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Shivneel's Algo

Shivneel Chand edited this page Dec 15, 2019 · 4 revisions

To start, I added the birds y_position and y_velocity to the screen using the Pygame library to display the text to the screen.The variables can be found in the mainGame function:

    # player velocity, max velocity, downward accleration, accleration on flap
    playerVelY    =  -9   # player's velocity along Y, default same as playerFlapped
    playerMaxVelY =  10   # max vel along Y, max descend speed
    playerMinVelY =  -8   # min vel along Y, max ascend speed
    playerAccY    =   1   # players downward accleration
    playerRot     =  45   # player's rotation
    playerVelRot  =   3   # angular speed
    playerRotThr  =  20   # rotation threshold
    playerFlapAcc =  -9   # players speed on flapping
    playerFlapped = False # True when player flaps

To display the variables to the screen, I used the Pygame library like so at the end of the mainGame funtion :

    font = pygame.font.SysFont('',24)
    text = "playery:" + str(playery) + "   playerVelY: " + str(playerVelY)
    text = font.render(text,True,(0,0,0))
    textRect = text.get_rect() = (text.get_width()/2+3,SCREENHEIGHT-text.get_height()-10)
    SCREEN.blit(text, textRect)

This code will display the playerVelY and playerY at the bottom of the screen. To change the location at which the variables are displayed, change the parameters. To display more variables, alter the string named "text" by including more variables.

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