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All notable changes to L.o.U.I.S. will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Unreleased changes

New features

  • Structs Louis.Text.TrueConditionInterpolatedStringHandler and Louis.Text.FalseConditionInterpolatedStringHandler are interpolated string handlers that only perform formatting if a given condition is true or false, respectively.
    They can help implement, for example, conditional logging methods that take a condition and an interpolated string as a parameter, ensuring that string interpolation will only be performed if the result is actually used.

Changes to existing features

Bugs fixed in this release

Known problems introduced by this release

2.0.31 (2024-02-26)

New features

  • Class Louis.ComponentModel.ParsableStringConverter<T> and method Louis.ComponentModel.SimpleStringConverter.AddToTypeDescriptor<T> offer a ready-made type converter for any type implementing IParsable<TSelf>.
    ParsableStringConverter<T> and AddToTypeDescriptor<T> are only available on target platforms where IParsable<TSelf> is available, i.e. .NET 7 and later versions.
  • Two new boolean properties in class Louis.Hosting.AsyncHostedService let subclasses decide whether StartAsync should fail when the service is stopped before starting (FailOnSetupNotStarted) or SetupAsync completes with false (FailOnSetupUnsuccessful).
    The default value is true for both properties.
  • Struct Louis.Threading.InterlockedFlag now implements IEquatable<bool>, as well as equality and inequality operators with bool.
  • New struct Louis.Threading.InterlockedReference<T> encapsulates an object reference, so that it is always accessed in a thread-safe fashion.
  • New class Louis.IO.ReadOnlyMemoryStream implements a read-only, seekable Stream backed by a ReadOnlyMemory<byte>.

Changes to existing features

  • BREAKING CHANGE: In class Louis.Threading.AsyncService, virtual method SetupAsync now returns a ValueTask<bool> instead of a ValueTask. If the result of the task is false, the service is stopped and neither ExecuteAsync nor TeardownAsync are called.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: In class Louis.Threading.AsyncService, the tasks returned from methods WaitUntilStartedAsync and StartAndWaitAsync now have a result of type AsyncServiceSetupResult, with the following meaning:
    • AsyncServiceSetupResult.Successful means that SetupAsync completed with a true result;
    • AsyncServiceSetupResult.NotStarted means that the service was stopped before being started and SetupAsync was therefore not called;
    • AsyncServiceSetupResult.Unsuccessful means that SetupAsync completed with a false result;
    • AsyncServiceSetupResult.Canceled means that SetupAsync was canceled;
    • AsyncServiceSetupResult.Faulted means that SetupAsync threw an exception.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: In class Louis.Threading.AsyncService, methods StartAsync and StopAsync have been renamed to StartAndWaitAsync and StopAndWaitAsync, respectively. The old names lead some users (and code analysis tools, e.g. ReSharper) to believe they were asynchronous versions of Start and Stop.
  • Class Louis.Hosting.AsyncHostedService now explicitly implements the StartAsync and StopAsync methods from IHostedService.
    The two methods were previously only visible when casting an instance to IHostedService, to avoid confusion with methods inherited from Luois.Threading.AsyncService. However, this violated design rule CA1033.

1.3.4 (2023-11-26)

New features

  • Class Louis.ActionDisposable implements IDisposable by invoking an Action passed to its constructor. This can be useful, combined with C#'s using statement, to ensure a piece of code gets executed at the end of a block or method, regardless of its result or outcome.
  • Louis.LocalActionDisposable has the same purpose and API of ActionDisposable but, being a ref struct, it cannot be passed outside the method it is created in. On the other hand, it doesn't allocate space on the heap, taking just the size of a pointer on the stack, so it is preferrable to ActionDisposable in most cases, from both a performance and memory pressure point of view.
  • Class Louis.AsyncActionDisposable is similar to ActionDisposable, but it takes a possibly asynchronous delegate and uses it to implement IAsyncDisposable as well as IDisposable.

1.2.3 (2023-11-20)

New features

  • .NET 8.0 has been added as a target framework.

