The jk_bms_display
component does not provide all the information needed for an optimal operation of YamBMS
The missing information has been added in the code by fixed values.
e.g. it's not possible to know if the BMS is online
or if the BMS is equalizing
the cells.
│ JK-B2A8S20P │
│ │
│ Temp CAN GPS Display Balancer │
│││││└─ K-
││││└── K+
│││└─── GND ( not common with B- , isolated ? )
││└──── B
│└───── A
└────── VCC = +/- 11.5V
│ JK-BD6A2xS10P, JK-BxA24SxxP │
│ │
│ CAN GPS Display Heat │
│││││└─ VCC ┌───────────────┐ ┌─────────────────┐
││││└── A ────────│A+ GND│────────│GND │
│││└─── B ────────│B- RS485 RXD│────────│RX ESP32/ │
││└──── GND │ to TTL TXD│ │TX ESP8266 GND│──────
│└───── K+ │ module VCC│────────│5V VCC│──────
└────── K- └───────────────┘ └─────────────────┘
K- o-------[ 100kΩ ]-----o /
K+ o---------------------o/