Fill out the scavenger hunt using the following link:
AP CS A - AP CS Principles -
When is the AP Exam this spring?
What are the sections of the exam?
How are the sections weighted towards their overall score?
How long is each section of the test?
What are the four main concepts for the FRQs?
(True/False) The multiple-choice section includes individual, single questions as well as sets of 2–3 questions.
There are two Quick Reference Guides for AP CS A. Which one is relevant to the exam this spring?
Find the AP Computer Science A Exam Free-Response Question and Scoring Information Archive. Navigate to the 2018: Free Response Questions. Look over question #1 and sample responses for question #1. Discuss the following questions with another attendee:
- Do you feel your students are ready for a similar question?
- What is something you could do to help students prepare?
- What are some ways to have students practice similar problems?
What will the students need to submit for each performance task?
What are the two types of multiple-choice questions in the End of Course Exam?
What tool does the College Board give to students to help with their submission and to help avoid suspicion of plagiarism?
Find the 2018: Sample Responses and Scoring Guidelines. Look over Explore A: Artifact and Explore A: Written Response. Discuss the following questions with another attendee:
- Do you feel your students are ready for a similar task?
- What is something you could do to help students prepare?
- What are some ways to have students practice similar problems?