1.1.12 (2023-11-09)

New features

  • Class Louis.ComponentModel.SimpleStringConverter<T> provides a base class for type converters that can convert a specific type to and/or from a string. This abstract class takes care of boilerplate code and dealing with objects; subclasses only have to implement conversions between strings and strongly-typed instances.
  • Static method Louis.ComponentModel.SimpleStringConverter.AddToTypeDescriptor<T, TConverter> creates an instance of TypeConverterAttribute referencing a subclass of SimpleStringConverter<T> and registers it for use by TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes. This enables a converter to be recognized by e.g. ConfigurationBinder with just one line of clean, easy-to-understand code.
  • Classes Louis.ComponentModel.MailAddressConverter and Louis.ComponentModel.MailAddressCollectionConverter perform conversion of MailAddress and MailAddressCollection, respectively, to and from string. They are also good examples of how to subclass SimpleStringConverter<T>.
  • New fluent extension method IfNotNullOrEmpty invokes either an Action or a FluentAction if a string is neither null nor the empty string.
  • Fluent extension method IfNotNull now has overloads that work with nullable value types.

1.0.175 (2023-09-27)

First stable version. No actual changes since last preview.

1.0.173-preview (2023-09-26)

Bugs fixed in this release

  • Some methods in date- and time-related utilities, which took instances of CultureInfo or DateTimeFormatInfo as parameters, did not check for null arguments. This has been fixed and ArgumentNullException is now thrown when needed.

1.0.170-preview (2023-09-26)

New features

Changes to existing features

1.0.152-preview (2023-08-13)

Changes to existing features

  • Louis.Fluency.FluentExtensions.Switch has new overloads that let you specify an IEqualityComparer<T> interface to compare the given value with comparands associated with actions.
  • Pre-existing overloads of Louis.Fluency.FluentExtensions.Switch now use EqualityComparer<T>.Default. As a consequance, the value and comparands no longer have to implement IEquatable<T>. This change also makes FluentExtensions.Switch usable with enums.

1.0.148-preview (2023-08-01)

New features

  • Added Louis.Fluency.FluentExtensions.Chain method group, semantically equivalent to Invoke but using fluent methods or lambdas that return the same type as their first parameters. Now you can use even a local function as if it were an extension method.

1.0.138-preview (2023-07-23)

New features

  • Added some more logging hooks to AsyncService. AsyncHostedService of course overrides all of them and logs appropriately.
  • AsyncHostedService now also logs when it is started / stopped by the host.

1.0.131-preview (2023-07-07)

New features

  • Added class Louis.Threading.AsyncService: a complete revamp of the old AsyncWorker class that was present in the very first alpha version of L.o.U.I.S., this class simplifies the implementation and use of long-running background tasks.
  • Added package Louis.Hosting with an AsyncHostedService class, that extends AsyncService with logging and implements the IHostedService interface for integration in ASP.NET applications, as well as any application based on the generic host.

1.0.101-preview (2023-06-25)

New features

  • Added overloads of Louis.Fluency.FluentExtensions.Invoke that allow for additional arguments to be passed to lambdas to avoid the allocation of closure objects.
  • Added method Louis.Fluency.FluentExtensions.InvokeIf that calls the provided action only if a condition is true.

1.0.93-preview (2023-05-28)

New features

  • Added method Louis.Fluency.FluentExtensions.IfNotNull, which calls an action on an object and an additional argument only if the latter is not null.
  • Added overloads to Louis.Fluency.FluentExtensions that take simple Actions instead of FluentActions as arguments.

1.0.83-preview (2023-04-25)

New features

  • Added method Louis.Collections.EnumerableExtensions.WhereNot, which works like System.Linq.Enumerable.Where but reverses the meaning of the predicate, returning only elements for which it returns false.
  • Added method Louis.Collections.EnumerableExtensions.WhereNotNulLOrEmpty, that filters out null and empty elements from sequences of strings.
  • Added method Louis.Collections.EnumerableExtensions.WhereNotNulLOrWhiteSpace, that filters out null, empty, and white-space-only elements from sequences of strings.

Changes to existing features

  • Both overloads of Louis.Collections.EnumerableExtensions.WhereNotNull have been rewritten using local static functions instead of lambdas. Generated IL fornth ese methods is now smaller, slightly more performant, and makes no allocations.

