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420 lines (290 loc) · 10.4 KB

JsDefer Features:

  • Wrapped scripts
  • Unwrapped scripts
  • Optional script definition (deferDef) defines dependencies
  • Optional deferring of DomReady at global or individual request level
  • Can also add dependencies for script - or add new definitions - in the script itself, if wrapped
  • Execution order based on dependency
  • Parallel/serial loading based on definitions, dependency, and wrapped versus unwrapped, and whether dependencies are defined in separate def file or in script itself.
  • Passing options to scripts
  • Wrapped script can provide a return value
  • Failure bubbling
  • Integration with Deferred (as in jQuery 1.5) enables or simplifies many use-case scenarios
  • Use of $,when and other deferred features: when( scripts, json, domReady ).then( myCallback );
  • Exposing 'promises' (named deferreds)
  • Setting: min true/false, for debug versus minified versions
  • Wrapped scripts 'self executing' when used as static scripts
  • Composite scripts (also able to be loaded statically in page)
  • jQuery independent version
  • Small


Complete Demos

  • Different versions of the Movies Demo app are provided to illustrate different use scenarios for JsDefer.

Feature tests:

  • Basic Features: Currently no unit tests are provided (they will come) but the FeatureTests/Basic folder provides some examples for testing different feature details.
  • Advanced Features: This folder shows how to use JsDefer with or without jQuery. These samples illustrate some less-commonly used features. The AsyncTemplates folder explores some experimental integration with jQuery Templates.

Syntax Examples:

Request deferred script loading

// Note: If scripts have been defined in a deferDef declaration, this will
// trigger parallel loading of all dependent scripts,
// and will execute scripts in the correct order

// Load movies script
$.defer( "...movieApp.js" )
	.done( workWithMovies )
	.fail( failCallback );

Deferred script loading using delayed DomReady event

$.deferSettings.delayDomReady = true;

$.defer( "...movieApp.js" );

$( function() {

Passing options and using return value

$.defer( "...movieApp.js", { pageSize: 4 })
	.done( function( movieApp ) {
		workWithMovies( movieApp );

Using $.when to handle parallel async processes

// Load both data and scripts in parallel,
// and process when data, scripts and DOM are ready
	$.defer( "...movieApp.js", { pageSize: 4 } ),
	getMovies( "Cartoons" ),
.done( function( movieApp, data ) {
	workWithMoviesAndDom( movieApp );

Setting default options

// Use unminified versions of script
$.deferSettings.min = false;

// Delay DomReady by default. (Can also override as a setting, for individual defer() requests.)
$.deferSettings.delayDomReady = true;

Create deferDef definition - to load and execute dependencies in correct order

	// Just set the URL
	tmpl: "http://...jquery.tmpl.js",

	// Specify url and dependencies
	tmplplus: {
		url: "http://.../jquery.tmplplus.js",
		depends: "tmpl"

	tmplCombined: {
		url: "myCombinedFiles/tmplCombined.js",

		// This script has both minified and unminified versions
		urlMin: "myCombinedFiles/tmpl.min.js",

		// It is a combined script: it can be used in place of the tmpl and tmplplus scripts
		contains: [ "tmpl", "tmplplus" ]

	yahooHelper: {
		url: "http://.../yahooHelper.js",

		// This script is not wrapped, and therefore will load sequentially after its dependencies:
		// i.e. it will only be requested after any script that it depends on has loaded and executed
		bare: true,

	movieApp: {
		url: "movieApp.js",

		// Note that this script is wrapped (default is bare: false), and so will be loaded in parallel along
		// with its dependencies. However its contents will not be executed until after execution of dependent scripts.

		// Depends on both a declared and undeclared scripts
		depends: [ "tmplplus", "http://...datamodel.js", "yahooHelper" ]


// Can optionally use typed methods to do a deferred load of any resource script defined in
// the deferDef definition (plus its dependencies):

	.done( workWithMovies )
	.fail( failCb );

Wrapped script

Note: This can be loaded by any script loader that recognizes the $deferRun global name for the wrapper function.


function( $, options ) {

	// Script code here
	doStuff( options );
	return myObject;



Self-executing wrapper

Use this wrapper syntax to create a wrapped script which can also be loaded as a static script in the absence of a script loader recognizing the $deferRun wrapper function

((window.$deferRun || function( run ){ run(); }) (

function( $, options ) {

	// Script code here



Declare dependencies on script itself

Note: If the dependent script was already declared in a deferDef definition, then it will have loaded in parallel. Otherwise, if only declared here, it will be loaded in series - after this script loads, but before the body of this script is executed.

