Add hospital name to hospital table
Set OP/IP/MLC counters
Add departments
Link admin to hospital_id in user_hospital_link table
Link admin to hospital admin department in user_department_link table
Create OP and IP forms
Add Areas and Units for Departments
Add staff from front end, assign to specific hospital
Grant user access to that staff member.
View Patient
Test Area - denotes a specific physical area or department
Test Method - to classify individual/group tests under a specific Method under a Test Area.
Test unit - eg mg/dl etc
Test Master - actual test names
Specimen type
User set up - To approve the tests, user should be linked to the department under which the Test Area is linked to, in the user_derpartment_link table
DB: add field summary_header (tiny int, 0 by default, 1 for active or use status) in table visit_name
In Print Summary:
IF patient_visit.visit_name_id is not equal to 0 or NULL AND visit_name.summary_header=1
then replace header "Consultation Summary" with "visit_name.visit_name"
WHERE patient_visit.visit_name_id=visit_name.visit_name_id
IF patient_visit.visit_name_id is not equal to 0 or NULL AND visit_name.summary_header=1
then replace Label "Consultation Date" with "Date"
WHERE patient_visit.visit_name_id=visit_name.visit_name_id
In signature
IF patient_visit.signed_consultation is not equal to 0 or NULL AND
IF staff.ima_registration_number is equal to 0 or NULL,
then do not print label (Regd No: )
Remove State and Country Check Boxes from Patient Info List
Select District by searching matching District(District Alias) values or by State Values.
Display List by <District, State> values and matched values first sorted by District and then State
When District Value is already available, display <District, State> in District Text Box
When District Value is 0 or NULL:
Select District by searching matching District(District Alias) values or by State Values.
Display List by <District, State> values and matched values first sorted by District and then State
Test rest of the fields are properly updated in this form.
Add State filter in search form and Move State and District Filters just bebore Submit Button
Rename Search to Submit Button
In report table: Group By State and District (show State and District columns)
Method to be avalaible only with those having view acces for user_function -> helpline_session_plan
Diplay view access to this method in Header under "Help" Menu with sub menu "Helpline Plan"
INSERT INTO user_function(user_function) VALUE user_function (helpline_session_plan)
In settings: let users add, delete or view based on user access set
CREATE Tables -> helpline_session, helpline_session_role, helpline_receiver_language, helpline_session_plan
Helpline - helpline.helpline_id -> helpline.helpline
Weekday - 1 to 7 -> Monday to Sunday
Role - helpline_session_role.helpline_session_role_id -> helpline_session_role.helpline_session_role
Session - helpline_session.helpline_session_id -> helpline_session.session_name (WHERE helpline_session.session_status = 1)
Load report on click of "Go" Button -> Display report run date and time below Go Button
Provide "Add" button next to Form "Go" Button for those with user_function->helpline_session_splan->add = 1
On Click of "Add" button open modal to add receiver_id and additional details to helpline_session_plan table
Serial number displayed as #
Helpline - helpline.helpline
Weekday - helpline_session.weekday (1 to 7 AS Monday to Sunday)
Role - helpline_session_role.helpline_session_role
Session - helpline_session.session_name (WHERE helpline_session.session_status = 1)
Team Count - Count of helpline_session_plan.receiver_id
-> WHERE helpline_session_plan.soft_deleted = 0
-> GROUP BY helpline.helpline, weekday, helpline_session_role.helpline_session_role, helpline_session.session_name
-> ORDER BY helpline.helpline, weekday, helpline_session_role.helpline_session_role
Serial number displayed as #
Team Member - helpline_receiver.full_name
Languages - concacted with comma seperator (ORDER BY helpline_receiver_language.proficiency DESC)
Delete Button (for those with user_function->helpline_session_splan->delete = 1)
SELECT helpline_receiver.full_name, GROUP_CONCAT(language.language)
