Welcome to the Strong Compute Instant Super Computer (ISC) Demos repo. Before diving into these demos, it is recommended that Strong Compute users complete the Getting Started section of the Developer Docs.
The following examples demonstrate use of the ISC for training a variety of models, including how to implement interruptibility in distributed training scripts using checkpointing, atomic saving, and stateful samplers.
These examples are being actively developed to achieve [1] interruptibility in distributed training, [2] verified completion of a full training run, and [3] achievement of benchmark performance published by others (where applicable). Each example published below is annotated with its degree of completion. Examples annotated with [0] are "coming soon".
Title | Description | Model | Status | Link |
Fashion MNIST | Image classification | CNN | [3] | isc-demos/fashion_mnist |
CIFAR100 | Image classification | ResNet50 | [2] | isc-demos/cifar100-resnet50 |
Distributed Model Parallel | TBC | TBC | [0] |
(from https://github.com/huggingface/pytorch-image-models)
Title | Description | Model | Status | Link |
resnet50 | Image classification | ResNet50 | [3] | isc-demos/pytorch-image-models |
resnet152 | Image classification | ResNet152 | [2] | isc-demos/pytorch-image-models |
efficientnet_b0 | Image classification | EfficientNet B0 | [2] | isc-demos/pytorch-image-models |
efficientnet_b7 | Image classification | EfficientNet B7 | [2] | isc-demos/pytorch-image-models |
efficientnetv2_s | Image classification | EfficientNetV2 S | [2] | isc-demos/pytorch-image-models |
efficientnetv2_xl | Image classification | EfficientNetV2 XL | [2] | isc-demos/pytorch-image-models |
vit_base_patch16_224 | Image classification | VIT Base Patch16 224 | [2] | isc-demos/pytorch-image-models |
vit_large_patch16_224 | Image classification | VIT Large Patch16 224 | [2] | isc-demos/pytorch-image-models |
(from https://github.com/pytorch/vision/tree/main/references/segmentation)
Title | Description | Model | Status | Link |
fcn_resnet101 | Image segmentation | ResNet101 | [2] | isc-demos/tv-segmentation |
deeplabv3_mobilenet_v3_large | Image segmentation | MobileNetV3 Large | [2] | isc-demos/tv-segmentation |
(from https://github.com/pytorch/vision/tree/main/references/detection)
Title | Description | Model | Status | Link |
maskrcnn_resnet101_fpn | Object detection | Mask RCNN (ResNet101 FPN) | [2] | isc-demos/tv-detection |
retinanet_resnet101_fpn | Object detection | RetinaNet (ResNet101 FPN) | [2] | isc-demos/tv-detection |
(from https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2)
Title | Description | Model | Status | Link |
detectron2 | TBC | Detectron2 | [2] | isc-demos/detectron2 |
detectron2_densepose | TBC | Detectron2 | [2] | isc-demos/detectron2/projects/densepose |
Title | Description | Model | Status | Link |
Llama2 | LoRA | Llama2 | [0] | isc-demos/llama2 |
Mistral | TBC | Mistral | [0] | isc-demos/mistral |