diff --git a/.DS_Store b/.DS_Store
index 80aa16e2..49ba4403 100644
Binary files a/.DS_Store and b/.DS_Store differ
diff --git a/Server/frontend/components/FeedPost.tsx b/Server/frontend/components/FeedPost.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8cbd37a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Server/frontend/components/FeedPost.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import { MediaRenderer } from '@thirdweb-dev/react';
+import Link from 'next/link';
+import React from 'react';
+import { ExplorePublicationsQuery } from '../graphql/generated';
+import styles from '../styles/FeedPost.module.css';
+type Props = {
+ publication: ExplorePublicationsQuery["explorePublications"]["items"][0];
+export default function FeedPost ({publication}: Props) {
+ return (
+ {publication.profile.name || publication.profile.handle}
+ { publication.metadata.media?.length > 0 && (
+ )}
+ );
diff --git a/Server/frontend/graphql/generated.ts b/Server/frontend/graphql/generated.ts
index a47bf478..d2b6b42d 100644
--- a/Server/frontend/graphql/generated.ts
+++ b/Server/frontend/graphql/generated.ts
@@ -3964,6 +3964,20 @@ export type DefaultProfileQueryVariables = Exact<{
export type DefaultProfileQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', defaultProfile?: { __typename?: 'Profile', id: any, name?: string | null, bio?: string | null, isFollowedByMe: boolean, isFollowing: boolean, followNftAddress?: any | null, metadata?: any | null, isDefault: boolean, handle: any, ownedBy: any, attributes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Attribute', displayType?: string | null, traitType?: string | null, key: string, value: string }> | null, picture?: { __typename?: 'MediaSet', original: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null }, small?: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null } | null, medium?: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null } | null } | { __typename?: 'NftImage', contractAddress: any, tokenId: string, uri: any, verified: boolean } | null, coverPicture?: { __typename?: 'MediaSet', original: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null }, small?: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null } | null, medium?: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null } | null } | { __typename?: 'NftImage', contractAddress: any, tokenId: string, uri: any, verified: boolean } | null, dispatcher?: { __typename?: 'Dispatcher', address: any, canUseRelay: boolean } | null, stats: { __typename?: 'ProfileStats', totalFollowers: number, totalFollowing: number, totalPosts: number, totalComments: number, totalMirrors: number, totalPublications: number, totalCollects: number }, followModule?: { __typename?: 'FeeFollowModuleSettings', type: FollowModules, recipient: any, amount: { __typename?: 'ModuleFeeAmount', value: string, asset: { __typename?: 'Erc20', name: string, symbol: string, decimals: number, address: any } } } | { __typename?: 'ProfileFollowModuleSettings', type: FollowModules, contractAddress: any } | { __typename?: 'RevertFollowModuleSettings', type: FollowModules, contractAddress: any } | { __typename?: 'UnknownFollowModuleSettings', type: FollowModules, contractAddress: any, followModuleReturnData: any } | null, onChainIdentity: { __typename?: 'OnChainIdentity', proofOfHumanity: boolean, ens?: { __typename?: 'EnsOnChainIdentity', name?: any | null } | null, sybilDotOrg: { __typename?: 'SybilDotOrgIdentity', verified: boolean, source: { __typename?: 'SybilDotOrgIdentitySource', twitter: { __typename?: 'SybilDotOrgTwitterIdentity', handle?: string | null } } }, worldcoin: { __typename?: 'WorldcoinIdentity', isHuman: boolean } } } | null };
+export type ProfileQueryVariables = Exact<{
+ request: SingleProfileQueryRequest;
+export type ProfileQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', profile?: { __typename?: 'Profile', id: any, name?: string | null, bio?: string | null, isFollowedByMe: boolean, isFollowing: boolean, followNftAddress?: any | null, metadata?: any | null, isDefault: boolean, handle: any, ownedBy: any, attributes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Attribute', displayType?: string | null, traitType?: string | null, key: string, value: string }> | null, picture?: { __typename?: 'MediaSet', original: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null }, small?: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null } | null, medium?: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null } | null } | { __typename?: 'NftImage', contractAddress: any, tokenId: string, uri: any, verified: boolean } | null, coverPicture?: { __typename?: 'MediaSet', original: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null }, small?: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null } | null, medium?: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null } | null } | { __typename?: 'NftImage', contractAddress: any, tokenId: string, uri: any, verified: boolean } | null, dispatcher?: { __typename?: 'Dispatcher', address: any, canUseRelay: boolean } | null, stats: { __typename?: 'ProfileStats', totalFollowers: number, totalFollowing: number, totalPosts: number, totalComments: number, totalMirrors: number, totalPublications: number, totalCollects: number }, followModule?: { __typename?: 'FeeFollowModuleSettings', type: FollowModules, recipient: any, amount: { __typename?: 'ModuleFeeAmount', value: string, asset: { __typename?: 'Erc20', name: string, symbol: string, decimals: number, address: any } } } | { __typename?: 'ProfileFollowModuleSettings', type: FollowModules, contractAddress: any } | { __typename?: 'RevertFollowModuleSettings', type: FollowModules, contractAddress: any } | { __typename?: 'UnknownFollowModuleSettings', type: FollowModules, contractAddress: any, followModuleReturnData: any } | null, onChainIdentity: { __typename?: 'OnChainIdentity', proofOfHumanity: boolean, ens?: { __typename?: 'EnsOnChainIdentity', name?: any | null } | null, sybilDotOrg: { __typename?: 'SybilDotOrgIdentity', verified: boolean, source: { __typename?: 'SybilDotOrgIdentitySource', twitter: { __typename?: 'SybilDotOrgTwitterIdentity', handle?: string | null } } }, worldcoin: { __typename?: 'WorldcoinIdentity', isHuman: boolean } } } | null };