FROM hepline_session_plan
JOIN helpline_receiver ON helpline_session_plan.receiver_id = helpline_receiver.receiver_id
JOIN helpline_receiver_language ON
JOIN language ON helpline_reiver_language.language_id = and language.language_id
WHERE helpline_session_plan.helpline_session_id = <helpline_session_id selected> AND helpline_session_plan.soft_deleted = 0
hepline_session_plan.soft_delete = 1,
hepline_session_plan.soft_deleted_by_staff_id = session[staff_id}
hepline_session_plan.soft_deleted_by_date_time = delete date and time
Reload page with previous settings
helpline_session_plan.receiver_id -> Select using Ajax helpline_receiver.full_name concated with and like it is done in
helpline_session.weekday -> Display list by Weekday full name
helpline_session_plan.helpline_session_id -> Select helpline_session.session_name WHERE helpline_session.weekday = selected Weekday AND helpline_session.session_status = 1
helpline_session_plan.helpline_session_role_id -> Select helpline_session_role.helpline_session_role
-> on click of Submit,
Insert row into helpline_session_plan with created_by_staff_id and created_date_time values
Reload Modal with Success Message " Team Member Added to Session Successfully" with empty fields
Click Close button to close Modal and reload the Main Form with existing form settings.
In form selection: based on selection of Helpline, list only call categories for the specific helpline
In Edit Call Modal: based on the Helpline of the call, list only call categories for the specific helpline AND where helpline_call_category.status = 1
In Edit Call Modal: show list of hospital.hospital_short_name WHERE helpline_call.to_number = helpline.helpline AND helpline.helpline_id = hospital.helpline_id
Serial number displayed as #
Call ID - <helpline_call.call_id>
Call - <call direction icon> <time length of call> <date and time of call>
Team Member @ Helpline - Note - <Display Name - > <hepline name and number> <audio api> <helpline_call.note>
Caller Type -
Language -
Hospital - <hospital.hospital_short_name>
Department -
Call Category -
Resolution Status -
Emails -
Sort SMS Templates list by Alpha Ascending
Visit Type: Select visit_name list WHERE = current_hospital AND visit_name.use =
View Link: Place under Header/Reports/Summary/ Report label: Appointments Summary (View Access if user_function -> appointment_status -> view = 1 ) Search Options: From Date(Appointment Date), To Date(Appointment Date), From Time, To Time, Department, Unit, Area, Visit Name(Multi Select - Default All Select), Appointment Status(Multi Select - Default All Select), Group By Date, Department
Display Visit Names as Columns and Total Column Display Date Row Total
ALTER TABLE patient_visit - add fields ->, appointment_status_update_by(comment-staff_id),
ALTER TABLE visit_name - add fields -> hospital_id
INSERT INTO user_function(user_function) VALUE user_function (appointments_status)
CREATE appointment_status table (id, hospital_id, appointment_status)
INSERT INTO appointment_status(appointment_status) VALUE (Checked In, Registered, No Show, Cancelled)
Set default Search by Appointments
Default From and To Dates set to current date
Default From and To Times set to 12:00AM to 11:59PM
Addional Form search options:
Appointment Status, Health4All ID, OP Number, Manual ID, Phone,
Department, Unit, Area, Visit Type (WHERE visit_type linked to hospital and use status = 1), Row per page
Provide default Pagination
(Exlcude following columns from
Doctor consulted, Appoinment with, Summary Sent, View Summary)
Display visit_name
Display patient_id_manual
Display appointment_status and update
Display and update appointment_status_update_by, appointment_status_update_time
Display button "Update"
if user access to appoinment_status user function = add AND patient_visit.appointment_status_id = (NULL OR 0)
if user access to appoinment_status user function = edit
else do not display "Update"
Button "Update" action
Open Modal
Select appointment_status values of that hospital,
Display Current Date/times with select date picker to alter date time if necessary
Modal "Submit" action
Update patient_visit.appointment_status_id, patient_visit.appointment_status_update_by, patient_visit.appointment_status_update_time