diff --git a/addon/ClanBank/language/Lang_ES.yml b/addon/ClanBank/language/Lang_ES.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f1f849 --- /dev/null +++ b/addon/ClanBank/language/Lang_ES.yml @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ +COMUM: + player dont have clan: '%tag% Este jugador no tiene un clan.' + gui error: '%tag% Este menú contiene un error y no se puede abrir.' + disabled function: '%tag% Esta función está desactivada o deshabilitada.' + chan does not exists: '%tag% Este clan no existe.' + command by player: '%tag% Este comando debe ser utilizado por un jugador.' + no permission: '%tag% No tienes permisos para esto.' + player deposited money: '%tag% %uclans_money_currency%%amount% ha sido depositado en tu cuenta.' + player dont have money: '%tag% Necesitas %uclans_money_currency%%amount%' + player dont have money gui: Necesitas %uclans_money_currency%%amount% + player debited money: '%tag% Se ha debitado %amount% de tu cuenta.' + player money nozero: '%tag% El valor debe ser mayor que cero.' + help clan header subcommand: 'Ayuda con subcomandos: [!] subcmd | <> obligatorio | () opcional ' + help list empty: ' - No hay nada en esta lista.' + clan dont permission role: '%tag% Tu rol actual no te permite hacer esto.' + bank limit: '%tag% El límite de nivel de tu clan ha sido alcanzado (%uclans_money_currency%{limit}), sube más niveles para desbloquear un límite superior.' + bank limit gui: Límite alcanzado (%uclans_money_currency%{limit}). + bank value max title: ! Valor máximo de %uclans_money_currency%%max% + bank value min title: ! Valor mínimo de %uclans_money_currency%%min% + bank value max: '%tag% Valor máximo de %uclans_money_currency%%max%' + bank value min: '%tag% Valor mínimo de %uclans_money_currency%%min%' + bank add error gui: ¡Error en la transacción! + bank add success gui: ¡Éxito! + bank need: '%tag% El banco del clan no tiene %uclans_money_currency%%amount%' + bank need gui: El banco necesita %uclans_money_currency%%amount% + bank view: '%tag% El banco del clan ahora tiene %uclans_money_currency%%amount%' + logger clanbankwithdrawevent: - %uclans_money_currency%%amount% fue retirado del banco por %uclans_player% + logger clanbankaddevent: + %uclans_money_currency%%amount% fue agregado al banco por %uclans_player% +GUI: + Bank home_bank title: Banco | %uclans_tag_color% + Bank home_bank items fill name: ' ' + Bank home_bank items fill lore: [ + ] + Bank home_bank items fill2 name: ' ' + Bank home_bank items fill2 lore: [ + ] + Bank home_bank items balance name: Saldo del Clan + Bank home_bank items balance lore: + - '' + - ' Total: %uclans_money_currency%%uclans_bank_balance%' + - '' + - ' Selecciona la acción abajo.' + Bank home_bank items add name: Depositar %uclans_money_current_formated% en el Banco + Bank home_bank items add lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para abrir.' + Bank home_bank items withdraw name: Retirar %uclans_money_current_formated% del Banco + Bank home_bank items withdraw lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para abrir.' + Bank home_bank items back name: Volver + Bank home_bank items back lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para regresar.' + Bank bank_withdraw title: 'Retirar: %uclans_money_currency%%amount%' + Bank bank_withdraw items fill name: ' ' + Bank bank_withdraw items fill lore: [ + ] + Bank bank_withdraw items fill2 name: ' ' + Bank bank_withdraw items fill2 lore: [ + ] + Bank bank_withdraw items balance name: Saldo del Clan + Bank bank_withdraw items balance lore: + - '' + - ' Total: %uclans_money_currency%%uclans_bank_balance%' + - '' + - ' Selecciona la acción abajo.' + Bank bank_withdraw items player name: %uclans_player% + Bank bank_withdraw items player lore: + - '' + - ' %uclans_money_current_formated%: %uclans_money_currency%%uclans_money_player%' + - '' + Bank bank_withdraw items add name: + %uclans_money_currency%%add% + Bank bank_withdraw items add lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para añadir.' + Bank bank_withdraw items add2 name: + %uclans_money_currency%%add% + Bank bank_withdraw items add2 lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para añadir.' + Bank bank_withdraw items remove name: -%uclans_money_currency%%remove% + Bank bank_withdraw items remove lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para eliminar.' + Bank bank_withdraw items remove2 name: -%uclans_money_currency%%remove% + Bank bank_withdraw items remove2 lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para eliminar.' + Bank bank_withdraw items go name: Retirar %uclans_money_currency%%amount% + Bank bank_withdraw items go lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para retirar %uclans_money_currency%%amount%.' + Bank bank_withdraw items back name: Volver + Bank bank_withdraw items back lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para regresar.' + Bank bank_add title: 'Añadir: %uclans_money_currency%%amount%' + Bank bank_add items fill name: ' ' + Bank bank_add items fill lore: [ + ] + Bank bank_add items fill2 name: ' ' + Bank bank_add items fill2 lore: [ + ] + Bank bank_add items balance name: Saldo del Clan + Bank bank_add items balance lore: + - '' + - ' Total: %uclans_money_currency%%uclans_bank_balance%' + - '' + - ' Selecciona la acción abajo.' + Bank bank_add items player name: %uclans_player% + Bank bank_add items player lore: + - '' + - ' %uclans_money_current_formated%: %uclans_money_currency%%uclans_money_player%' + - '' + Bank bank_add items add name: + %uclans_money_currency%%add% + Bank bank_add items add lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para añadir.' + Bank bank_add items add2 name: + %uclans_money_currency%%add% + Bank bank_add items add2 lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para añadir.' + Bank bank_add items remove name: -%uclans_money_currency%%remove% + Bank bank_add items remove lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para eliminar.' + Bank bank_add items remove2 name: -%uclans_money_currency%%remove% + Bank bank_add items remove2 lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para eliminar.' + Bank bank_add items go name: Añadir %uclans_money_currency%%amount% + Bank bank_add items go lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para añadir %uclans_money_currency%%amount%.' + Bank bank_add items back name: Volver + Bank bank_add items back lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para regresar.' diff --git a/addon/ClanLand/language/Lang_ES.yml b/addon/ClanLand/language/Lang_ES.