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Desk360 Android SDK

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Desk360 is an Android SDK to help your embedding customer support in your mobile Android apps with ease.


The Desk360 SDK lets users do any of the following:

Create new support tickets View and comment on existing tickets Interactively communicate with related support teams



To integrate Desk360 into your Android project , add below parts to your build.gradlle

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url '' }

Add the dependency

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.Teknasyon-Teknoloji:desk360-android-sdk:latest_release'

Add Data and View Binding enable script

apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt'

android {
    buildFeatures {
        dataBinding true

(Please change latest_release with :


Start Desk360
import com.teknasyon.desk360.helper.Desk360Config
import com.teknasyon.desk360.helper.Desk360SDKManager
import com.teknasyon.desk360.helper.Platform
import com.teknasyon.desk360.helper.Desk360SDK
        val desk360SDKManager = Desk360SDKManager.Builder(context:Context)
                    "{\n" +
                            "  \"name\":\"Desk360\",\n" +
                            "  \"age\":3,\n" +
                            "  \"cars\": {\n" +
                            "    \"car1\":\"MERCEDES\",\n" +
                            "    \"car2\":\"BMW\",\n" +
                            "    \"car3\":\"AUDI\"\n" +
                            "  }\n" +
                            " }"

        desk360SDKManager.initialize("firebase notification token", "device id")

Parameters Description
token your notification token
deviceId your Android device id
appKey desk360 Api Key will provided when you get the license
appVersion your application's version number
languageCode ISO 639-1 Code for sdk language: "en","fr,"tr
platform mobile platform: Platform.GOOGLE or Platform.HUAWEI
countryCode country code: "tr", "us", "de"
jsonObject for custom datas

Get Notification Token

If FCM is used as notification service;


                .addOnCompleteListener { task ->
                    if (task.isSuccessful && task.result != null) {
                       val token = task.result!!.token

If Huawei Push Kit is used as notification service;

private fun getToken() {   
    // Create a thread.
    object : Thread() {
        override fun run() {
            try {
                // Obtain the app ID from the agconnect-services.json file.
                val appId = "your APP_ID"    
                // Set tokenScope to HCM.
                val tokenScope = "HCM"
                val token = HmsInstanceId.getInstance(this@MainActivity).getToken(appId, tokenScope)                
           } catch (e: ApiException) {        
               Log.e(TAG, "get token failed, $e")               

Parse "targetId" from Firebase Notification Body (Starting Activity)

When your application is killed the notification body will be in your starting activity's extra.

val bundle = intent.extras
        bundle?.let {
	val hermes = bundle?.getString("hermes")
            hermes?.let {
		val targetId = Desk360SDK.getTicketId(hermes)

Parse "targetId" from Firebase Notification Body (Firebase Notification Service)

When your application is on foreground onMessageReceived will handle notification body.

override fun onMessageReceived(remoteMessage: RemoteMessage) {

        val hermes =["hermes"]

        hermes?.let {
	val targetId = Desk360SDK.getTicketId(hermes)

Handling "targetId"

If target_id is not null you must open Desk360SplasActivity if not you must open your starting activity.

Example (In your firebaseMessagingService class) :

 val pendingIntent: PendingIntent?

        pendingIntent = targetId?.let { targetId ->

        val desk360SDKManager = Desk360SDKManager.Builder(context)
            .setAppKey("app key")
            .setAppVersion("app version")
            .setLanguageCode("your selected ISO 639-1 Code for language: tr, en")
            .setPlatform("mobile platform: Platform.GOOGLE or Platform.HUAWEI")
            .setCountryCode("country code: tr, de")
            .setCustomJsonObject("for custom data")

                      notificationToken = "your firebase token",
                      deviceId = "your Android device id"

             val intent = Desk360SDK.getIntent(context:Context, ticketId:String?)
             PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT)
        } ?: run {
            PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, Intent(this,, PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT)

Use Desk 360

       val desk360SDKManager = Desk360SDKManager.Builder(context)
            .setAppKey("app key")
            .setAppVersion("app version")
            .setLanguageCode("your selected ISO 639-1 Code for language: tr, en")
            .setPlatform("mobile platform: Platform.GOOGLE or Platform.HUAWEI")
            .setCountryCode("country code: tr, de")
            .setCustomJsonObject("for custom data")

             notificationToken = "your firebase token",
             deviceId = "your Android device id"


Open Desk360 without Notification Service

If your app will not use notification then you must set token "" and for targetId ""

       val desk360SDKManager = Desk360SDKManager.Builder(context)
            .setAppKey("app key")
            .setAppVersion("app version")
            .setLanguageCode("your selected ISO 639-1 Code for language: tr, en")
            .setPlatform("mobile platform: Platform.GOOGLE or Platform.HUAWEI")
            .setCountryCode("country code: tr, de")
            .setCustomJsonObject("for custom data")

             notificationToken = "your firebase token",
             deviceId = "your Android device id"



If you don't want to use custom language then you must set to "" , desk360 sdk will use your Android device language


If you are using proguard you must add this rules to avoid further compile issues.

-keep class com.teknasyon.desk360.model.** { *; }
-keepnames class com.teknasyon.desk360.model.** { *; }
-keep class com.teknasyon.desk360.modelv2.** { *; }
-keepnames class com.teknasyon.desk360.modelv2.** { *; }


We use SemVer for versioning.


If you have any questions or feature requests, please create an issue.


Copyright Teknasyon 2022.

Desk360 is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.