All notable changes to the Smithsonian/smax-python library will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- #17: numpy resize() refcheck bypass. (by @attipaci, @PaulKGrimes)
- Automatic dependabot updates. (by @attipaci)
- GitHub CodeQL workflow. (by @attipaci)
- #17: Coverage tracking via (by @attipaci)
- Added license, contributors' guide, code of conduct, changelog.
- #15: GitHub pages deployed from dynamically built documentation using GitHub Actions and the current source. (by @attipaci)
- #14: Bumped GitHub Actions workflow actions versions to latest. (by @attipaci)
- README edits. (by @attipaci)
- #13:
submodule. These were needed for testing only, but there are better ways to do that without using submodules. (by @attipaci) - Removed old static API documentation. (by @attipaci)
- Remove extraneous print statements that were producing strange output. (by @PaulKGrimes)
- Alter the smax command line interface to work with one or both of the
options. (by @PaulKGrimes)
- Network failover and data classes testing. (by @PaulKGrimes)
- #11: Utilities. (by @PaulKGrimes)
Initial release.