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..00fa1de --- /dev/null +++ b/addon/ClanLand/language/Lang_ES.yml @@ -0,0 +1,437 @@ +COMUM: + player donthave clan: '%tag% Este jugador no tiene un clan.' + gui error: '%tag% Este menú contiene un error y no puede ser abierto.' + disabled function: '%tag% Esta función está desactivada o inhabilitada.' + chan does not exists: '%tag% Este clan no existe.' + command by player: '%tag% Este comando debe ser utilizado por un jugador.' + no permission: '%tag% No tienes permisos para esto.' + player deposited money: '%tag% %uclans_money_currency%%amount% han sido depositados en tu cuenta.' + player dont have money: '%tag% Necesitas %uclans_money_currency%%amount%' + player dont have money gui: Necesitas %uclans_money_currency%%amount% + player not found: '%tag% No se encontró a un jugador con este nombre o está desconectado.' + player debited money: '%tag% Se ha descontado %amount% de tu cuenta.' + terrain name max chars: '%tag% El nombre del terreno puede tener entre %min% y %max% caracteres.' + disabled world land: '%tag% No puedes usar terrenos en este mundo.' + land help header: 'Terrenos del clan:' + land list header: '%uclans_tag_color% lista de terrenos:' + land list format: 'Haz clic para ver.''> - Id: %clanland_id% | %clanland_name% | Tamaño: %clanland_size% | Nivel: %clanland_level% [CLIC PARA VER]' + land list banned header: '%uclans_tag_color% lista de baneados:' + land list banned format: 'Clic para desbanear.''> - %uclans_player% | Kdr: %uclans_player_kills%/%uclans_player_deaths% (%uclans_player_kdr%) Rol: %uclans_player_role_formated% [CLIC PARA DESBANEAR]' + land list trusted header: '%uclans_tag_color% trusted list:' + land list trusted format: 'Click to untrust.''> - %uclans_player% | Kdr: %uclans_player_kills%/%uclans_player_deaths% (%uclans_player_kdr%) Rol: %uclans_player_role_formated% [CLIC PARA DEJAR DE CONFIAR]' + land view header: 'Información del Terreno:' + land view format: + - '| Dueño:' + - ' Clan: %uclans_tag_color%' + - ' Miembros: %uclans_count_members%' + - ' Líder: %uclans_leader_formated%' + - '| Info:' + - ' Id: %clanland_id%' + - ' Nombre: %clanland_name%' + - ' Tamaño: %clanland_size%' + - ' Fecha de creación: %clanland_creation_date%' + land settings header: 'Ajustes del Terreno:' + land settings format: + - '| Ubicación:' + - ' Spawn: %clanland_spawn%' + - '| Banderas:' + - ' Criaturas: Monstruo: %clanland_flag:monster_spawn% | Animales: %clanland_flag:animal_spawn%' + - ' Decaimiento: %clanland_flag:leaf_decay%' + - ' Líquidos: Lava: %clanland_flag:lava_flow% | Agua: %clanland_flag:water_flow%' + - ' Destrucción: TNT: %clanland_flag:tnt% | Destrucción por mobs: %clanland_flag:mob_grief%' + - ' PvP: TNT: %clanland_flag:pvp%' + help clan header subcommand: 'Ayuda con subcomandos: [!] subcmd | <> obligatorio | () opcional ' + help list empty: ' - No hay nada en esta lista.' + clan dont permission role: '%tag% Tu rol actual no te permite hacer esto.' + need bank money: '%tag% Tu clan necesita %uclans_money_currency%%amount% en el banco.' + need bank money gui: Se necesita %uclans_money_currency%%amount% en el banco.' + economy disabled: '%tag% La economía está desactivada.' + economy disabled gui: La economía está desactivada.' + terrain no land: '%tag% Esta tierra no está protegida y no pertenece a ningún clan.' + player teleport dont move: '%tag% Preparando teletransporte, no te muevas durante %sec% segundos.' + player teleport moved: '%tag% Te moviste y el teletransporte fue cancelado!!!' + player teleport true: '%tag% ¡Has sido teletransportado!' + player teleport false: '%tag% No has sido teletransportado debido a un error.' + value none: Ninguno + value true: Habilitado + value false: Deshabilitado + player delete error gui: '' + player delete error: '' + player: + delete success gui: '' + delete success: '' + banner get error: '%tag% Hubo un error al obtener el estandarte del clan.' + banner get error gui: ¡Error al obtener el estandarte!' + banner get success: '%tag% Estandarte del clan recibido con éxito. Para comenzar la reclamación, haz clic en los dos puntos en los extremos de la nueva tierra.' + banner no clan: '%tag% Este estandarte no pertenece a tu clan.' + banner clan empty: '%tag% Este estandarte no pertenece a tu clan.' + disabled region: '%tag% No puedes usarlo en esta región.' + colliding terrain: '%tag% ¡Esta ubicación parece estar colisionando con otro terreno!' + land no owner: '%tag% Tu clan no es dueño de esta tierra.' + land empty: '%tag% Tu clan no tiene tierras.' + land flag change error gui: Error al cambiar.' + land flag change success gui: Cambiado con éxito.' + land nomember: '%tag% No eres parte de la tierra de este clan.' + land player banned: '%tag% No puedes hacer esto porque estás baneado de esta tierra.' + land player unbanned: '%tag% ¡El jugador ha sido desbaneado con éxito!' + land player unbanned gui: ¡Jugador desbaneado con éxito!' + land player unbanned error: '%tag% ¡Hubo un error al desbanear al jugador!' + land player unbanned error gui: Error al desbanear al jugador.' + land player is banned: '%tag% Este jugador está baneado de la tierra.' + land player untrusted: '%tag% ¡El jugador ha sido removido de la lista de confianza con éxito!' + land player untrusted gui: Jugador removido de la lista de confianza con éxito!' + land player ununtrusted error: '%tag% ¡Hubo un error al remover la confianza del jugador!' + land player ununtrusted error gui: Error al remover la confianza del jugador.' + land player already banned: '%tag% Este jugador ya está baneado de esta tierra.' + land player no banned: '%tag% Este jugador no está baneado de esta tierra.' + land