reloaded-II\Mods\p5rpc.misc.modmenu\P5REssentials\CPK\EN.CPK.
  7. Change the version string to your liking, and edit any .flow/.msg files in the Scripts folder using Notepad++.
  8. If there are no errors, it should output new, successfully compiled scripts and overwrite the original mod!

Using Visual Studio

You may want to use this method to edit and debug the Builder code itself, or to manage files more easily using the Solution explorer.

  1. Install Visual Studio and the .NET Framework 4.8 Developer Pack.
  2. Download and extract a .zip of this repository (or clone it using git or Github Desktop).
  3. Do the same for the following repositories. Clone/extract them to the same location:
  1. Open ModMenuBuilder.sln in Visual Studio.
  2. Right click the solution name in the Solution Explorer and choose "Restore Nuget Packages."
  3. Make any desired changes to the .flow/.msg or .cs files in the solution.
  4. Run in Debug mode to have changes to .flow/.msg overwrite the files in the bin/Debug/Scripts directory when the Builder runs.
    Run in Release mode to have the existing .flow/.msg in the /bin/Release/Scripts solution take precedent.

Contributing to this Repository

If you fixed a bug, or want to add a feature/improvement to the official menu, follow these steps!

  1. Make a fork of this repository.
  2. Clone your fork using Github Desktop.
  3. Replace the .flow/.msg files with your edited ones from your Scripts folder.
  4. Also replace any .cs files you edited.
  5. Commit the changes to your repository and push.
  6. Open a Pull Request comparing your fork to mine, and submit it.
  7. If I approve the changes, they will be merged into this repository and will appear in the next release!
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