Bugs fixed in this release

  • The overload of Louis.Collections.EnumerableExtensions.WhereNotNull that accepts sequences of nullable value types was not really an extension method (its first parameter had no this modifier).

1.0.73-preview (2023-03-12)

New features

  • Added class PrefixingLogger (in the Louis.Logging package), that wraps an existing ILogger adding a given prefix to all log messages. Nice work by @ric15ni in PR #27.

1.0.59-preview (2023-03-10)

Bugs fixed in this release

1.0.47-preview (2022-12-02)

Changes to existing features

  • A rough capacity check has been added to all StringBuilder extension methods that append quoted strings. Computing the exact needed capacity, although possible, would totally kill performance; the added checks are a compromise that still helps, especially when appending long strings to string builders with no or little available buffer space.

1.0.39-preview (2022-11-26)

This version uses completely revamped build scripts and workflows.

As part of the transition to the new build system, versioning is now managed with Nerdbank.GitVersioning, hence the versioning scheme change.

New features

  • .NET 7 has been added as a target platform.
  • The new DisposeSynchronously() extension method for the IAsyncDisposable interface lets you implement Dispose() in a class where you already have a DisposeAsync() implementation. Calling DisposeAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult() is the same as calling DisposeSynchronously(), but triggers warning CA2012 ("UseValueTask correctly"); besides, DisposeSynchronously() better conveys intent, making code more readable.
  • A new overload of ValueTaskUtility.WhenAll() takes a variable number of ValueTask parameters.

Changes to existing features

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Following .NET's Library support for older frameworks policy, support for .NET Core 3.1 has been removed.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The Louis.Logging namespace has been moved to its own library. Therefore, Louis.dll no longer depends on Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll; the new Louis.Logging.dll of course does.
  • The algorithm used by ExceptionHelper.FormatObject has changed as follows:
    • any exception thrown while trying to format an instance of IFormattable causes a fallback (previously, exceptions other than FormatException were not caught);
    • if formatting an IFormattable with an empty format causes an exception, the fallback action is now to treat the object as non-formattable (previously, the string <invalid_format> was returned);
    • an exception thrown by obj.ToString() causes a string like <{objTypeName}:{exceptionTypeName}> to be returned (previously, only the exception type name was specified in the returned string).
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Louis.dll no longer provides polyfills. Instead, it uses the PolyKit package. Projects that relied on polyfills provided by L.o.U.I.S. now should add a PackageReference to PolyKit.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Class Louis.Diagnostics.Throw and the whole Louis.ArgumentValidation namespace have been removed. L.o.U.I.S. now relies on the CommunityToolkit.Diagnostics package for throw helpers and argument validation. This change frees up development resources by eliminating the need to maintain features that, since the release of the .NET Community Toolkit 8.0, didn't add much value to begin with.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: All extension methods in Louis.Text that generate clipped string literals (StringExtensions.ToClippedLiteral, StringBuilderExtensions.AppendClippedLiteral, etc.) now throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException if the headLength and/or tailLength parameter is a negative number. Previously, negative head / tail lengths were treated as 0.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Methods DisposingUtility.DisposeAll and DisposingUtility.DisposeAllAsync have been renamed to Dispose and DisposeAsync respectively, so they are now overloads of the single-object Dispose and DisposeAsync.

Bugs fixed in this release

  • Passing incorrect parameter values to most public-facing methods could previously result in confusing exception messages. This has been fixed by implementing parameter checking in all public-facing methods instead of relying on dependency / runtime methods to fail.
  • Calling EnumerableExtensions.DisposeAll or DisposingUtility.DisposeAll from a UI thread could result in failures due to the loss of synchronization context. Tjhis has been fixed.

1.0.0-preview.8 (2022-09-13)

Bugs fixed in this release

  • Due to a logic bug, the Louis.Text.Utf8Utility.GetMaxCharsInBytes method returned incorrect results. This has been fixed.