player no trusted: '%tag% Este jugador no es de confianza en esta tierra.' + land player already trusted: '%tag% Este jugador ya es de confianza en esta tierra.' + land player is leader: '%tag% Este jugador es el líder de la tierra.' + land player is leader gui: ¡Es el líder de la tierra!' + land errorclaim: '%tag% Ocurrió un error al reclamar la tierra.' + land hasland: '%tag% Tu clan ya tiene una tierra.' + land successclaim: '%tag% Tierra asegurada con éxito, usa /clan nexus para administrar.' + land veryclose: '%tag% Hay otra tierra muy cerca de los límites.' + land nobanner: '%tag% Tu clan aún no ha configurado un estandarte.' + land claim canceled: '%tag% La reclamación fue cancelada porque el tiempo se agotó o te alejaste demasiado.' + land claim start: '%tag% Has comenzado la reclamación de la tierra, selecciona dos puntos para generar el tamaño.' + land claim claimed: '%tag% La tierra ha sido reclamada con éxito.' + land claim claimed gui: Tierra reclamada con éxito.' + land claim error: '%tag% Hubo un error al reclamar la tierra.' + land claim error gui: ¡Error al reclamar!' + land claim finish: '%tag% Has seleccionado los dos puntos y ahora puedes ver el tamaño real del terreno. Incluso puedes cambiar los puntos o hacer clic dentro del cuadro para continuar.' + land claim veryfaraway: '%tag% El tamaño seleccionado excede el límite.' + land claim veryclose: '%tag% El punto seleccionado parece estar muy cerca del primer punto seleccionado.' + land claim tiny: '%tag% El tamaño seleccionado es demasiado pequeño.' + land claim nearland: '%tag% ¡Parece que estás demasiado cerca de otro terreno!' + + # JOIN AND LEAVE LAND MESSAGES (Use '' to not send, All placeholders from PLACEHOLDERS.txt can be used.) + enter title: Entraste en %uclans_tag_color% + enter title sub: %clanland_name% + enter actionbar: Entraste en el terreno %clanland_name% de %uclans_tag_color% + enter message: '%tag% Entraste en el terreno %clanland_name% de %uclans_tag_color%' + leave title: Saliste de %uclans_tag_color% + leave title sub: %clanland_name% + leave actionbar: Saliste del terreno %clanland_name% de %uclans_tag_color% + leave message: '%tag% Saliste del terreno %clanland_name% de %uclans_tag_color%' + land build outside: '%tag% Estás construyendo fuera de tu terreno.' + land build only land: '%tag% Solo puedes construir en tu terreno.' + logger clanlandclaimevent: El terreno del clan fue reclamado por %uclans_player% + logger clanlandunclaimevent: El terreno del clan fue desreclamado por %uclans_player% +LANGUAGE: + value accept type: '%tag% El tipo no es válido, utilice: %types%' +COMMUM: + land player already member: '%tag% Este jugador ya es miembro de la Tierra.' +GUI: + Land home_noclaim title: Sin tierra | %uclans_tag_color% + Land home_noclaim items fill name: ' ' + Land home_noclaim items fill lore: [ + ] + Land home_noclaim items fill2 name: ' ' + Land home_noclaim items fill2 lore: [ + ] + Land home_noclaim items info name: Estandarte del clan + Land home_noclaim items info lore: + - '' + - ' Información del Banner:' + - '' + - ' El banner del clan se usa para crear' + - ' el Terreno de Clanes y proteger' + - ' la tierra para el clan.' + - '' + - ' ¡Solo el líder puede gestionar terrenos!' + Land home_noclaim items start name: Comenzar la reclamación + Land home_noclaim items start lore: + - '' + - ' Tu clan no tiene terrenos, puedes' + - ' empezar la reclamación ahora.' + Land home_noclaim items banner name: Sin Banner + Land home_noclaim items banner lore: + - '' + - ' Para usar los Terrenos, tu' + - ' clan necesita un Banner!' + Land home_noclaim items nomod name: Sin Terreno + Land home_noclaim items nomod lore: + - '' + - ' Tu clan no tiene terrenos, solo los moderadores' + - ' o el líder pueden reclamar nuevos terrenos!' + Land home_noclaim items back name: Volver + Land home_noclaim items back lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para volver.' + Land home_claim title: Reclamación | %size% bloque(s) + Land home_claim items fill name: ' ' + Land home_claim items fill lore: [ + ] + Land home_claim items fill2 name: ' ' + Land home_claim items fill2 lore: [ + ] + Land home_claim items claim name: Reclamar Terreno + Land home_claim items claim lore: + - '' + - ' Información:' + - '' + - ' Tamaño: %size% bloque(s)' + - ' Precio: %uclans_money_currency%%price%' + - '' + - ' Haz clic para finalizar la reclamación.' + Land home_claim items ajust name: Ajustar tamaño + Land home_claim items ajust lore: + - '' + - ' Cerrar y continuar la selección.' + Land home_claim items deselect name: Deseleccionar + Land home_claim items deselect lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para deseleccionar completamente.' + Land home_claim items back name: Volver + Land home_claim items back lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para volver.' + Land home_land title: Lista de Terrenos | %uclans_tag_color% + Land home_land items fill name: ' ' + Land home_land items fill lore: [ + ] + Land home_land items current name: Terreno %clanland_name% + Land home_land items current lore: + - '' + - ' Información del Terreno:' + - '' + - ' Clan: %uclans_tag_color%' + - ' Líder: %uclans_leader%' + - ' Miembros: %uclans_count_members%' + - ' Baneados: %clanland_count_banned%' + - ' Tamaño: %clanland_size%' + - ' Fecha de creación: %clanland_creation_date%' + - ' Nivel: %clanland_level%' + - '' + - Haz clic para abrir. + Land home_land items next name: Página siguiente. + Land home_land items next lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para continuar.' + Land home_land items prev name: Página anterior. + Land home_land items prev lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para volver.' + Land home_land items back name: Volver + Land home_land items back lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para regresar.' + Land land_info title: Información del Terreno | %clanland_name% + Land land_info items fill name: ' ' + Land land_info items fill lore: [ + ] + Land land_info items fill2 name: ' ' + Land land_info items fill2 lore: [ + ] + Land land_info items teleport name: