This website is built with mkdocs. A Github Runner redeploys the website on a new commit.
./docs..........: Markdown files
./docs/assets...: Static assets (images)
./overrides.....: html files to overwrite default template, landing page
./mkdocs.yml....: mkdocs config file
Navigation hierarchy is changed in mkdocs.yml file. It resembles the file structure in the ./docs folder.
In the example image above, the navigation entry 'See in Action' will serve the file
The content pages are written in markdown and are available in the ./docs folder. Edit a markdown file in the Github file editor. Changes are redeployed upon a new commit. The status of the update of the changes can be found under the Github tab Action
If you prefer to edit the website locally without Github's UI, execute the following commands.
Install python 3 and pip.
# 1. create new virtual environment (optional)
# 2. open Anaconda prompt and go to our directory wehre the clodnes code from the strucenglib-website is saved (use command cd)
# 3. install dependencies
pip install -r ./.github/requirements.txt
# 4. serve content
mkdocs serve
# 5. Merge/Push in Master
- Build Website: Builds mkdocs, commits changes to github-pages branch
- pages-build-deployment: Pushes github pages to server