Releases: Ubiquiti-App/UCRM
Releases · Ubiquiti-App/UCRM
- UCRM is now a natural part of UNMS. The whole application has two modules. The Network module is the NMS part which takes care of network monitoring and configuration and the CRM module is there for automated billing
Better network management
- No more duplicate configuration of devices in both UCRM and UNMS.
- All the devices are now managed by UNMS' Network module only.
- The client's services (in CRM module) can be linked to Client Sites with devices (in Network module)
- Fast, automatic and seamless Traffic Shaping and Suspension: everything is managed by UNMS (no need to configure any Firewall, NAT or QoS rules manually anymore).
- Easy client installation with automatic discovery and UNMS mobile app.
- Traffic Shaping, Suspension and NetFlow are compatible with DHCP: dynamic IPs are enabled now. UNMS is always aware of the current IP of all Ubiquiti devices.
- Advanced network monitoring, even for devices in a separate network, NAT. Also, seamless migration to cloud is now enabled.
- More useful features brought by UNMS' Network module
Logging in for administrators and clients
- All administrators are merged and can be configured in UNMS settings. It's possible to grant permissions for just one of the two modules.
- All administrators can log in using the NMS login page (/nms), while clients will use the client zone login page (/crm)
- It's possible to configure the default login page to be shown when accessing the domain root (/).
Other Improvements
- Better search feature in the header search bar.
- Improved bulk emailing with filters.
- System configuration used by both UNMS' Network and CRM module can be set in UNMS settings (no more in CRM settings): Mailer configuration, System backups, Domain name/IP, SSL certificates, Users management.
Upgrading tool for switching from UCRM v2 to UNMS
- For an easy upgrade and migration of your data use the upgrade tool:
- When invited and not yet activated client resets his password, a new invitation email will be sent.
- PHP upgraded to version 7.2.19
- Fixed rejecting IPpay subscription payments of the same amount for the same client with multiple subscriptions.
- A future service period (configured using the deferred change) is now invoiced automatically as expected even when the deferred change has not been activated. (This is useful for Forward invoicing and automatic invoicing a few days ahead.)
- Setup fees for quoted service are no longer invoiced automatically until the quoted service is accepted and activated.
- Client CSV import not failing now even when different encoding than UTF-8 is used.
- Minor improvements for ticketing IMAP import from servers with invalid email formats.
- Paid proforma invoices no longer included in the financial overview on dashboard.
- Fixed possible issues with Client CSV Import.
- Fixed rare crashes when approving an invoice draft.
- Minor fixes, UX improvements and UCRM API improvements.
- Terminated services now grayed out on the map overview.
- The "New Invoice" and "Send invoices with zero balance" toggles are no longer chained.
- Approve all invoice drafts button added to the drafts grid page.
- Map client markers improved - it's possible to click on them to go to client/service/site.
- PHP upgraded to version 7.2.18
- Fixed inability to add items to invoice for some users with specific permissions.
- Fixed permissions error shown on the client detail page for some users.
- Fixed missing discount (and other parameters) when a proforma was transformed into invoice.
- Created date couldn't be modified on new/edit Quote form.
- Fixed shaping sync after the service's plan is changed via deferred change.
- Broken page scrolling on some forms.
- Client zone invitation email is disabled for clients not having username.
- Minor fixes, UI/UX improvements.
- Admins now able to pay via ACH when using the "pay online" feature from admin zone.
- Improved CC payment form for Authorize.Net and IPPay, new tooltips and look.
- Custom fonts enabled using CSS, read more in the guide at /help/invoice-templates.
- Better logging for payments.
- Fixed payments created as unattached when processing one-time Stripe payments, improved payment matching.
- Minor fixes, UI/UX improvements.
- Client's address (optional value) is not prefilled automatically in the IPpay online payment form.
- Fixed "pay total amount" feature in the client zone.
- Fixed online payments when changing of payment amount was disabled.
- Fixed back button on the payment success page.
- UX improvements.
- Minor Fixes.
- New option for Stripe subscriptions "Import unattached payments" - if turned on in the organization settings, Stripe payments that would normally be ignored are imported as Unattached payments into UCRM.
- Added validation for IPpay payment form - zip code length is limited to 10 characters to prevent failing payments.
