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Create a validator

This guide assumes you're running on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS - the commands will probably work just fine on 20.04 LTS or Debian.

Basic machine setup

  1. SSH into your node
  2. Update your machine (Answer yes / ok to the prompts)
sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade -y
  1. Install required tools
sudo apt install build-essential git unzip curl wget

Prepare environment

Best practice is to run node software on an isolated unprivileged user. We'll create the kuji user in this guide; if your username is different change it wherever it appears.

sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash kuji

Install Golang

Download go and extract go 1.20.8

# remove old go version

sudo rm -rvf /usr/local/go/

# download and install recent go version

curl -fsSL | sudo tar -xzC /usr/local

# remove unneeded installer
rm go1.20.8.linux-amd64.tar.gz

# source go
cat <<EOF >> ~/.profile
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export GO111MODULE=on
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin
source ~/.profile
go version

Build node binary

  1. Login as kuji(skip if you already did)
sudo su -l kuji
  1. Download the project code and checkout to mainnet branch
git clone $HOME/kujira-core
cd $HOME/kujira-core
git checkout v0.9.1
make install
  1. Verify your binary is working
kujirad version #should output v0.8.5

Configure chain

This section is written for mainnet (kaiyo-1); modify the ID, genesis, and seeds as needed.

  1. Login as kuji (skip if you're already logged in).
sudo su -l kuji
  1. Initialize config files and dirs. Replace with a public name for your node.
kujirad init --chain-id kaiyo-1 <moniker>
  1. Download the kaiyo-1 genesis.json.
curl -fsSL -o $HOME/.kujira/config/genesis.json
  1. Set the chain-id. This will save it in client.toml so you won't need --chain-id again.
kujirad config chain-id kaiyo-1
  1. Set some defaults in config.toml and app.toml.
sed -i 's/^timeout_commit =.*/timeout_commit = "1500ms"/' $HOME/.kujira/config/config.toml
sed -i "s/^minimum-gas-prices *=.*/minimum-gas-prices = \"0.00119ukuji,0.00150ibc\/295548A78785A1007F232DE286149A6FF512F180AF5657780FC89C009E2C348F,0.000125ibc\/27394FB092D2ECCD56123C74F36E4C1F926001CEADA9CA97EA622B25F41E5EB2,0.00126ibc\/47BD209179859CDE4A2806763D7189B6E6FE13A17880FE2B42DE1E6C1E329E23,0.00652ibc\/3607EB5B5E64DD1C0E12E07F077FF470D5BC4706AFCBC98FE1BA960E5AE4CE07,617283951ibc\/F3AA7EF362EC5E791FE78A0F4CCC69FEE1F9A7485EB1A8CAB3F6601C00522F10,0.000288ibc\/EFF323CC632EC4F747C61BCE238A758EFDB7699C3226565F7C20DA06509D59A5,5ibc\/DA59C009A0B3B95E0549E6BF7B075C8239285989FF457A8EDDBB56F10B2A6986,0.00137ibc\/A358D7F19237777AF6D8AD0E0F53268F8B18AE8A53ED318095C14D6D7F3B2DB5,0.0488ibc\/4F393C3FCA4190C0A6756CE7F6D897D5D1BE57D6CCB80D0BC87393566A7B6602,78492936ibc\/004EBF085BBED1029326D56BE8A2E67C08CECE670A94AC1947DF413EF5130EB2,964351ibc\/1B38805B1C75352B28169284F96DF56BDEBD9E8FAC005BDCC8CF0378C82AA8E7\"/;" $HOME/.kujira/config/app.toml
  1. (Optional) Configure some seeds. This will help your node find peers.
sed -i 's/^seeds =.*/seeds = ",[email protected]:18656"/' $HOME/.kujira/config/config.toml

Start the node

The node is now ready to go.

  1. (Optional) State-sync if you want a head start over syncing from scratch.
  2. Start syncing blocks
kujirad start

And then watch a fair amount of log messages while your node is catching up. After making sure that it works, it's time to install it as a system level service so it always starts with the machine.

Register the node as a service

A systemd service will keep kujirad running in the background and restart it if it stops.

  1. Create the service file with sudo using your favorite text editor in /etc/systemd/system/kujirad.service .

ExecStart=/home/kuji/go/bin/kujirad start

  1. Reload systemd to pick up the new service.
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  1. Start the service.
sudo systemctl start kujirad
  1. Tail your service logs.
sudo journalctl -fu kujirad
  1. (Optional) Enable the service. This will set it to start on every boot.
sudo systemctl enable kujirad