- Show composed url above tabs, when data is loaded, it is shown at the bottom
- Format: Properly formating json and yaml
- Format: YAML/JSON use syntax highlighting
- Time period and dates are not used
- Take geolevel info from API
- Maps should limit geolevels to the ones available
- Filter editor: Get all locations
- Filter editor: Multi select from locations
- Filter editor: Store filter state
- Filter editor: Build url query
- Maps should hide filters
- Maps should show languages
- Maps should hide (or show different) tabs
- Display svg maps
- Display gif maps
- Metrics: Take list from api
- Format: Download button for YAML and JSON
- Format: Download button for Table (Use CSV)
- Table: State and city unaligned
- URI: highlight URL changes (reuse Mar TDD'ed code in webforms-mithril)
- Bug: api geolevels might be loaded later and select does not work
- Fix: Requery metadata (metrics, geolevels...) when language changesa
- Show metric description
- Relative: Take list from api (requires changes on api)
- Bug: reset to a compatible geolevel when switching between map and data
- Table: Big lists (many city or many dates) are not working
- Table: Make it foldable
- Table: Color cells by relative increment on row value
- Table: Use a virtual table
- Format: consider it a controlable feature and just display the one selected (requires changes on api)