- 更新游戏资源,降低尤里卡会客室优先级 @MistEO
- fix error in background update check @dantmnf
- 重构 Controller 架构 (#3907) @aa889788 @MistEO
- WPF 大重构 (#4067) @LiamSho @DavidWang19 @MistEO
- 从 curl 迁移到 libcpr,支持 win7 等系统上传企鹅数据 (#4088) @aa889788 @MistEO
- fallback to NativeIO when AdbLite not inited (#4109) @aa889788
- proxy default protocol / start location (#4100) @LiamSho
- 增加 json 请求超时限制 (#4065) @DavidWang19
- 新增“定时检测更新”功能 @ABA2396
- 关闭蓝叠中国模拟器不完全 #4079 @ABA2396
- 修复自动战斗未加载更新后json的问题 (#4064) @DavidWang19
- add missing item in AsstMsg @horror-proton
- add timeout for IOHandler read (#4095) @aa889788
- fix some warnings and crash @MistEO
- improve post processing in depot item quantity match @horror-proton
- fix deadlock in UI thread @dantmnf
- 牛牛继续喝! @MistEO
- clientKR Roguelike@Dropsflag update (#4093) @Eundong
- 繁中服更新塵影餘音 (#4104) @vonnoq
- 修改活動導航入口 (#4112) @vonnoq