- Only the full proforma invoice's amount can be paid now, partially paid proforma invoices are not enabled by UCRM.
- Ticket subject limited to 80 characters. The input longer than 80 characters becomes part of the ticket message (applies only to the input from UCRM Client Zone, not from IMAP ticketing import).
- PHP upgraded to version 7.2.17
- Fix issues with ticketing import for emails with incorrect encoding or formatting.
- Fixed manual editing of client's data usage (manual NetFlow edits).
- Raw payment amount from Stripe payment now shown in the correct format.
- Fixed minor rounding issue for predefined amount when creating a new subscription.
- Fixed performance issues on Organization show and edit pages.
- Fixed bugs with editing service deferred change.
- Fixed crashes when batch sending the invitation emails to the client zone.
- Fixed crash when plugin is updated and its new configuration requires a different configuration type.
- Minor improvements, tools update, logger improvements.
- Minor fixes.
- Minor fixes.
- Edit modal window fixed for editing service's billing settings.
- Fixed IPpay subscriptions - trigerring duplicate payments.
- 2 months period are now enabled for Service Plans.
- Improved logging of payment subscription errors.
- Editing of paid invoices or proformas is now enabled. All invoice attributes can be edited except the invoice items.
- PDF of Invoices and Proforma invoices can be now included in the UCRM backup file. Note that this can increase the backup file size significantly. UCRM can always recreate a missing PDF but the current client's and organization's attributes are used as well as the current invoice template.
- Better Google Calendar sync of the scheduling jobs. The job's GPS and other attributes (e.g. description, job's tasks) are now pushed to the user's calendar event.
- Image thumbnails are now available for ticket attachments (supported formats are jpeg, png and gif).
- Client's custom attributes can be now configured as hidden from the client zone. You can use these attributes for sensitive data or technical data used by API or plugins.
- Automatic invoicing can be now turned ON/OFF in System > Billing.
- As an administrator you can create a new online payment on behalf of your client directly from the admin zone (you don't need to log in "as client" to the client zone).
- Admins without permission to view scheduling are now not included in the scheduling timeline.
- UI/UX Improvements and minor fixes (e.g. time zone of the system time shown on the dashboard, better invoicing preview when creating a new service).
- New "pay total amount" button added to the Client Zone, useful for clients having more than one unpaid invoice.
- "Suspension postpone" button added to the Client Zone. Besides the postponing enabled on the walled garden page, the postponing on the client profile page in the Client Zone can be used.
- Better UX for the payment subscription window. Clients now get all the info needed before they create a subscription. E.g. (whether the previous invoice is already paid or not and when is the next invoicing day)
- For plugin developers: now, it's possible to configure plugin's scripts hooked to common plugin actions - for plugin install, update, configure, enable, disable, remove.
- Plugins with incompatible max version are disabled automatically.
- Now, you can edit all the service's parameters using a single form. (also for already invoiced services)
- In-app guide helping WISP migrate UCRM to UNMS (will be enabled when UNMS v1.0 is released).
- Invoice number is not requested now when editing an invoice draft. It is automatically added when the draft is approved.
- The regenerate invoice PDF button now using the current client's and organization's data (like names, addresses, custom attributes) for recreating a new invoice. Same for quotes or proforma invoices.
- Changing of period length on service is not enabled to avoid invoicing issues of the given service.
- Fixed issues with tickets loaded for some IMAP emails in rare formats.
- Minor API fixes.
- Better and more user-friendly password strength validation.
- New UCRM localizations added: Georgian, Bulgarian.
- CA certificates are periodically updated.
- Better plugin installation and backuping/restoring.
- PHP upgraded to version 7.2.16
- Service period cannot be edited for already invoiced services to prevent possible issues with invoicing.
- Fixed issues with Stripe subscription payments.
- UI/UX improvements for google maps.
- Fixed crashing receipt template in some cases of payments created via API.
- Factory reset not working, doing no changes to the data.
- Lets Encrypt TLSv1.0 removed, TLSv1.3 added.
- Fix for possible issues with ticketing import from some client email replies.
- Fixed displaying rounding difference on invoices with no custom rounding.
- Minor API fixes.
- Minor fixes.