This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 14, 2023. It is now read-only.
- Ability to create HWMs
- Dropdown functionality to state and event filters on map page
- Added ability to delete HWMs
- Ability to create Reference Datums
- Added ability to delete reference datums
- Added ability to deploy a sensor
- Added ability to delete sensors
- Alert for deploying and retrieving sensors when no event selected
- Added ability to create a peak
- Added tooltips to all add button icons
- Added ability to delete a peak
- Added Description and Is Destroyed columns in reference datum table
- Added ability to retrieve a sensor
- Clear filters button styling to link
- Increased details modal widths
- Improved responsiveness of tables in details modals
- Autopopulate source and agency when adding file in site edit form
- Disabled add button when no event selected for Peaks, Sensors, HWMs and files (except site files)
- Disabled peak edit when no event selected
- Date Recovered to Date Last Checked in reference datum detail and edit modals
- Time reset in sensor edit modal when Cancel Edits is clicked
- Time validation in sensor edit
- Inability to login after logging out
- Duplicated disabled buttons when incorrect role and no event selected