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86 lines (67 loc) · 4.21 KB

File metadata and controls

86 lines (67 loc) · 4.21 KB



Important commands to remember

Command Description
:Packer[...] Run Packer commands
:Mason Open the Mason overview
:LspInfo Open the LspInfo overview
:checkhealth nvim Ensure NeoVim is set up correctly
:checkhealth mason Ensure Mason is set up correctly
:checkhealth telescope Ensure Telescope is set up correctly
:checkhealth vim.treesitter Ensure Treesitter is set up correctly


Holds an overview of the current mappings that I actively use


Binding References Description
, <Leader> Comma is the leader key
,<space> noh Clear highlighting
j gj Will move down within wrapped text
h gh Will move up within wrapped text


Binding References Description
<tab> cmp.mapping.confirm Within completion, use ENTER to confirm selection
<CR> cmp.select_next_item Within completion, use TAB to select next item


Binding References Description
gd vim.lsp.buf.definition() Go to definition
gr vim.lsp.buf.references() Go to references
gh vim.lsp.buf.hover() See hover info
gi vim.lsp.buf.implementation() Go to implementation
gs vim.lsp.buf.signature_help() See signature_help


Binding References Description
,f builtin.find_files Open file search
,s builtin.live_grep Open grep search
,b builtin.buffers Open buffer search
,p builtin.diagnostics Open diagnostics search
,d builtin.lsp_definitions Open definition search
,r builtin.lsp_references Open references search
,i builtin.lsp_implementations Open implementations search


Binding References Description
,, NvimTreeFindFileToggle Will open the current file in the tree, or close the tree
,m NvimTreeRefresh Will refresh the tree


Binding References Description
:w :Format Attempt to format on save
:w lini.try_lint Attempt to lint on save

Less important (no need to remember, but good to know)

Binding References Description
j gj Will move down within wrapped text
h gh Will move up within wrapped text
W gh Will move up within wrapped text
:Wq :wq Autocorrect command when pressing too fast
:Wqa :wqa Autocorrect command when pressing too fast
:WQ :wq Autocorrect command when pressing too fast
:WQa :wqa Autocorrect command when pressing too fast
:WQA :wqa Autocorrect command when pressing too fast
:W :w Autocorrect command when pressing too fast
:Q :q Autocorrect command when pressing too fast