+export type PublicationsQueryVariables = Exact<{
+ request: PublicationsQueryRequest;
+export type PublicationsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', publications: { __typename?: 'PaginatedPublicationResult', items: Array<{ __typename: 'Comment', id: any, createdAt: any, appId?: any | null, hidden: boolean, reaction?: ReactionTypes | null, mirrors: Array, hasCollectedByMe: boolean, isGated: boolean, mainPost: { __typename?: 'Mirror', id: any, createdAt: any, appId?: any | null, hidden: boolean, reaction?: ReactionTypes | null, hasCollectedByMe: boolean, isGated: boolean, mirrorOf: { __typename?: 'Comment', id: any, createdAt: any, appId?: any | null, hidden: boolean, reaction?: ReactionTypes | null, mirrors: Array, hasCollectedByMe: boolean, isGated: boolean, mainPost: { __typename?: 'Mirror', id: any, createdAt: any, appId?: any | null, hidden: boolean, reaction?: ReactionTypes | null, hasCollectedByMe: boolean, isGated: boolean, profile: { __typename?: 'Profile', id: any, name?: string | null, bio?: string | null, isFollowedByMe: boolean, isFollowing: boolean, followNftAddress?: any | null, metadata?: any | null, isDefault: boolean, handle: any, ownedBy: any, attributes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Attribute', displayType?: string | null, traitType?: string | null, key: string, value: string }> | null, picture?: { __typename?: 'MediaSet', original: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null }, small?: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null } | null, medium?: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null } | null } | { __typename?: 'NftImage', contractAddress: any, tokenId: string, uri: any, verified: boolean } | null, coverPicture?: { __typename?: 'MediaSet', original: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null }, small?: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null } | null, medium?: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null } | null } | { __typename?: 'NftImage', contractAddress: any, tokenId: string, uri: any, verified: boolean } | null, dispatcher?: { __typename?: 'Dispatcher', address: any, canUseRelay: boolean } | null, stats: { __typename?: 'ProfileStats', totalFollowers: number, totalFollowing: number, totalPosts: number, totalComments: number, totalMirrors: number, totalPublications: number, totalCollects: number }, followModule?: { __typename?: 'FeeFollowModuleSettings', type: FollowModules, recipient: any, amount: { __typename?: 'ModuleFeeAmount', value: string, asset: { __typename?: 'Erc20', name: string, symbol: string, decimals: number, address: any } } } | { __typename?: 'ProfileFollowModuleSettings', type: FollowModules, contractAddress: any } | { __typename?: 'RevertFollowModuleSettings', type: FollowModules, contractAddress: any } | { __typename?: 'UnknownFollowModuleSettings', type: FollowModules, contractAddress: any, followModuleReturnData: any } | null, onChainIdentity: { __typename?: 'OnChainIdentity', proofOfHumanity: boolean, ens?: { __typename?: 'EnsOnChainIdentity', name?: any | null } | null, sybilDotOrg: { __typename?: 'SybilDotOrgIdentity', verified: boolean, source: { __typename?: 'SybilDotOrgIdentitySource', twitter: { __typename?: 'SybilDotOrgTwitterIdentity', handle?: string | null } } }, worldcoin: { __typename?: 'WorldcoinIdentity', isHuman: boolean } } }, stats: { __typename?: 'PublicationStats', totalAmountOfMirrors: number, totalAmountOfCollects: number, totalAmountOfComments: number }, metadata: { __typename?: 'MetadataOutput', name?: string | null, description?: any | null, content?: any | null, media: Array<{ __typename?: 'MediaSet', original: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null }, small?: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null } | null, medium?: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null } | null }>, attributes: Array<{ __typename?: 'MetadataAttributeOutput', displayType?: PublicationMetadataDisplayTypes | null, traitType?: string | null, value?: string | null }>, encryptionParams?: { __typename?: 'EncryptionParamsOutput', providerSpecificParams: { __typename?: 'ProviderSpecificParamsOutput', encryptionKey: any }, accessCondition: { __typename?: 'AccessConditionOutput', nft?: { __typename?: 'NftOwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, chainID: any, contractType: ContractType, tokenIds?: Array | null } | null, eoa?: { __typename?: 'EoaOwnershipOutput', address: any } | null, token?: { __typename?: 'Erc20OwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, amount: string, chainID: any, condition: ScalarOperator, decimals: number } | null, profile?: { __typename?: 'ProfileOwnershipOutput', profileId: any } | null, follow?: { __typename?: 'FollowConditionOutput', profileId: any } | null, collect?: { __typename?: 'CollectConditionOutput', publicationId?: any | null, thisPublication?: boolean | null } | null, and?: { __typename?: 'AndConditionOutput', criteria: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccessConditionOutput', and?: { __typename?: 'AndConditionOutput', criteria: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccessConditionOutput', nft?: { __typename?: 'NftOwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, chainID: any, contractType: ContractType, tokenIds?: Array | null } | null, eoa?: { __typename?: 'EoaOwnershipOutput', address: any } | null, token?: { __typename?: 'Erc20OwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, amount: string, chainID: any, condition: ScalarOperator, decimals: number } | null, profile?: { __typename?: 'ProfileOwnershipOutput', profileId: any } | null, follow?: { __typename?: 'FollowConditionOutput', profileId: any } | null, collect?: { __typename?: 'CollectConditionOutput', publicationId?: any | null, thisPublication?: boolean | null } | null }> } | null, or?: { __typename?: 'OrConditionOutput', criteria: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccessConditionOutput', nft?: { __typename?: 'NftOwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, chainID: any, contractType: ContractType, tokenIds?: Array | null } | null, eoa?: { __typename?: 'EoaOwnershipOutput', address: any } | null, token?: { __typename?: 'Erc20OwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, amount: string, chainID: any, condition: ScalarOperator, decimals: number } | null, profile?: { __typename?: 'ProfileOwnershipOutput', profileId: any } | null, follow?: { __typename?: 'FollowConditionOutput', profileId: any } | null, collect?: { __typename?: 'CollectConditionOutput', publicationId?: any | null, thisPublication?: boolean | null } | null }> } | null, nft?: { __typename?: 'NftOwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, chainID: any, contractType: ContractType, tokenIds?: Array | null } | null, eoa?: { __typename?: 'EoaOwnershipOutput', address: any } | null, token?: { __typename?: 'Erc20OwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, amount: string, chainID: any, condition: ScalarOperator, decimals: number } | null, profile?: { __typename?: 'ProfileOwnershipOutput', profileId: any } | null, follow?: { __typename?: 'FollowConditionOutput', profileId: any } | null, collect?: { __typename?: 'CollectConditionOutput', publicationId?: any | null, thisPublication?: boolean | null } | null }> } | null, or?: { __typename?: 'OrConditionOutput', criteria: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccessConditionOutput', and?: { __typename?: 'AndConditionOutput', criteria: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccessConditionOutput', nft?: { __typename?: 'NftOwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, chainID: any, contractType: ContractType, tokenIds?: Array | null } | null, eoa?: { __typename?: 'EoaOwnershipOutput', address: any } | null, token?: { __typename?: 'Erc20OwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, amount: string, chainID: any, condition: ScalarOperator, decimals: number } | null, profile?: { __typename?: 'ProfileOwnershipOutput', profileId: any } | null, follow?: { __typename?: 'FollowConditionOutput', profileId: any } | null, collect?: { __typename?: 'CollectConditionOutput', publicationId?: any | null, thisPublication?: boolean | null } | null }> } | null, or?: { __typename?: 'OrConditionOutput', criteria: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccessConditionOutput', nft?: { __typename?: 'NftOwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, chainID: any, contractType: ContractType, tokenIds?: Array | null } | null, eoa?: { __typename?: 'EoaOwnershipOutput', address: any } | null, token?: { __typename?: 'Erc20OwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, amount: string, chainID: any, condition: ScalarOperator, decimals: number } | null, profile?: { __typename?: 'ProfileOwnershipOutput', profileId: any } | null, follow?: { __typename?: 'FollowConditionOutput', profileId: any } | null, collect?: { __typename?: 'CollectConditionOutput', publicationId?: any | null, thisPublication?: boolean | null } | null }> } | null, nft?: { __typename?: 'NftOwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, chainID: any, contractType: ContractType, tokenIds?: Array | null } | null, eoa?: { __typename?: 'EoaOwnershipOutput', address: any } | null, token?: { __typename?: 'Erc20OwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, amount: string, chainID: any, condition: ScalarOperator, decimals: number } | null, profile?: { __typename?: 'ProfileOwnershipOutput', profileId: any } | null, follow?: { __typename?: 'FollowConditionOutput', profileId: any } | null, collect?: { __typename?: 'CollectConditionOutput', publicationId?: any | null, thisPublication?: boolean | null } | null }> } | null }, encryptedFields: { __typename?: 'EncryptedFieldsOutput', animation_url?: any | null, content?: any | null, external_url?: any | null, image?: any | null, media?: Array<{ __typename?: 'EncryptedMediaSet', original: { __typename?: 'EncryptedMedia', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null }, small?: { __typename?: 'EncryptedMedia', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null } | null, medium?: { __typename?: 'EncryptedMedia', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null } | null }> | null } } | null }, collectModule: { __typename: 'FeeCollectModuleSettings', type: CollectModules, recipient: any, referralFee: number, amount: { __typename?: 'ModuleFeeAmount', value: string, asset: { __typename?: 'Erc20', name: string, symbol: string, decimals: number, address: any } } } | { __typename: 'FreeCollectModuleSettings', type: CollectModules, followerOnly: boolean, contractAddress: any } | { __typename: 'LimitedFeeCollectModuleSettings', type: CollectModules, collectLimit: string, recipient: any, referralFee: number, amount: { __typename?: 'ModuleFeeAmount', value: string, asset: { __typename?: 'Erc20', name: string, symbol: string, decimals: number, address: any } } } | { __typename: 'LimitedTimedFeeCollectModuleSettings', type: CollectModules, collectLimit: string, recipient: any, referralFee: number, endTimestamp: any, amount: { __typename?: 'ModuleFeeAmount', value: string, asset: { __typename?: 'Erc20', name: string, symbol: string, decimals: number, address: any } } } | { __typename: 'RevertCollectModuleSettings', type: CollectModules } | { __typename: 'TimedFeeCollectModuleSettings', type: CollectModules, recipient: any, referralFee: number, endTimestamp: any, amount: { __typename?: 'ModuleFeeAmount', value: string, asset: { __typename?: 'Erc20', name: string, symbol: string, decimals: number, address: any } } } | { __typename: 'UnknownCollectModuleSettings', type: CollectModules, contractAddress: any, collectModuleReturnData: any }, referenceModule?: { __typename?: 'DegreesOfSeparationReferenceModuleSettings', type: ReferenceModules, contractAddress: any, commentsRestricted: boolean, mirrorsRestricted: boolean, degreesOfSeparation: number } | { __typename?: 'FollowOnlyReferenceModuleSettings', type: ReferenceModules, contractAddress: any } | { __typename?: 