Teletransportarse al Terreno + Land land_info items teleport lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para ir al punto de inicio del terreno.' + Land land_info items info name: Terreno %clanland_name% + Land land_info items info lore: + - '' + - ' Información del Terreno:' + - '' + - ' Clan: %uclans_tag_color%' + - ' Líder: %uclans_leader%' + - ' Miembros: %uclans_count_members%' + - ' Baneados: %clanland_count_banned%' + - ' Tamaño: %clanland_size%' + - ' Fecha de creación: %clanland_creation_date%' + - ' Nivel: %clanland_level%' + Land land_info items members name: Miembros del Terreno. + Land land_info items members lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para abrir.' + Land land_info items banned name: Jugadores baneados. + Land land_info items banned lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para abrir.' + Land land_info items ajust name: Ajustes del Terreno + Land land_info items ajust lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para abrir.' + Land land_info items back name: Volver + Land land_info items back lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para regresar.' + Land land_banned title: Jugadores baneados | %clanland_name% + Land land_banned items fill name: ' ' + Land land_banned items fill lore: [ + ] + Land land_banned items current name: %uclans_player% + Land land_banned items current lore: + - '' + - ' Información del Jugador' + - '' + - ' Kdr: %uclans_player_kills%/%uclans_player_deaths% (%uclans_player_kdr%)' + - ' Rol: %uclans_player_role_formated%' + Land land_banned items current_action name: %uclans_player% + Land land_banned items current_action lore: + - '' + - ' Información del Jugador' + - '' + - ' Kdr: %uclans_player_kills%/%uclans_player_deaths% (%uclans_player_kdr%)' + - ' Rol: %uclans_player_role_formated%' + - '' + - ' HAZ CLIC PARA DESBANEAR.' + Land land_banned items next name: Página siguiente. + Land land_banned items next lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para continuar.' + Land land_banned items prev name: Página anterior. + Land land_banned items prev lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para regresar.' + Land land_banned items new name: Banear a un jugador + Land land_banned items new lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para abrir.' + Land land_banned items back name: Volver + Land land_banned items back lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para regresar.' + Land land_members title: Miembros del Terreno | %clanland_name% + Land land_members items fill name: ' ' + Land land_members items fill lore: [ + ] + Land land_members items current name: %uclans_player% + Land land_members items current lore: + - '' + - ' Información del Jugador' + - '' + - ' Kdr: %uclans_player_kills%/%uclans_player_deaths% (%uclans_player_kdr%)' + - ' Rol: %uclans_player_role_formated%' + Land land_members items current_action name: %uclans_player% + Land land_members items current_action lore: + - '' + - ' Información del Jugador' + - '' + - ' Kdr: %uclans_player_kills%/%uclans_player_deaths% (%uclans_player_kdr%)' + - ' Rol: %uclans_player_role_formated%' + - '' + - ' HAZ CLIC PARA DESCONFIAR.' + Land land_members items next name: Página siguiente. + Land land_members items next lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para continuar.' + Land land_members items prev name: Página anterior. + Land land_members items prev lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para regresar.' + Land land_members items new name: Confiar en un jugador + Land land_members items new lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para abrir.' + Land land_members items back name: Volver + Land land_members items back lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para regresar.' + Land confirm_unban title: ¿Confirmar Desbanear a %uclans_player%? + Land confirm_unban items fill name: ' ' + Land confirm_unban items fill lore: [ + ] + Land confirm_unban items confirm name: Desbanear a %uclans_player% + Land confirm_unban items confirm lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para confirmar y DESBANEAR al jugador.' + Land confirm_unban items back name: Cancelar y volver + Land confirm_unban items back lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para regresar.' + Land confirm_untrust title: ¿Confirmar Desconfiar de %uclans_player%? + Land confirm_untrust items fill name: ' ' + Land confirm_untrust items fill lore: [ + ] + Land confirm_untrust items confirm name: Desconfiar de %uclans_player% + Land confirm_untrust items confirm lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para confirmar y DESCONFIAR del jugador.' + Land confirm_untrust items back name: Cancelar y volver + Land confirm_untrust items back lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para regresar.' + Land confirm_abandon title: ¿Confirmar Abandonar %clanland_name%? + Land confirm_abandon items fill name: ' ' + Land confirm_abandon items fill lore: [ + ] + Land confirm_abandon items confirm name: Sí, confirmar. + Land confirm_abandon items confirm lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para confirmar y abandonar.' + Land confirm_abandon items back name: Cancelar y volver + Land confirm_abandon items back lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para regresar.' + Land land_ajust title: Ajustes del Terreno | %clanland_name% + Land land_ajust items fill name: ' ' + Land land_ajust items fill lore: [ + ] + Land land_ajust items rename name: Renombrar el terreno. + Land land_ajust items rename lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para renombrar el terreno.' + Land land_ajust items setspawn name: Cambiar spawn del terreno. + Land land_ajust items setspawn lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para cambiar el spawn ' + - 'a tu ubicación actual o usa el ' + - comando /clan land setspawn mientras + - estés dentro de tu terreno. + Land land_ajust items abandon name: Abandonar el terreno. + Land land_ajust items abandon lore: + - '' + - ' Atención, si abandonas el' + - 'terreno, los ítems y edificios ' + - perderán protección!' + - '' + - ' Haz clic para abandonar.' + Land land_ajust items back name: Regresar. + Land land_ajust items back lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para regresar.' + Land land_ajust items flags name: Flags del terreno. + Land land_ajust items flags lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para editar los flags.' + Land land_flags title: Flags del terreno | %clanland_name% + Land land_flags items fill name: ' ' + Land land_flags items fill lore: [ + ] + Land land_flags items monster_spawn name: Spawn de monstruos. + Land land_flags items monster_spawn lore: + - '' + - ' Estado: %clanland_flag:monster_spawn%.' + Land land_flags items animal_spawn name: Spawn de animales. + Land land_flags items animal_spawn lore: + - '' + - ' Estado: %clanland_flag:animal_spawn%.' + Land land_flags items leaf_decay name: Descomposición de hojas. + Land land_flags items leaf_decay lore: + - '' + - ' Estado: %clanland_flag:leaf_decay%.' + Land land_flags items pvp name: PvP. + Land land_flags items pvp lore: + - '' + - ' Estado: %clanland_flag:pvp%.' + Land land_flags items water_flow name: Flujo de agua. + Land land_flags items water_flow lore: + - '' + - ' Estado: %clanland_flag:water_flow%.' + Land land_flags items lava_flow name: Flujo de lava. + Land land_flags items lava_flow lore: + - '' + - ' Estado: %clanland_flag:lava_flow%.' + Land land_flags items tnt name: Explosión de TNT. + Land land_flags items tnt lore: + - '' + - ' Estado: %clanland_flag:tnt%.' + Land land_flags items mob_grief name: Destrucción por mobs. + Land land_flags items mob_grief lore: + - '' + - ' Estado: %clanland_flag:mob_grief%.' + Land land_flags items back name: Regresar. + Land land_flags items back lore: + - '' + - ' Haz clic para regresar.' diff --git a/addon/ClanLeague/language/Lang_EN.yml b/addon/ClanLeague/language/Lang_EN.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..35e6288 --- /dev/null +++ b/addon/ClanLeague/language/Lang_EN.yml @@ -0,0 +1,336 @@ +COMUM: + player dont have clan: '%tag% This player does not have a clan.' + gui error: '%tag% This menu contains an error and cannot be opened' + header help: 'League Commands:' + header list season help: 'Season list:' + header list season format: ' Name: %clanleague_season:{name}:name% | Start: %clanleague_season:{name}:start% | End: %clanleague_season:{name}:end% | State: %clanleague_season:{name}:state%' + header list season items help: 'Season items list:' + header list season items format: ' Num: {num} | Type: {material} | Amount: {amount} | Name: {name}' + header list season commands help: 'Season commands list:' + header list season commands format: ' Num: {num} | Cmd: {cmd}' + disabled function: '%tag% This function is turned off or disabled.' + chan does not exists: '%tag% This clan does not exist' + command by player: '%tag% This command must be used by a player.' + no permission: '%tag% You dont have permissions for this.' + none: None. + season state future: Future + season state old: Finished + season state current: Current + season state inprogress: In Progress + season state stillinprogress: Still in progress... + season state counting: Counting... + season already exists: '%tag% There is already a season with this name.' + season doesnot exists: '%tag% There is no season with this name.' + season already finished: '%tag% This Season has already been finished.' + season wrong date format: '%tag% The date format is wrong, use {date}' + season date another season: '%tag% The date chosen for {chosen} is already in another season, the dates cannot coincide.' + season already happening: '%tag% There is already a season happening now.' + season no running: '%tag% There is no season running right now.' + season hand empty: '%tag% You need to hold an item to do this..' + season start: Start + season end: End + player deposited money: '%tag% %uclans_money_currency%%amount% has been deposited in your account.' + player dont have money: '%tag% You need to %uclans_money_currency%%amount%' + player dont have money gui: You need to %uclans_money_currency%%amount% + player debited money: '%tag% It was debited %amount% your account.' + player money nozero: '%tag% The value must be greater than zero' + help clan header subcommand: 'Help with subcommands: [!] subcmd | <> obligatory | () optional ' + help list empty: ' - There is nothing on this list.' + clan dont permission role: '%tag% Your current role you cannot do this.' + league limit: '%tag% Your clans level limit has been reached (%uclans_money_currency%{limit}), gain more levels to unlock a higher limit.' + league limit gui: Limit reached (%uclans_money_currency%{limit}). + league value max title: ! Valor max de %uclans_money_currency%%max% + league value min title: ! Valor min de %uclans_money_currency%%min% + league value max: '%tag% Valor max de %uclans_money_currency%%max%' + league value min: '%tag% Valor min de %uclans_money_currency%%min%' + league add error gui: Transaction error! + league add success gui: Success! + league need: '%tag% The clan league does not have %uclans_money_currency%%amount%' + league need gui: League need %uclans_money_currency%%amount% + league view: '%tag% The clan league now has %uclans_money_currency%%amount%' + league logger league_points: The clan received {points} from the League ({reason}) + logger clanleaguewithdrawevent: - %uclans_money_currency%%amount% was withdrawn from the league by %uclans_player% + logger clanleagueaddevent: + %uclans_money_currency%%amount% was added to the league by %uclans_player% +GUI: + League home_league title: Clan League | %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:name% + League home_league items fill name: ' ' + League home_league items fill lore: [ + ] + League home_league items fill2 name: ' ' + League home_league items fill2 lore: [ + ] + League home_league items fill3 name: ' ' + League home_league items fill3 lore: [ + ] + #variables: {position}, {points}, {amount_clans} + League home_league items top name: 'Top #{position}' + League home_league items top lore: + - '' + - ' Clan: %uclans_tag_color% (Level: %uclans_level%)' + - ' Leader: %uclans_leader_formated%' + - ' Members: %uclans_count_members%' + - ' Patent: %uclans_patent_formated%' + - '' + - ' Points: {points} point(s)' + - ' Position: #{position}/{amount_clans}' + - '' + - ' Click to view' + League home_league items all name: All participants. + League home_league items all lore: + - '' + - ' Click to open the list.' + League home_league items rewards name: Unclaimed rewards. + League home_league items rewards lore: + - '' + - ' Unclaimed rewards: {unclaimed_amount}' + - '' + - ' You have unclaimed rewards' + - from other seasons. + - '' + - ' Click to open.' + League home_league items rewards_none name: Unclaimed rewards. + League home_league items rewards_none lore: + - '' + - ' Unclaimed rewards: {unclaimed_amount}' + - '' + - ' Click to open.' + #variables: {position}, {points}, {amount_clans} + League home_league items clan name: Your clan in the league. + League home_league items clan lore: + - '' + - ' Clan: %uclans_tag_color% (Level: %uclans_level%)' + - ' ' + - ' Points: {points} point(s)' + - ' Position: #{position}/{amount_clans}' + - '' + - ' Click to see clan events.' + League home_league items clan_noparticipant name: Your clan in the league. + League home_league items clan_noparticipant lore: + - '' + - ' Your clan is not participating in the ' + - league. To join the league, your + - clan must participate in events + - 'that take place on the server ' + - and earn points. + League home_league items previous name: Previous League. + League home_league items previous lore: + - '' + - ' Click to see the list' + League home_league items info name: Current League. + League home_league items info lore: + - '' + - ' Legue Information:' + - '' + - ' Name: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:name%' + - ' Desc: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:desc%' + - ' Date: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:start% to %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:end%' + - '' + - ' State: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:state%' + - '' + - ' Rewards:' + - ' Items: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:rewards_items_amount%' + - ' Commands: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:rewards_commands_amount%' + - '' + - ' Left-Click to see participants.' + - ' Right-Click to see rewards.' + League home_league items back name: Come back + League home_league items back lore: + - '' + - ' Click to go back.' + League home_allparticipants title: Participants | %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:name% + League home_allparticipants items fill name: ' ' + League home_allparticipants items fill lore: [ + ] + #variables: {position}, {points}, {amount_clans} + League home_allparticipants items current name: 'Top #{position}' + League home_allparticipants items current lore: + - '' + - ' Clan: %uclans_tag_color% (Level: %uclans_level%)' + - ' Leader: %uclans_leader_formated%' + - ' Members: %uclans_count_members%' + - ' Patent: %uclans_patent_formated%' + - '' + - ' Points: {points} point(s)' + - ' Position: #{position}/{amount_clans}' + - '' + - ' Click to view' + League home_allparticipants items previous name: Previous page. + League home_allparticipants items previous lore: + - '' + - ' Click to return' + League home_allparticipants items next name: Next page. + League home_allparticipants items next lore: + - '' + - ' Click to advance.' + League home_allparticipants items back name: Come back + League home_allparticipants items back lore: + - '' + - ' Click to go back.' + League home_previous_league title: Previous League + League home_previous_league items fill name: ' ' + League home_previous_league items fill lore: [ + ] + League home_previous_league items current name: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:name% + League home_previous_league items current lore: + - '' + - ' Name: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:name%' + - ' Desc: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:desc%' + - ' Date: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:start% to %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:end%' + - '' + - ' State: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:state%' + - ' Winner: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:winner%' + - '' + - ' Rewards:' + - ' Items: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:rewards_items_amount%' + - ' Commands: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:rewards_commands_amount%' + - '' + - ' Left-Click to see participants.' + - ' Right-Click to see rewards.' + League home_previous_league items previous name: Previous page. + League home_previous_league items previous lore: + - '' + - ' Click to return' + League home_previous_league items next name: Next page. + League home_previous_league items next lore: + - '' + - ' Click to advance.' + League home_previous_league items back name: Come back + League home_previous_league items back lore: + - '' + - ' Click to go back.' + League home_clan_events title: Clan events | %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:name% + League home_clan_events items fill name: ' ' + League home_clan_events items fill lore: [ + ] + #Variables: {eventname}, {points}, {date} + League home_clan_events items current name: {eventname} + League home_clan_events items current lore: + - '' + - ' Event: {eventname}' + - ' Points received: {points}' + - ' Date: {date}' + League home_clan_events items info name: 'Clan: %uclans_tag_color%' + League home_clan_events items info lore: + - '' + - ' Clan: %uclans_tag_color% (Level: %uclans_level%)' + - ' Leader: %uclans_leader_formated%' + - ' Members: %uclans_count_members%' + - ' Patent: %uclans_patent_formated%' + - '' + - ' Points: {points} point(s)' + - ' Position: #{position}/{amount_clans}' + League home_clan_events items previous name: Previous page. + League home_clan_events items previous lore: + - '' + - ' Click to return' + League home_clan_events items next name: Next page. + League home_clan_events items