((window.$deferRun || function( run ){ run(); }) (

function( $, options ) {

	// Script code here


// Declare one or more dependent scripts


Declare dependencies and a deferDef definition, on the script itself

((window.$deferRun || function( run ){ run(); }) (

function( $, options ) {

	// Script code here

	// Declare one or more dependent scripts
	depends: ["...myOtherCode.js", "myComponent"],

	// Declare some deferDer script definitions
	def: {
		myComponent: {
			url: "...myComponent.js",
			minUrl: "...myComponent.min.js",
			depends: "...componentCore.js"

Script combination: Composite scripts

The different wrapped scripts within this script are identical to the individual wrapped scripts that they replace.


function( $, options ) {

	function( $, options ) {
		// Script code for tmpl.js here

	function( $, options ) {
		// Script code for tmplplus here


Associated script definition, and invocation

	tmplCombined: {
		url: "myCombinedFiles/tmplCombined.js",

		contains: [ "http://...tmpl.js", "http://...tmplplus.js" ]


// Note: The above will make one HTTP request for the composite file,
// but is otherwise equivalent to the following two requests:

//$.defer( "http://...tmpl.js" );
//$.defer( "http://...tmplplus.js" );

// The individual wrapped scripts will execute in the correct order based on the
// declared dependencies of the individual scripts files they represent,
// but the individual files will not be loaded, once the composite
// script has been requested.

Can also declare deferDef script definitions, dependencies, etc. on the composite file itself


function( $, options ) {

	function( $, options ) {
		// Script code for sub script 1 here

	function( $, options ) {
		// Script code for sub script 2 here

	depends: [ "...OtherCode.js", "foo" ],
	def: {
		myVal: {
			url: "",
			minUrl: "",
			depends: "...fooCore.js"


Self-executing composite script

Use the following wrapper syntax to create a composite script that can also be loaded statically

Note: if loaded statically, the individual wrapped scripts will execute in document order

	((window.$deferRun || function( run ){ run(); }) (
	function( $, options ) {

		((window.$deferRun || function( run ){ run(); }) (
		function( $, options ) {
			// Script code for sub script 1 here

		((window.$deferRun || function( run ){ run(); }) (
		function( $, options ) {
			// Script code for sub script 2 here

		((window.$deferRun || function( run ){ run(); }) (
		function( $, options ) {
			// Script code for sub script 3 here


App example:

Inline deferDef

Delayed DomReady

<script src="../../jqueryui/jqueryuidefs.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

var movieApp = { pageSize: 4 };

// Declare inline deferDef script definition, in addition to static jQueryUiDefs.js file above
	tmpl: "http://...jquery.tmpl.js",
	tmplplus: {
		url: "http://.../jquery.tmplplus.js",
		depends: "tmpl"
	movies: {
		url: "movies.js",
		depends: "tmplplus"

$.deferSettings.delayDomReady = true;

// Load and execute all required scripts:

// Use delayed DomReady event to use loaded scripts and access DOM
$( function() {
	$.movies( movieApp );
	movieApp.getMovies( 0, "Cartoons" )
		.done( function( data ) {
			movieApp.render( data );
			$( "#genres li" ).click( movieApp.selectGenre );

App example:

Parallel loading of data and scripts

Using $.when to access scripts, data and DOM

<script src="../../jqueryui/jqueryuidefs.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../../MovieAppDefs.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

// Load and execute all required scripts, and fetch data
// Use loaded scripts and data, and access DOM
	$.defer.movies({ pageSize: 4 }),
	getMovies( 0, "Cartoons" ),
.done( function( movieApp, data ) {
	movieApp.render( data );
	$( "#genres li" ).click( movieApp.selectGenre );

App example:

Lazy loading of scripts and data

<script src="../../jqueryui/jqueryuidefs.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../../MovieAppDefs.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

$( function() {

	$("#loadApp").click( function() {
		// Only load the scripts and data if the user clicks on this button.
			$.defer.movies({ pageSize: 4 }),
			getMovies( 0, "Cartoons" ),
		.done( function( movieApp, data ) {
			movieApp.render( data );
			$( "#genres li" ).click( movieApp.selectGenre );