I am not the original author of this tool. I am rehosting it with permission.
Visual Studio 2022
- Include C++ ATL for v143
Clone the repository
Find you local DIA_SDK folder, for VS 2022 it is in "Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\DIA SDK"
Copy the contents of the folder to external_deps in the repository folder, "RE-UVTD\external_deps\DIA_SDK"
Open Command Prompt in the repository folder
Run the following command:
cmake CMakeLists.txt
Open the generated solution file in Visual Studio
Build the solution
- Copy the file "msdia140.dll" from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\Common7\IDE" or your VS installation path to the folder where the executable is located
- Create a folder named "PDBs" in the same folder as the executable
- Copy the PDB files of the UE engine versions you want to analyze to the "PDBs" folder. PDBs from source engine builds are preferred
- Run the executable
- Follow the directions in the console window
Add the class or struct name to the following variables and function implementations in the format used for each
static std::vector<ObjectItem> s_object_items
static std::unordered_set<File::StringType> s_valid_udt_names
auto static is_valid_type_to_dump(File::StringType type_name) -> bool
Copy the PDB files of the UE engine versions you want to analyze to the "PDBs" folder. PDBs from source engine builds are preferred
Go to the function implementation for main() found at line 1672 in UVTD_DIA.cpp
Add the following code with the naming of your PDB file
TRY([&] { { VTableDumper vtable_dumper{"PDBs/4_XX.pdb"}; vtable_dumper.generate_code(vtable_or_member_vars); } CoUninitialize(); });
Make types to dump be gathered from a config file rather than through editing source
Other cleanup