'UnknownReferenceModuleSettings', type: ReferenceModules, contractAddress: any, referenceModuleReturnData: any } | null } | { __typename?: 'Post', id: any, createdAt: any, appId?: any | null, hidden: boolean, reaction?: ReactionTypes | null, mirrors: Array, hasCollectedByMe: boolean, isGated: boolean, profile: { __typename?: 'Profile', id: any, name?: string | null, bio?: string | null, isFollowedByMe: boolean, isFollowing: boolean, followNftAddress?: any | null, metadata?: any | null, isDefault: boolean, handle: any, ownedBy: any, attributes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Attribute', displayType?: string | null, traitType?: string | null, key: string, value: string }> | null, picture?: { __typename?: 'MediaSet', original: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null }, small?: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null } | null, medium?: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null } | null } | { __typename?: 'NftImage', contractAddress: any, tokenId: string, uri: any, verified: boolean } | null, coverPicture?: { __typename?: 'MediaSet', original: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null }, small?: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null } | null, medium?: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null } | null } | { __typename?: 'NftImage', contractAddress: any, tokenId: string, uri: any, verified: boolean } | null, dispatcher?: { __typename?: 'Dispatcher', address: any, canUseRelay: boolean } | null, stats: { __typename?: 'ProfileStats', totalFollowers: number, totalFollowing: number, totalPosts: number, totalComments: number, totalMirrors: number, totalPublications: number, totalCollects: number }, followModule?: { __typename?: 'FeeFollowModuleSettings', type: FollowModules, recipient: any, amount: { __typename?: 'ModuleFeeAmount', value: string, asset: { __typename?: 'Erc20', name: string, symbol: string, decimals: number, address: any } } } | { __typename?: 'ProfileFollowModuleSettings', type: FollowModules, contractAddress: any } | { __typename?: 'RevertFollowModuleSettings', type: FollowModules, contractAddress: any } | { __typename?: 'UnknownFollowModuleSettings', type: FollowModules, contractAddress: any, followModuleReturnData: any } | null, onChainIdentity: { __typename?: 'OnChainIdentity', proofOfHumanity: boolean, ens?: { __typename?: 'EnsOnChainIdentity', name?: any | null } | null, sybilDotOrg: { __typename?: 'SybilDotOrgIdentity', verified: boolean, source: { __typename?: 'SybilDotOrgIdentitySource', twitter: { __typename?: 'SybilDotOrgTwitterIdentity', handle?: string | null } } }, worldcoin: { __typename?: 'WorldcoinIdentity', isHuman: boolean } } }, stats: { __typename?: 'PublicationStats', totalAmountOfMirrors: number, totalAmountOfCollects: number, totalAmountOfComments: number }, metadata: { __typename?: 'MetadataOutput', name?: string | null, description?: any | null, content?: any | null, media: Array<{ __typename?: 'MediaSet', original: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null }, small?: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null } | null, medium?: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null } | null }>, attributes: Array<{ __typename?: 'MetadataAttributeOutput', displayType?: PublicationMetadataDisplayTypes | null, traitType?: string | null, value?: string | null }>, encryptionParams?: { __typename?: 'EncryptionParamsOutput', providerSpecificParams: { __typename?: 'ProviderSpecificParamsOutput', encryptionKey: any }, accessCondition: { __typename?: 'AccessConditionOutput', nft?: { __typename?: 'NftOwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, chainID: any, contractType: ContractType, tokenIds?: Array | null } | null, eoa?: { __typename?: 'EoaOwnershipOutput', address: any } | null, token?: { __typename?: 'Erc20OwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, amount: string, chainID: any, condition: ScalarOperator, decimals: number } | null, profile?: { __typename?: 'ProfileOwnershipOutput', profileId: any } | null, follow?: { __typename?: 'FollowConditionOutput', profileId: any } | null, collect?: { __typename?: 'CollectConditionOutput', publicationId?: any | null, thisPublication?: boolean | null } | null, and?: { __typename?: 'AndConditionOutput', criteria: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccessConditionOutput', and?: { __typename?: 'AndConditionOutput', criteria: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccessConditionOutput', nft?: { __typename?: 'NftOwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, chainID: any, contractType: ContractType, tokenIds?: Array | null } | null, eoa?: { __typename?: 'EoaOwnershipOutput', address: any } | null, token?: { __typename?: 'Erc20OwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, amount: string, chainID: any, condition: ScalarOperator, decimals: number } | null, profile?: { __typename?: 'ProfileOwnershipOutput', profileId: any } | null, follow?: { __typename?: 'FollowConditionOutput', profileId: any } | null, collect?: { __typename?: 'CollectConditionOutput', publicationId?: any | null, thisPublication?: boolean | null } | null }> } | null, or?: { __typename?: 'OrConditionOutput', criteria: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccessConditionOutput', nft?: { __typename?: 'NftOwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, chainID: any, contractType: ContractType, tokenIds?: Array | null } | null, eoa?: { __typename?: 'EoaOwnershipOutput', address: any } | null, token?: { __typename?: 'Erc20OwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, amount: string, chainID: any, condition: ScalarOperator, decimals: number } | null, profile?: { __typename?: 'ProfileOwnershipOutput', profileId: any } | null, follow?: { __typename?: 'FollowConditionOutput', profileId: any } | null, collect?: { __typename?: 'CollectConditionOutput', publicationId?: any | null, thisPublication?: boolean | null } | null }> } | null, nft?: { __typename?: 'NftOwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, chainID: any, contractType: ContractType, tokenIds?: Array | null } | null, eoa?: { __typename?: 'EoaOwnershipOutput', address: any } | null, token?: { __typename?: 'Erc20OwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, amount: string, chainID: any, condition: ScalarOperator, decimals: number } | null, profile?: { __typename?: 'ProfileOwnershipOutput', profileId: any } | null, follow?: { __typename?: 'FollowConditionOutput', profileId: any } | null, collect?: { __typename?: 'CollectConditionOutput', publicationId?: any | null, thisPublication?: boolean | null } | null }> } | null, or?: { __typename?: 'OrConditionOutput', criteria: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccessConditionOutput', and?: { __typename?: 'AndConditionOutput', criteria: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccessConditionOutput', nft?: { __typename?: 'NftOwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, chainID: any, contractType: ContractType, tokenIds?: Array | null } | null, eoa?: { __typename?: 'EoaOwnershipOutput', address: any } | null, token?: { __typename?: 'Erc20OwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, amount: string, chainID: any, condition: ScalarOperator, decimals: number } | null, profile?: { __typename?: 'ProfileOwnershipOutput', profileId: any } | null, follow?: { __typename?: 'FollowConditionOutput', profileId: any } | null, collect?: { __typename?: 'CollectConditionOutput', publicationId?: any | null, thisPublication?: boolean | null } | null }> } | null, or?: { __typename?: 'OrConditionOutput', criteria: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccessConditionOutput', nft?: { __typename?: 'NftOwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, chainID: any, contractType: ContractType, tokenIds?: Array | null } | null, eoa?: { __typename?: 'EoaOwnershipOutput', address: any } | null, token?: { __typename?: 'Erc20OwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, amount: string, chainID: any, condition: ScalarOperator, decimals: number } | null, profile?: { __typename?: 'ProfileOwnershipOutput', profileId: any } | null, follow?: { __typename?: 'FollowConditionOutput', profileId: any } | null, collect?: { __typename?: 'CollectConditionOutput', publicationId?: any | null, thisPublication?: boolean | null } | null }> } | null, nft?: { __typename?: 'NftOwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, chainID: any, contractType: ContractType, tokenIds?: Array | null } | null, eoa?: { __typename?: 'EoaOwnershipOutput', address: any } | null, token?: { __typename?: 'Erc20OwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, amount: string, chainID: any, condition: ScalarOperator, decimals: number } | null, profile?: { __typename?: 'ProfileOwnershipOutput', profileId: any } | null, follow?: { __typename?: 'FollowConditionOutput', profileId: any } | null, collect?: { __typename?: 'CollectConditionOutput', publicationId?: any | null, thisPublication?: boolean | null } | null }> } | null }, encryptedFields: { __typename?: 'EncryptedFieldsOutput', animation_url?: any | null, content?: any | null, external_url?: any | null, image?: any | null, media?: Array<{ __typename?: 'EncryptedMediaSet', original: { __typename?: 'EncryptedMedia', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null }, small?: { __typename?: 'EncryptedMedia', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null } | null, medium?: { __typename?: 'EncryptedMedia', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null } | null }> | null } } | null }, collectModule: { __typename: 'FeeCollectModuleSettings', type: CollectModules, recipient: any, referralFee: number, amount: { __typename?: 'ModuleFeeAmount', value: string, asset: { 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__typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null } | null, medium?: { __typename?: 'Media', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null } | null }>, attributes: Array<{ __typename?: 'MetadataAttributeOutput', displayType?: PublicationMetadataDisplayTypes | null, traitType?: string | null, value?: string | null }>, encryptionParams?: { __typename?: 'EncryptionParamsOutput', providerSpecificParams: { __typename?: 'ProviderSpecificParamsOutput', encryptionKey: any }, accessCondition: { __typename?: 'AccessConditionOutput', nft?: { __typename?: 'NftOwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, chainID: any, contractType: ContractType, tokenIds?: Array | null } | null, eoa?: { __typename?: 'EoaOwnershipOutput', address: any } | null, token?: { __typename?: 'Erc20OwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, amount: string, chainID: any, condition: ScalarOperator, decimals: number } | null, profile?: { __typename?: 'ProfileOwnershipOutput', profileId: any } | null, follow?: { __typename?: 'FollowConditionOutput', profileId: any } | null, collect?: { __typename?: 'CollectConditionOutput', publicationId?: any | null, thisPublication?: boolean | null } | null, and?: { __typename?: 'AndConditionOutput', criteria: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccessConditionOutput', and?: { __typename?: 'AndConditionOutput', criteria: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccessConditionOutput', nft?: { __typename?: 'NftOwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, chainID: any, contractType: ContractType, tokenIds?: Array | null } | null, eoa?: { __typename?: 'EoaOwnershipOutput', address: any } | null, token?: { __typename?: 'Erc20OwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, amount: string, chainID: any, condition: ScalarOperator, decimals: number } | null, profile?: { __typename?: 'ProfileOwnershipOutput', profileId: any } | null, follow?: { __typename?: 'FollowConditionOutput', profileId: any } | null, collect?: { __typename?: 'CollectConditionOutput', publicationId?: any | null, thisPublication?: boolean | null } | null }> } | null, or?: { __typename?: 'OrConditionOutput', criteria: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccessConditionOutput', nft?: { __typename?: 'NftOwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, chainID: any, contractType: ContractType, tokenIds?: Array | null } | null, eoa?: { __typename?: 'EoaOwnershipOutput', address: any } | null, token?: { __typename?: 'Erc20OwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, amount: string, chainID: any, condition: ScalarOperator, decimals: number } | null, profile?: { __typename?: 'ProfileOwnershipOutput', profileId: any } | null, follow?: { __typename?: 'FollowConditionOutput', profileId: any } | null, collect?: { __typename?: 'CollectConditionOutput', publicationId?: any | null, thisPublication?: boolean | null } | null }> } | null, nft?: { __typename?: 'NftOwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, chainID: any, contractType: ContractType, tokenIds?: Array | null } | null, eoa?: { __typename?: 'EoaOwnershipOutput', address: any } | null, token?: { __typename?: 'Erc20OwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, amount: string, chainID: any, condition: ScalarOperator, decimals: number } | null, profile?: { __typename?: 'ProfileOwnershipOutput', profileId: any } | null, follow?: { __typename?: 'FollowConditionOutput', profileId: any } | null, collect?: { __typename?: 'CollectConditionOutput', publicationId?: any | null, thisPublication?: boolean | null } | null }> } | null, or?: { __typename?: 'OrConditionOutput', criteria: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccessConditionOutput', and?: { __typename?: 'AndConditionOutput', criteria: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccessConditionOutput', nft?: { __typename?: 'NftOwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, chainID: any, contractType: ContractType, tokenIds?: Array | null } | null, eoa?: { __typename?: 'EoaOwnershipOutput', address: any } | null, token?: { __typename?: 'Erc20OwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, amount: string, chainID: any, condition: ScalarOperator, decimals: number } | null, profile?: { __typename?: 'ProfileOwnershipOutput', profileId: any } | null, follow?: { __typename?: 'FollowConditionOutput', profileId: any } | null, collect?: { __typename?: 'CollectConditionOutput', publicationId?: any | null, thisPublication?: boolean | null } | null }> } | null, or?: { __typename?: 'OrConditionOutput', criteria: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccessConditionOutput', nft?: { __typename?: 'NftOwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, chainID: any, contractType: ContractType, tokenIds?: Array | null } | null, eoa?: { __typename?: 'EoaOwnershipOutput', address: any } | null, token?: { __typename?: 'Erc20OwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, amount: string, chainID: any, condition: ScalarOperator, decimals: number } | null, profile?: { __typename?: 'ProfileOwnershipOutput', profileId: any } | null, follow?: { __typename?: 'FollowConditionOutput', profileId: any } | null, collect?: { __typename?: 'CollectConditionOutput', publicationId?: any | null, thisPublication?: boolean | null } | null }> } | null, nft?: { __typename?: 'NftOwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, chainID: any, contractType: ContractType, tokenIds?: Array | null } | null, eoa?: { __typename?: 'EoaOwnershipOutput', address: any } | null, token?: { __typename?: 'Erc20OwnershipOutput', contractAddress: any, amount: string, chainID: any, condition: ScalarOperator, decimals: number } | null, profile?: { __typename?: 'ProfileOwnershipOutput', profileId: any } | null, follow?: { __typename?: 'FollowConditionOutput', profileId: any } | null, collect?: { __typename?: 'CollectConditionOutput', publicationId?: any | null, thisPublication?: boolean | null } | null }> } | null }, encryptedFields: { __typename?: 'EncryptedFieldsOutput', animation_url?: any | null, content?: any | null, external_url?: any | null, image?: any | null, media?: Array<{ __typename?: 'EncryptedMediaSet', original: { __typename?: 'EncryptedMedia', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null }, small?: { __typename?: 'EncryptedMedia', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null } | null, medium?: { __typename?: 'EncryptedMedia', url: any, width?: number | null, height?: number | null, mimeType?: any | null } | null }> | null } } | null }, collectModule: { __typename: 'FeeCollectModuleSettings', type: CollectModules, recipient: any, referralFee: number, amount: { __typename?: 'ModuleFeeAmount', value: string, asset: { __typename?: 'Erc20', name: string, symbol: string, decimals: number, address: any } } } | { __typename: 'FreeCollectModuleSettings', type: CollectModules, followerOnly: boolean, contractAddress: any } | { __typename: 'LimitedFeeCollectModuleSettings', type: CollectModules, collectLimit: string, recipient: any, referralFee: number, amount: { __typename?: 'ModuleFeeAmount', value: string, asset: { __typename?: 'Erc20', name: string, symbol: string, decimals: number, address: any } } } | { __typename: 'LimitedTimedFeeCollectModuleSettings', type: CollectModules, collectLimit: string, recipient: any, referralFee: number, endTimestamp: any, amount: { __typename?: 'ModuleFeeAmount', value: string, asset: { __typename?: 'Erc20', name: string, symbol: string, decimals: number, address: any } } } | { __typename: 'RevertCollectModuleSettings', type: CollectModules } | { __typename: 'TimedFeeCollectModuleSettings', type: CollectModules, recipient: any, referralFee: number, endTimestamp: any, amount: { __typename?: 'ModuleFeeAmount', value: string, asset: { __typename?: 'Erc20', name: string, symbol: string, decimals: number, address: any } } } | { __typename: 'UnknownCollectModuleSettings', type: CollectModules, contractAddress: any, collectModuleReturnData: any }, referenceModule?: { __typename?: 'DegreesOfSeparationReferenceModuleSettings', type: ReferenceModules, contractAddress: any, commentsRestricted: boolean, mirrorsRestricted: boolean, degreesOfSeparation: number } | { __typename?: 'FollowOnlyReferenceModuleSettings', type: ReferenceModules, contractAddress: any } | { __typename?: 'UnknownReferenceModuleSettings', type: ReferenceModules, contractAddress: any, referenceModuleReturnData: any } | null }>, pageInfo: { __typename?: 'PaginatedResultInfo', prev?: any | null, next?: any | null, totalCount?: number | null } } };
