This is our typical settings to launch a new AWS EC2 server, suitable for our typical content delivery network server.
Adjust these instructions as you like for your purposes.
AMI image id:
- ami-05aa248bfb1c99d0f: Ubuntu 18.04 server, most recent version, by Canonical.
Instance type:
- r4.xlarge: high memory, needed for the CDN to provide many open connections.
To get a list of VPCs:
aws ec2 describe-vpcs
We choose the subnet that matches the CDN purpose.
To get a list of subnets:
aws ec2 describe-subnets
We choose the subnet that matches the CDN purpose.
Key name:
This is the AWS keypair name.
We choose the key pair that's specifically for the CDN purpose.
Security group id:
This is the AWS EC2 Security Group Id, e.g. "sg-12345abcd".
We choose the security group id that's specifically for the CDN purpose.
List them at
Volume type:
gp2: General Purpose SSD (we use this for the operating system storage)
io1: Provisioned IOPS SSD
st1: Throughput Optimized HDD
sc1: Cold HDD
Device mappings:
- /dev/sda1 400 gig SSD
Other settings:
monitoring enabled
ebs optimized
disable termination
aws ec2 run-instances \
--dry-run \
--profile my-profile-name \
--image-id ami-05aa248bfb1c99d0f \
--subnet-id subnet-??????? \
--count 1 \
--instance-type r4.xlarge \
--monitoring "Enabled=true" \
--ebs-optimized \
--disable-api-termination \
--key-name ????????? \
--security-group-ids ????????? \
--block-device-mappings '{"DeviceName":"/dev/sda1","Ebs":{"VolumeSize":400,"VolumeType":"gp2","DeleteOnTermination":true}]'
Add a tag for the name:
aws ec2 create-tags \
--dry-run \
--profile my-profile-name \
--resources i-xxxxxxxx \
--tags "Key=Name,Value=CDN"