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Getting Started

Install using npm (Recommanded)

$ npm install vconsole
import VConsole from 'vconsole';

const vConsole = new VConsole();
// or init with options
const vConsole = new VConsole({ theme: 'dark' });

// call `console` methods as usual
console.log('Hello world');

// remove it when you finish debugging

Notice that VConsole is the prototype of vConsole.
So vConsole panel will not be inserted into your page until you new it manually.

Otherwise, you can use CDN to import vConsole:

<script src=""></script>
  // VConsole will be exported to `window.VConsole` by default.
  var vConsole = new window.VConsole();

Available CDN:


Initialization & Configuaration

After imported, vConsole should be inited manually:

var vConsole = new VConsole(option);

option is an optional object.

See Public Properties & Methods for definition.

Use setOption() to update option:

// set single key only
vConsole.setOption('log.maxLogNumber', 5000);
// overwrite 'log' object
vConsole.setOption({ log: { maxLogNumber: 5000 } });

Output logs

Use the methods of console to print logs, just like what you do at desktop browsers:

console.log('Hello World');

When vConsole is not loaded, logs will be printed to browser console. After importing vConsole, logs will be printed to both vConsole panel and browser console.

If you want to print logs to vConsole panel only, try Log plugin methods:

vConsole.log.log('Hello world');

Log methods

5 types of log methods are supported, with different styles:

console.log('foo');   // black word, white bakcground'bar');  // purple word, white background
console.debug('oh');  // orange word, white background
console.warn('foo');  // orange word, yellow background
console.error('bar'); // red word, pink background

Other methods

Supported console methods:

console.clear();        // Clear all logs
console.time('foo');    // start a timer named "foo"
console.timeEnd('foo'); // stop "foo" timer and print the elapsed time

Styling log output

Use %c to add style to logs:

console.log('%c blue %c red', 'color:blue', 'color:red'); // blue red
console.log('%c FOO', 'font-weight:bold', 'bar'); // FOO bar
console.log('%c Foo %c bar', 'color:red'); // Foo %c bar

Note that only the first parameter support %c format, and the %c must be followed by a space. The following parameter(s) will be used as HTML style to fill %c, and the remain %c or parameters will be shown as normal string.

Using string substitutions

Use %s, %d, %o to output a log with formatting. The pattern must be followed by a space.

  • %s: Output as a string. Non-string objects will be converted into strings.
  • %d: Output as a number.
  • %o: Output as an object. You can clickthe object name to open more information about it.
console.log('Hi %s, Im %s', 'Foo', 'Bar'); // Hi Foo, Im Bar
console.log('I had %d cakes', 3); // I had 3 cakes
console.log('The %o is large', obj); // The [[obj]] is large

Special format

Use [system] as the first parameter to output logs to System panel:

console.log('[system]', 'foo'); // 'foo' will be printed to System panel
console.log('[system] bar'); // this log will show in Log tab instead of System panel

Built-in Plugins


All XMLHttpRequest | fetch | sendBeacon requests will be logged in Network panel by default.

To prevent logging, add _noVConsole = true to XHR object:

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr._noVConsole = true; // now this request would not be logged in panel'GET', '');

If you want to print custom request logs, try Network plugin methods:;

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