- Gurb: validation pages for non-members
- Added feature flag: isGurbEnabled
- Fix tpv asynchronous submit
- Added message for autonomous (Modify Contract form)
- Added feature flag: noticeAutonomous
- Use new prices entry point
- Remove old new-member urls
- New entry points for the renamed new-member form urls
- Removed google tracking
- Fix: CAU helper text when untouched was required error and not the help.
- Fix: Infinite loop on remote CAU validation
- Fix: Recovered pretty format on CAU, IBAN and Cadaster
- Fix: Recovered the Checking... message and spiner in CAU, IBAN, Cadaster
- CI for the unit test (TODO: ci for cypress)
- CI activated chat notifications
- Fix: Was forcing cau-cups matching in the wrong case (collective)
- Fix: link_member value when member is not mandatory for holderchange
- Translations: New CAU validation errors (missing GL)
- Translations: Missing EU translations
- Fix: CAU code validation
- TDD rewritten code (inspired on the old one but adding it progressively to fail every test)
- Fix: Partial match now complaints on length not on unmatching cups
- Fix: Now verifies locally that 18 numbers follow after 'ES'
- Complaints on bad partially written border points and installation
- Corrects spurious spaces from user
- Corrects lowercases into upper cases from user
- Usability: filter out unaccepted chars in member number from input
- Avoids among other problems, the one produced when pasting numbers from comunications with milliard dots like 99.999, trailing spaces and the 'S' character.
- Refactor and encapsulate matomo
- Cypress: Fix all tests and imrpove coverage
- Cypress: Mocked calls of Generation and modify Tariff
- Add github action to check the version of dependecies
- Add test for normalize function with jest
- Added VITE feature flag: isMemberMandatoryForHolderchange
- Changes in HolderChange form:
- When feature flag is disabled, member is not required (trial period)
- Behaviour does not change if the feature flag is enabled
- Upgrade notes:
- isMemberMandatoryForHolderchange in VITE_FEATURE_FLAGS in
- isMemberMandatoryForHolderchange in VITE_FEATURE_FLAGS in
- Validations forms
- Improve test coverage
- Deploy script unified with somrepre
- New tag based version string
- New linter command
- Fix: escaping url params (security)
- Fix: undefined not properly managed in attachments
- Force CAU to match CUPS in single installs
- Matomo funnels tracking for Contract and NewMember forms
- Upgrade notes:
- Fix: Disable next button when error on tariff modification first step
- Fix tariff old names
- Fix tariff names
- Fixed some bugs:
- Chooser as a required field in contract form
- Fixed chooser text justify content when alignTop
- Fixed dayjs isoWeek import in Cancellation form
- New address autocomplete with feature flag
- New deploy scripts for wp
- Support different ways of setting WEBFORMS_API_URL for wp and ov
- Moved translation literals inside t() (wip)
- Include jsx files in i18n-lint
- Upgrade notes:
- webforms-config.js obsolete
- Migrated from cra to vite
- Remove warning on autonomous workers and related translations
- Upgrade notes:
- Install from scratch since the build system has change
- Remove node_modules and package-lock before installing
- All environment variables changed prefix to VITE_
- PUBLIC_URL has changed to BASE_URL and requires final slash
- Install from scratch since the build system has change
- Migration from muiv4 to muiv5
- Upgrade notes:
- Reinstall dependencies
- Changes in CCEE
- Fix: broken eslint-react-app dependency
- Fixed urls in translations
- Remove maj warning: "mecanisme d'ajust al gas"
- Add functionality: Add and remove contracts in generationkwh assignments
- Fix: text of the input of NIF in generationkWh's form
- Fix: Contract: not sending
as float to prices API - Fix: Contract: missnamed
- Fix: HolderChange: inactive CUPS properly reported to users
- Add contract tariff in generation assignments
- Fix: add
validation length
- Fix Holder Change: Member information not sent from ui to api for homeowners communities
- Fix cadastral reference is not required
- In-edit validation of Cadastral reference
- In-edit validation of CAU
- Abstracted field ApiValidatedField for Cadastral reference, IBAN and CAU
- Add link to section Production and Consumption of Generation kWh
- Add feature flag to disable contract d1 power modification
- Improve understanding of the contribution form in generationkwh
- Fix Signaturit creation in GenerationKwh form without limit
- Added new GenerationkWh form without limit in number of actions
- Update CCGG and CCEE: SOLS -> Sols
- Fix CCGG html language
- Update CCEE indexed in eu
- Update general conditions html
- Update cancellation terms
- HolderChange: Add link to support center
html message.
- Generation kwh form: Signaturit
- HolderChange: Recover tariff type for specific conditions
- HolderChange: Remove old implementation to get tariff_type from OV
- Indexed: Errors on contract state are not fatal just shown in the first info page, not with the dead firefly
- Indexed: Fix errors handling dangerouslySetInnerHTML
- Generation kwh form: Path for non partners (still hidden)
- Fix general conditions for holderchange form
- Adapt form to recover backend exceptions
- Fix neighbor communities, they cannot become members
- Generation kwh form: Path for partners (still hidden)
- Fix: The way to sort the list of assignments, when there are low contracts
- Fix: Indexed test with the new condition IsIndexedPilotOngoing
- Fix: error message when contract with custom tariff try to change tariff
- Added the new investments table
- Added the new assignments table
- New Action: Partners can modify the priority of their assignments using drag and drop
- Fix: Remove visible debuging text in interface
- Fix: No power limit in 3.0TD
- TextLoader takes language from i18next context by default
- Use LegalText component in on holderchange and cancellation
- Unified formatting among translations
- Unwrapped paragraphs so that they are the same line independent of the language and weblate identifies them
- Fix: document on some languages had a broken xml structure
- index items moved from h6 to h4 to made general-terms and general-and-indexed to be diffable in order to spot changes.
- Added
configuration variable containing a json with feature flags
- Fix: Missing kCoeffient
- Fix: Replace K by F in especific conditions
- Fix: links and texts related with 6.1TD
- Contract form: Add cadastral reference to supply point
- Upgrade notes:
- Contract attribute isCadastralReference to display cadastral reference field
- Contract form: Adding Chooser for indexed or period tariff
- Contract form tests fixed
- TextLoader/LegalText components for html based translated texts
- Upgrade notes:
- Contract component attribute isIndexedContractEnabled to toggle the indexed chooser
- Conditionally show pilot test check
- Fix: General and particular terms were not sent in post
- Fix: Indexed pilot terms check was removed beforehand
- Change a contract to periods
- First logged release
- Reenable 3.0TD contracts by default