next lore: + - '' + - ' Click to advance.' + League home_clan_events items back name: Come back + League home_clan_events items back lore: + - '' + - ' Click to go back.' + League home_season_rewards title: Season Rewards | %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:name% + League home_season_rewards items fill name: ' ' + League home_season_rewards items fill lore: [ + ] + #Variables: , {cmd} + League home_season_rewards items current_commands name: 'Command:' + League home_season_rewards items current_commands lore: + - '' + - ' Cmd: {cmd}' + #Variables: {item} + League home_season_rewards items current_items name: Item + League home_season_rewards items current_items lore: + - '' + - ' Item: {item}' + League home_season_rewards items previous name: Previous page. + League home_season_rewards items previous lore: + - '' + - ' Click to return' + League home_season_rewards items next name: Next page. + League home_season_rewards items next lore: + - '' + - ' Click to advance.' + League home_season_rewards items back name: Come back + League home_season_rewards items back lore: + - '' + - ' Click to go back.' + League home_season_unclaimed_rewards title: Unclaimed Rewards + League home_season_unclaimed_rewards items fill name: ' ' + League home_season_unclaimed_rewards items fill lore: [ + ] + League home_season_unclaimed_rewards items current name: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:name% + League home_season_unclaimed_rewards items current lore: + - '' + - ' Name: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:name%' + - ' Desc: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:desc%' + - ' Date: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:start% to %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:end%' + - '' + - '' + - ' Rewards:' + - ' Items: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:rewards_items_amount%' + - ' Commands: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:rewards_commands_amount%' + - '' + - ' Click to open.' + - ' Attention, this menu can only be opened ONCE!' + League home_season_unclaimed_rewards items previous name: Previous page. + League home_season_unclaimed_rewards items previous lore: + - '' + - ' Click to return' + League home_season_unclaimed_rewards items next name: Next page. + League home_season_unclaimed_rewards items next lore: + - '' + - ' Click to advance.' + League home_season_unclaimed_rewards items back name: Come back + League home_season_unclaimed_rewards items back lore: + - '' + - ' Click to go back.' + League home_player_claim_rewards title: Unique chance to claim! + League home_player_claim_rewards items fill name: ' ' + League home_player_claim_rewards items fill lore: [ + ] + #Variables: , {cmds} + League home_player_claim_rewards items current_commands name: 'Commands:' + League home_player_claim_rewards items current_commands lore: + - '' + - ' Commands: {cmds}' + - ' Commands will be executed ' + - when the menu is closed!. + #Variables: {item} + League home_player_claim_rewards items current_items name: Item + League home_player_claim_rewards items current_items lore: + - '' + - ' Item: {item}' + League home_player_claim_rewards items info name: Attention. + League home_player_claim_rewards items info lore: + - '' + - ' After this page is closed, the rewards' + - will no longer be available to you. + - 'Get all the items you want ' + - before closing! + League home_player_claim_rewards items back name: Come back + League home_player_claim_rewards items back lore: + - '' + - ' Click to go back.' +CHAT: + leaguepointreceived: + message: + - ' ' + - '%tag% ! Your clan has received {amount} league points!.' + actionbar: ! Received {amount} league points! + title: + line: ! League points + subline: +{amount} + bossbar: ! Received {amount} league points! ({time}) + leagueclanwinner: + message: + - ' ' + - ! Your clan won the league %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:name%!. + - ' - Members can collect rewards from the league menu!' + actionbar: ! Your clan won the league %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:name%! + title: + line: ! League winner! + subline: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:name% + bossbar: ! Your clan won the league %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:name% ({time}) diff --git a/addon/ClanLeague/language/Lang_ES.yml b/addon/ClanLeague/language/Lang_ES.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b7c7dff --- /dev/null +++ b/addon/ClanLeague/language/Lang_ES.yml @@ -0,0 +1,336 @@ +COMUM: + player dont have clan: '%tag% Este jugador no tiene un clan.' + gui error: '%tag% Este menú contiene un error y no puede abrirse.' + header help: 'Comandos de la Liga:' + header list season help: 'Lista de temporadas:' + header list season format: ' Nombre: %clanleague_season:{name}:name% | Inicio: %clanleague_season:{name}:start% | Fin: %clanleague_season:{name}:end% | Estado: %clanleague_season:{name}:state%' + header list season items help: 'Lista de ítems de la temporada:' + header list season items format: ' Núm: {num} | Tipo: {material} | Cantidad: {amount} | Nombre: {name}' + header list season commands help: 'Lista de comandos de la temporada:' + header list season commands format: ' Núm: {num} | Cmd: {cmd}' + disabled function: '%tag% Esta función está desactivada o inhabilitada.' + chan does not exists: '%tag% Este clan no existe.' + command by player: '%tag% Este comando debe ser usado por un jugador.' + no permission: '%tag% No tienes permisos para esto.' + none: Ninguno. + season state future: Futuro + season state old: Finalizado + season state current: Actual + season state inprogress: En Progreso + season state stillinprogress: Aún en progreso... + season state counting: Contando... + season already exists: '%tag% Ya existe una temporada con este nombre.' + season doesnot exists: '%tag% No hay ninguna temporada con este nombre.' + season already finished: '%tag% Esta temporada ya ha finalizado.' + season wrong date format: '%tag% El formato de la fecha es incorrecto, usa {date}' + season date another