Support for Guava caches in Edison microservices.
BETA - work in progress.
DEPRECATED - will be removed soon. Use edison-cache instead.
Many of's microservices make use of the Google Guava libraries. Edison-guava is providing some code to integrate the cache statistics of Guava caches into the Edison internal pages.
Include edison-guava:
dependencies {
compile "de.otto.edison:edison-service:0.51.0",
compile "de.otto.edison:edison-guava:0.51.0"
Configure your Guava caches:
public class CacheConfiguration {
public GuavaCacheConfig customerCacheConfig() {
return new GuavaCacheConfig(
public GuavaCacheConfig yetAnotherCacheConfig() {
return new GuavaCacheConfig(
Add @Cacheable
annotations to methods of your Spring beans:
@Cacheable(value="CustomerCache", key = "")
public String getMessage(final Customer customer) {
You can access information about your caches via HTTP GET /internal/cacheinfos.
Have a look at example-metrics.