From 8031500f83d9f82d353483b0704eeb4697072633 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Tercio Jose Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2024 12:47:52 -0300 Subject: [PATCH] Definitions Update --- Definitions.lua | 22 +++++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/Definitions.lua b/Definitions.lua index ea2c89ad5..7bd6d2f59 100644 --- a/Definitions.lua +++ b/Definitions.lua @@ -214,6 +214,14 @@ ---@field aura1 spellid? ---@field aura2 spellid? +---@class pvpcombatinfo : table +---@field name string zone name +---@field mapid number zone mapid + +---@class arenacombatinfo : table +---@field name string zone name +---@field zone string zone name +---@field mapid number zone mapid ---@class savedspelldata : {key1: number, key2: string, key3: number} ---@class alternatepowertable : {last: number, total: number} @@ -255,11 +263,16 @@ ---@field end_time gametime ---@field combat_counter number ---@field is_trash boolean while in raid this is set to true if the combat isn't raid boss, in dungeon this is set to true if the combat isn't a boss or if the dungeon isn't a mythic+ ----@field raid_roster table [unitName] = unitGUID ----@field overall_added boolean is true when the combat got added into the overall combat +---@field is_boss bossinfo +---@field is_world_trash_combat boolean when true this combat is a regular combat done in the world, not in a dungeon, raid, battleground, arena, ... ---@field is_mythic_dungeon mythicdungeoninfo ---@field is_mythic_dungeon_run_id number ---@field is_mythic_dungeon_segment boolean +---@field is_pvp pvpcombatinfo +---@field is_arena arenacombatinfo +---@field arena boolean +---@field raid_roster table [unitName] = unitGUID +---@field overall_added boolean is true when the combat got added into the overall combat ---@field trinketProcs table> ---@field _trashoverallalreadyadded boolean ---@field alternate_power table @@ -267,8 +280,6 @@ ---@field totals_grupo {key1: table, key2: table, key3: table, key3: table} ---@field __destroyed boolean ---@field PhaseData table ----@field is_boss bossinfo ----@field is_world_trash_combat boolean when true this combat is a regular combat done in the world, not in a dungeon, raid, battleground, arena, ... ---@field player_last_events table record the latest events of each player, latter used to build the death log ---@field ---@field GetCurrentPhase fun(combat: combat) : number return the current phase of the combat or the phase where the combat ended @@ -322,7 +333,7 @@ ---@class actorcontainer : table contains two tables _ActorTable and _NameIndexTable, the _ActorTable contains the actors, the _NameIndexTable contains the index of the actors in the _ActorTable, making quick to reorder them without causing overhead ---@field need_refresh boolean when true the container is dirty and needs to be refreshed ----@field _ActorTable table array of actors +---@field _ActorTable table a table containing all actors stored in the container ---@field _NameIndexTable table [actorName] = actorIndex in the _ActorTable, actorcontainer:Remap() refreshes the _NameIndexTable ---@field GetActor fun(container: actorcontainer, actorName: string) get an actor by its name ---@field GetOrCreateActor fun(container: actorcontainer, actorSerial: guid, actorName: actorname, actorFlags: controlflags, bShouldCreateActor: boolean) get an actor by its name, if the actor doesn't exist it will be created @@ -442,6 +453,7 @@ ---@field GetDisplayName fun(actor: actor) : string Get the display name of the actor. Display name is often the player name without the realm name. ---@field GetActorSpells fun(actor: actor) : spellcontainer get the spell container of the actor ---@field Pets fun(actor: actor) : petname[] get the pets of the actor +---@field SetSpecId fun(actor: actor, specId: number) set the specId of the actor ---@field ---@class actordamage : actor