export type RefreshMutationVariables = Exact<{
request: RefreshRequest;
@@ -4678,6 +4692,85 @@ export const useDefaultProfileQuery = <
fetcher(DefaultProfileDocument, variables),
+export const ProfileDocument = `
+ query profile($request: SingleProfileQueryRequest!) {
+ profile(request: $request) {
+ ...ProfileFields
+ }
+ ${ProfileFieldsFragmentDoc}
+export const useProfileQuery = <
+ TData = ProfileQuery,
+ TError = unknown
+ >(
+ variables: ProfileQueryVariables,
+ options?: UseQueryOptions
+ ) =>
+ useQuery(
+ ['profile', variables],
+ fetcher(ProfileDocument, variables),
+ options
+ );
+export const PublicationsDocument = `
+ query publications($request: PublicationsQueryRequest!) {
+ publications(request: $request) {
+ items {
+ __typename
+ ... on Post {
+ ...PostFields
+ }
+ ... on Comment {
+ ...CommentFields
+ }
+ ... on Mirror {
+ ...MirrorFields
+ }
+ }
+ pageInfo {
+ ...CommonPaginatedResultInfoFields
+ }
+ }
+ ${PostFieldsFragmentDoc}
+export const usePublicationsQuery = <
+ TData = PublicationsQuery,
+ TError = unknown
+ >(
+ variables: PublicationsQueryVariables,
+ options?: UseQueryOptions
+ ) =>
+ useQuery(
+ ['publications', variables],
+ fetcher(PublicationsDocument, variables),
+ options
+ );
export const RefreshDocument = `
mutation Refresh($request: RefreshRequest!) {
refresh(request: $request) {
diff --git a/Server/frontend/graphql/get-profile.graphql b/Server/frontend/graphql/get-profile.graphql
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d5177dae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Server/frontend/graphql/get-profile.graphql
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+query profile($request: SingleProfileQueryRequest!) {
+ profile(request: $request) {
+ ...ProfileFields
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Server/frontend/graphql/get-publications.graphql b/Server/frontend/graphql/get-publications.graphql
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..249aedc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Server/frontend/graphql/get-publications.graphql
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+query publications($request: PublicationsQueryRequest!) {
+ publications(request: $request) {
+ items {
+ __typename
+ ... on Post {
+ ...PostFields
+ }
+ ... on Comment {
+ ...CommentFields
+ }
+ ... on Mirror {
+ ...MirrorFields
+ }
+ }
+ pageInfo {
+ ...CommonPaginatedResultInfoFields
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Server/frontend/lib/auth/refreshAccessToken.ts b/Server/frontend/lib/auth/refreshAccessToken.ts
index b4ff6fa0..9a88fa70 100644
--- a/Server/frontend/lib/auth/refreshAccessToken.ts
+++ b/Server/frontend/lib/auth/refreshAccessToken.ts
@@ -2,22 +2,53 @@ import { fetcher } from "../../graphql/auth-fetcher";
import { RefreshMutation, RefreshMutationVariables, RefreshDocument } from "../../graphql/generated";
import { readAccessToken, setAccessToken } from "./helpers";
export default async function refreshAccessToken () { // Take current refresh, access token to Lens to generate a new Access token
// Read refresh token from local storage
const currentRefreshToken = readAccessToken()?.refreshToken;
if (!currentRefreshToken) return null;
- // Send refresh token to Lens
- const result = await fetcher(RefreshDocument, {
- request: {
- refreshToken: currentRefreshToken
+ async function fetchData(
+ query: string,
+ variables?: Tvariables,
+ options?: RequestInit['headers']
+ ): Promise {
+ const res = await fetch('https://api.lens.dev', {
+ method: "POST",
+ headers: {
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
+ ...options,
+ 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': "*",
- })();
+ body: JSON.stringify({
+ query,
+ variables,
+ }),
+ });
+ const json = await res.json();
+ if (json.errors) {
+ const { message } = json.errors[0] || {};
+ throw new Error(message || "Error...");
+ };
+ return json.data;
+ };
// Set new refresh token
- const {
- accessToken, refreshToken: newRefreshToken
- } = result.refresh;
+ const result = await fetchData<
+ RefreshMutation, RefreshMutationVariables
+ >(RefreshDocument, {
+ request: {
+ refreshToken: currentRefreshToken,
+ },
+ });
+ const {
+ refresh: {
+ accessToken, refreshToken: newRefreshToken
+ }
+ } = result;
setAccessToken(accessToken, newRefreshToken);
return accessToken as string;
diff --git a/Server/frontend/lib/auth/useLogin.ts b/Server/frontend/lib/auth/useLogin.ts
index 78db1e8a..beb8528c 100644
--- a/Server/frontend/lib/auth/useLogin.ts
+++ b/Server/frontend/lib/auth/useLogin.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { useMutation } from "@apollo/client";
+import { useQueryClient, useMutation } from "@tanstack/react-query";
import { useAddress, useSDK } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";
import { useAuthenticateMutation } from "../../graphql/generated";
import generateChallenge from "./generateChallenge";
@@ -9,32 +9,24 @@ import { setAccessToken } from "./helpers";
export default function useLogin() {
const address = useAddress(); // Ensure user has connected wallet
const sdk = useSDK();
- const {
- mutateAsync: sendSignedMessage
- } = useAuthenticateMutation();
+ const { mutateAsync: sendSignedMessage } = useAuthenticateMutation();
+ const client = useQueryClient();
- async function login () {
- if (!address) {
- console.error('No address found. Please try connecting your wallet to continue signing into Lens');
- return null;
- }
- const { challenge } = await generateChallenge(address); // Generate challenge from the Lens API
- const signature = await sdk?.wallet.sign(challenge.text); // Sign the returned challenge with the user's wallet
- const { // Send the signed challenge to the Lens API
- authenticate
- } = await sendSignedMessage({
+ async function login() {
+ if (!address) return;
+ const { challenge } = await generateChallenge(address); // Generate a challenge (for auth) from Lens API
+ const signature = await sdk?.wallet.sign(challenge.text); // Sign the challenge