1.0.0-preview.7 (2022-09-13)

New features

  • New extension methods for string, ReadOnlySpan<char>, and StringBuilder can convert a string (or span) to a C# literal while clipping long strings, leaving a head and/or a tail and an ellipsis. Especially useful for logging and exception messages.
  • Method Louis.Diagnostics.ExceptionHelper.FormatObject returns a text representation for an object, suitable for inclusion in an exception message.
  • Extension method Louis.Diagnostics.StringBuilderExtensions.AppendFormattedObject appends a text representation for an object, suitable for inclusion in an exception message, to the end of a StringBuilder.
  • The Louis.RangeCheck class provides methods for easy in-range verification and clamping, with or without custom comparers.
  • The new Validated class provides methods for faster argument validation than Require, when only a simple non-nullability check is needed. Methods of Validated do not initiate validation chains, but are faster and consume less stack than their namesakes in Require.
    More importantly, Validated.NotNull can be used when the type of the checked parameter is an open generic type with neither a class nor a struct constraint. Require.NotNull would not work in this case, because the compiler could not resolve the ambiguity between overloads.
  • New Throw.Aggregate and Throw.Aggregate<T> helper methods for throwing AggregateExceptions.

Changes to existing features

  • BREAKING CHANGE: The Arg class (in namespace Louis.ArgumentValidation) has been renamed to Require to make its intent clearer, as e.g. in Require.NotNull(str).
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The Value method in class Require (f.k.a. Arg) has been renamed to Of, as in Require.Of(value).GreaterThanZero().
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The ArgHelper class has been completely revamped and now includes methods that create and throw exceptions, so that calling methods can remain throw-less and be better optimized and JITted.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The AsyncWorker class has been retired from this project. It may reappear in a future version.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The ThreadSafeDisposable class has been retired from this project, as it brought too little value to be of any actual use.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The ArgExtensions class, containing methods to check string arguments for conformance to URI / URL formats, has been retired. Its methods may reappear in a future version, probably in a different form.
  • All overloads of the AppendQuotedClippedLiteral, AppendVerbatimClippedLiteral, and AppendClippedLiteral methods (in class Louis.Text.StringBuilderExtensions) have been split in two versions (with and without the useUnicodeEllipsis parameter) instead of having an optional parameter. This change minimizes the chance of binary incompatibilities with future versions of L.o.U.I.S.

1.0.0-preview.6 (2022-08-24)

New features

  • The Louis.Logging namespace contains ILogger extensions to log using interpolated strings instead of separated message formats and arguments. Not as fast as LoggerMessage-created delegates, but still pretty fast. If the desired log level is not enabled on a logger, parameter evaluation and string interpolation don't happen at all; most importantly, you don't have to disrupt your flow to create a partial method every time you want to add a log write.
    The new overloads have a single drawback: since their custom string interpolation handler uses thread-static StringBuilders, you cannot use await in interpolation expressions. If you do, very bad things can and will happen, from garbled log messages to apparently random exceptions, including null pointer exceptions.
  • Also in Louis.Logging, more ILogger extensions to log constant strings without turning them into zero-argument templates. Besides the small performance advantage, these extensions avoid putting constant log messages in the global log formatter cache.

1.0.0-preview.5 (2022-08-23)

New features

1.0.0-preview.4 (2022-08-20)

Changes to existing features

  • Type parameters T1 and T2 in Louis.Fluency.FluentAction<T,T1> and Louis.Fluency.FluentAction<T,T1,T2> delegates are no longer contravariant.
    Contravariance lead to the need for more verbose lambda syntax when T1 and/or T2 was a value type. For example, given a StringBuilder builder and a byte[] bytes, to concatenate the hexadecimal representations of all bytes in the array you would now write builder.ForEach(bytes, (sb, b) => sb.Append(b.ToString("x2"))), whereas in previous versions of Louis you had to write the same code as builder.ForEach(bytes, (StringBuilder sb, in byte b) => sb.Append(b.ToString("x2"))).

1.0.0-preview.3 (2022-08-20)

New features

  • Two new overloads of Louis.Fluency.FluentExtensions.ForEach allow to iterate over spans instead of enumerables.

Bugs fixed in this release

  • XML documentation for generic methods of class Louis.Diagnostics.Throw lacked a description of their type parameter.

1.0.0-preview.2 (2022-08-17)

Bugs fixed in this release

  • Method AsyncWorker.StartAsync tried to start an already started Task, resulting in an InvalidOperationException.

1.0.0-preview.1 (2022-08-15)

Initial release.