InfoEnergia react dashboard for Som Energia Virtual Office.
- Copy .env.development.example as .env.development or generate it (see below)
- Fill the contract list and the token
- Trick: if you connect to the real OV infoenergia page as any user, and you inspect the code, the html contains both.
- Run
npm start
to launch the application. The landing page has an index to the target urls
To run the tests
npm run test
You can use scripts/
to generate the .env.development
The script requires a
file with a dict called erppeek_profiles
each key pointing to a different erppeek configuration (prod, test, stage...).
./scripts/ bypartner 123456789X > .env.development.123456789X
./scripts/ bycontract -t 3.0 > .env.development.tarifa30
./scripts/ bycontract -t 3.0 -z canary > .env.development.canary
And then link .env.development
to any of those. For example:
ln -sf .env.development.canary .env.development
CAUTION: After changing the .env.development
a restart is required since it is not monitored by autoreload.
Use --help
for more usage information.
This command will build and copy the files to oficinavirtual.
In order to work both repositories (infoenergia-dashboard
and oficinavirtual
should be cloned at the same directory level and with their default names.
npm run build:ov
- App
- TimeCurvePageWrapper
- Container/ContractSelectorWrapper: Selects contract and provide its data
- TimeCurvesContextProvider: Download curves and provide them
- TimeCurvesPage:
- TimeCurves:
- TimeCurvesBarChart
- TimeCurvesLineChart
- TimeCurves:
- TimeCurvesPage:
- TimeCurvesContextProvider: Download curves and provide them
- Container/ContractSelectorWrapper: Selects contract and provide its data
- TimeCurvePageWrapper