+ const { authenticate } = await sendSignedMessage({
request: {
- const { accessToken, refreshToken} = authenticate;
+ const { accessToken, refreshToken } = authenticate;
setAccessToken(accessToken, refreshToken);
+ client.invalidateQueries(['lens-user', address]);
- // Receive an access token from Lens API
return useMutation(login);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Server/frontend/pages/index.tsx b/Server/frontend/pages/index.tsx
index 72f69d36..3b95bdb3 100644
--- a/Server/frontend/pages/index.tsx
+++ b/Server/frontend/pages/index.tsx
@@ -1,11 +1,34 @@
-import type { NextPage } from "next";
-import useAuthenticate from '../hooks/useAuthenticate';
-import { useAddress, useDisconnect, useUser, useLogout, useMetamask, ConnectWallet } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";
-import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
-import { PublicationSortCriteria, useExplorePublicationsQuery } from "../graphql/generated";
-import useLogin from "../lib/auth/useLogin";
+import FeedPost from "../components/FeedPost";
import SignInButton from "../components/SignInButton";
+import { PublicationSortCriteria, useExplorePublicationsQuery } from "../graphql/generated";
+import styles from '../styles/Home.module.css';
export default function Home () {
- return ;
+ const { isLoading, error, data } = useExplorePublicationsQuery({
+ request: {
+ sortCriteria: PublicationSortCriteria.TopCollected,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
+ refetchOnReconnect: false,
+ });
+ if (isLoading) {
+ return (Loading
+ };
+ if (error) {
+ return (Error
+ };
+ return (
+ {data?.explorePublications.items.map((publication) => (
+ ))};
+ );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Server/frontend/pages/profile/[id].tsx b/Server/frontend/pages/profile/[id].tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f2ce724e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Server/frontend/pages/profile/[id].tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
+import React from 'react';
+import { useProfileQuery, usePublicationsQuery } from '../../graphql/generated';
+import styles from '../../styles/Profile.module.css';
+type Props = {}
+export default function ProfilePage({}: Props) {
+ const router = useRouter();
+ const { id } = router.query;
+ const { isLoading: loadingProfile, data: profileData } = useProfileQuery({
+ request: {
+ handle: id,
+ },
+ }, {
+ enabled: !!id,
+ });
+ const { isLoading: isLoadingPublications, data: publicationsData } = usePublicationsQuery({
+ request: {
+ profileId: profileData?.profile?.id
+ },
+ }, {
+ enabled: !!profileData?.profile?.id,
+ });
+ return (
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Server/frontend/styles/FeedPost.module.css b/Server/frontend/styles/FeedPost.module.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca3f873f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Server/frontend/styles/FeedPost.module.css
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+.feedPostContainer {
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ align-items: center;
+ justify-content: center;
+ background-color: rgba(30, 30, 30, 0.9);
+ border: 1px solid black;
+ border-radius: 10px;
+ padding: 16px;
+ margin-bottom: 16px;
+ width: 100%;
+ gap: 16px;
+ text-align: center;
+.feedPostHeader {
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: row;
+ align-items: center;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ gap: 12px;
+.feedPostProfilePicture {
+ border-radius: 50%;
+ width: 48px;
+ height: 48px;
+ border: 1px solid black;
+.feedPostProfileName {
+ font-size: 16px;
+ font-weight: 600;
+.feedPostContentImage {
+ height: 256px;
+.feedPostContentTitle {
+ font-size: 24px;
+ font-weight: 600;
+.feedPostContentDescription {
+ font-size: 16px;
+ font-weight: 400;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Server/frontend/styles/Home.module.css b/Server/frontend/styles/Home.module.css
index bd50f42f..af1b0151 100644
--- a/Server/frontend/styles/Home.module.css
+++ b/Server/frontend/styles/Home.module.css
@@ -1,129 +1,14 @@
.container {
- padding: 0 2rem;
-.main {
- min-height: 100vh;
- padding: 4rem 0;
- flex: 1;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
- justify-content: center;
- align-items: center;
-.footer {
- display: flex;
- flex: 1;
- padding: 2rem 0;
- border-top: 1px solid #eaeaea;
- justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
-.footer a {
- display: flex;
justify-content: center;
- align-items: center;
- flex-grow: 1;
-.title a {
- color: #0070f3;
- text-decoration: none;
-.title a:hover,
-.title a:focus,
-.title a:active {
- text-decoration: underline;
-.title {
- margin: 0;
- line-height: 1.15;
- font-size: 4rem;
-.description {
- text-align: center;
-.description {
- margin: 4rem 0;
- line-height: 1.5;
- font-size: 1.5rem;
-.code {
- background: #fafafa;
- border-radius: 5px;
- padding: 0.75rem;
- font-size: 1.1rem;
- font-family: Menlo, Monaco, Lucida Console, Liberation Mono, DejaVu Sans Mono,
- Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Courier New, monospace;
-.grid {
+.postsContainer {
display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
- flex-wrap: wrap;
max-width: 800px;
-.card {
- margin: 1rem;
- padding: 1.5rem;
- text-align: left;
- color: inherit;
- text-decoration: none;
- border: 1px solid #eaeaea;
- border-radius: 10px;
- transition: color 0.15s ease, border-color 0.15s ease;
- max-width: 300px;
-.card:active {
- color: #0070f3;
- border-color: #0070f3;
-.card h2 {
- margin: 0 0 1rem 0;
- font-size: 1.5rem;
-.card p {
- margin: 0;
- font-size: 1.25rem;
- line-height: 1.5;
-.logo {
- height: 1em;
- margin-left: 0.5rem;
-@media (max-width: 600px) {
- .grid {
- width: 100%;
- flex-direction: column;
- }
-@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
- .card,
- .footer {
- border-color: #222;
- }
- .code {
- background: #111;
- }
- .logo img {
- filter: invert(1);
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Server/frontend/styles/Profile.module.css b/Server/frontend/styles/Profile.module.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b