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Release 0.2.12

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@shinich1 shinich1 released this 11 May 00:36
· 47 commits to master since this release

[0.2.12] - 2024-05-11


  • Transpiled circuits can now have "measure" gates, introduced with
    the circ.m(qubit, plane, angle) method. The measured qubit cannot
    be used in any subsequent gate.
  • Added gflow.find_pauliflow, gflow.verify_pauliflow and pauliflow_from_pattern methods (#117)
  • Pauli-flow finding algorithm (#117)
  • workflow for isort, codecov (#148, #147)


  • Fix output node order sorting bug in Pauli preprocessing measure_pauli (#145)


  • The transpiler now returns a TranspileResult dataclass: the
    pattern is available in the pattern field, and the field
    classical_outputs contains the index where the classical measures
    can be found in the results array of the simulator.
  • The circuit simulator now returns a SimulateResult dataclass: the
    state vector is available in the statevec field, and the field
    classical_measures contains the results of the measure gates.
  • Patterns are now allowed to measure all their nodes, and have an
    empty output set.
  • Completely migrated to pytest, no unittest usage remains (#134)


@thierry-martinez @d1ssk @mgarnier59 @EarlMilktea @nabe98