A fluent Swift library to create TCX files. Please, note this is a Work In Process library that does not include all features supported in TCX yet. They will be added in future releases.
For a detailed specification of the TCX format, visit Garmin specification.
The root of a TCX file is a TrainingCenterDatabase
which can have children of multiple types. The supported ones are:
- ❌ Folders
- ✅ Activities
- ❌ Workouts
- ❌ Courses
- ✅ Author
- ❌ Extensions
Within the supported modules, everything has been implemented except Extensions.
You can easily create TCX files with a fluent syntax in TCXZpot:
let db = TrainingCenterDatabase(activities:
Activity(id: TCXDate(day: 10, month: 2, year: 2017, hour: 10, minute: 42, second: 0)!,
laps: [Lap(startTime: TCXDate(day: 10, month: 2, year: 2017, hour: 10, minute: 42, second: 0)!,
totalTime: 3000,
distance: 1200,
calories: 100,
intensity: .active,
triggerMethod: .manual,
tracks: Track(with:
Trackpoint(time: TCXDate(day: 10, month: 2, year: 2017, hour: 10, minute: 42, second: 0)!,
position: Position(latitude: -3.6714, longitude: 36.8936)),
Trackpoint(time: TCXDate(day: 10, month: 2, year: 2017, hour: 10, minute: 42, second: 43)!,
position: Position(latitude: -3.6727, longitude: 36.8946)),
Trackpoint(time: TCXDate(day: 10, month: 2, year: 2017, hour: 10, minute: 43, second: 20)!,
position: Position(latitude: -3.6733, longitude: 36.901))
notes: Notes(text: "A sample session"),
creator: Device(name: "BreathZpot Sensor",
unitID: 1,
productID: 1234567,
version: Version(versionMajor: 1, versionMinor: 0)),
sport: .running)),
Application(name: "BreathZpot",
build: Build(version: Version(versionMajor: 1, versionMinor: 0)),
languageID: "en",
partNumber: "123-45678-90"))
let serializer = FileSerializer()
db.serialize(to: serializer)
serializer.save(toPath : "path/to/file") // Can throw SerializationError.fileNotSaved
Add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'TCXZpot-Swift', '~> 0.1.0'
Copyright 2017 SweetZpot AS
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.