Releases: UWB-Biocomputing/BrainGrid
Unified C++/CUDA code
Final pre-common-C++ kernel function release
This is the final release of the simulator with all kernel functions grouped into monolithic .cu files. Subsequently, we are moving to have kernel functions integrated into the C++ (.cpp) files with the neuron, synapse, etc. code.
Final single-GPU simulator version
This corresponds to the final commit of the single-GPU version of the BrainGrid simulator. Subsequently, all development will switch to the multi-GPU (multi-cluster) code.
Spring 2018 release
This version of the BrainGrid simulator code was used for UW Bothell Biocomputing Laboratory publications prepared in the first half of 2018.
Pre-release version for IJCNN'17 paper submission
Hi there! This is a checkpoint version of BrainGrid+Workbench, created for the purposes of producing a DOI for a paper submission to IJCNN'17. At this point in time, we were in the midst of cleanup of code and documentation, and so this release is definitely not ready for prime time. If you found your way to this, then you probably want to look for the latest release in the repository, or contact us if that's not obvious!