season: '%tag% La fecha elegida para {chosen} ya está en otra temporada, las fechas no pueden coincidir.' + season already happening: '%tag% Ya hay una temporada en curso.' + season no running: '%tag% No hay ninguna temporada en curso en este momento.' + season hand empty: '%tag% Necesitas tener un ítem en la mano para hacer esto.' + season start: Inicio + season end: Fin + player deposited money: '%tag% %uclans_money_currency%%amount% ha sido depositado en tu cuenta.' + player dont have money: '%tag% Necesitas %uclans_money_currency%%amount%' + player dont have money gui: Necesitas %uclans_money_currency%%amount%' + player debited money: '%tag% Se ha debitado %amount% de tu cuenta.' + player money nozero: '%tag% El valor debe ser mayor que cero.' + help clan header subcommand: 'Ayuda con subcomandos: [!] subcmd | <> obligatorio | () opcional ' + help list empty: ' - No hay nada en esta lista.' + clan dont permission role: '%tag% Tu rol actual no te permite hacer esto.' + league limit: '%tag% El límite de nivel de tu clan se ha alcanzado (%uclans_money_currency%{limit}), sube de nivel para desbloquear un límite mayor.' + league limit gui: Límite alcanzado (%uclans_money_currency%{limit}). + league value max title: ! Valor máximo de %uclans_money_currency%%max%' + league value min title: ! Valor mínimo de %uclans_money_currency%%min%' + league value max: '%tag% Valor máximo de %uclans_money_currency%%max%' + league value min: '%tag% Valor mínimo de %uclans_money_currency%%min%' + league add error gui: ¡Error en la transacción!' + league add success gui: ¡Éxito!' + league need: '%tag% La liga del clan no tiene %uclans_money_currency%%amount%' + league need gui: La liga necesita %uclans_money_currency%%amount%' + league view: '%tag% La liga del clan ahora tiene %uclans_money_currency%%amount%' + league logger league_points: El clan recibió {points} de la Liga ({reason}) + logger clanleaguewithdrawevent: - %uclans_money_currency%%amount% fue retirado de la liga por %uclans_player%' + logger clanleagueaddevent: + %uclans_money_currency%%amount% fue añadido a la liga por %uclans_player%' +GUI: + League home_league title: Clan League | %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:name% + League home_league items fill name: ' ' + League home_league items fill lore: [ + ] + League home_league items fill2 name: ' ' + League home_league items fill2 lore: [ + ] + League home_league items fill3 name: ' ' + League home_league items fill3 lore: [ + ] + #variables: {position}, {points}, {amount_clans} + League home_league items top name: 'Top #{position}' + League home_league items top lore: + - '' + - ' Clan: %uclans_tag_color% (Level: %uclans_level%)' + - ' Líder: %uclans_leader_formated%' + - ' Miembros: %uclans_count_members%' + - ' Patent: %uclans_patent_formated%' + - '' + - ' Puntos: {points} point(s)' + - ' Posición: #{position}/{amount_clans}' + - '' + - ' Clic para ver' + League home_league items all name: Todos los participantes. + League home_league items all lore: + - '' + - ' Haga clic para abrir la lista.' + League home_league items rewards name: Recompensas no reclamadas. + League home_league items rewards lore: + - '' + - ' Recompensas no reclamadas: {unclaimed_amount}' + - '' + - ' Tienes Recompensas no reclamadas' + - de otras temporadas. + - '' + - ' Clic para abrir.' + League home_league items rewards_none name: Recompensas no reclamadas. + League home_league items rewards_none lore: + - '' + - ' Recompensas no reclamadas: {unclaimed_amount}' + - '' + - ' Clic para abrir.' + #variables: {position}, {points}, {amount_clans} + League home_league items clan name: Tu clan en la liga. + League home_league items clan lore: + - '' + - ' Clan: %uclans_tag_color% (Level: %uclans_level%)' + - ' ' + - ' Puntos: {points} point(s)' + - ' Posición: #{position}/{amount_clans}' + - '' + - ' Clic para ver los eventos de clan.' + League home_league items clan_noparticipant name: Tu clan en la liga. + League home_league items clan_noparticipant lore: + - '' + - ' Tu clan no participa en la ' + - ' liga. Para unirse a la liga, tu ' + - ' clan debe participar en eventos ' + - ' que se llevan a cabo en el servidor ' + - ' y ganar puntos. ' + League home_league items previous name: Liga anterior. + League home_league items previous lore: + - '' + - ' Clic para ver la lista' + League home_league items info name: Liga actual. + League home_league items info lore: + - '' + - ' Información de liga:' + - '' + - ' Nombre: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:name%' + - ' Descripción: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:desc%' + - ' Fecha: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:start% to %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:end%' + - '' + - ' Estado: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:state%' + - '' + - ' Recompensas:' + - ' Items: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:rewards_items_amount%' + - ' Comandos: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:rewards_commands_amount%' + - '' + - ' Clic izquierdo para ver los participantes.' + - ' Clic derecho para ver las recompensas.' + League home_league items back name: Volver + League home_league items back lore: + - '' + - ' Clic para volver.' + League home_allparticipants title: Participantes | %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:name% + League home_allparticipants items fill name: ' ' + League home_allparticipants items fill lore: [ + ] + #variables: {position}, {points}, {amount_clans} + League home_allparticipants items current name: 'Top #{position}' + League home_allparticipants items current lore: + - '' + - ' Clan: %uclans_tag_color% (Level: %uclans_level%)' + - ' Líder: %uclans_leader_formated%' + - ' Miembros: %uclans_count_members%' + - ' Patent: %uclans_patent_formated%' + - '' + - ' Puntos: {points} point(s)' + - ' Posición: #{position}/{amount_clans}' + - '' + - ' Clic para ver' + League home_allparticipants items previous name: Pagina anterior. + League home_allparticipants items previous lore: + - '' + - ' Clic para regresar' + League home_allparticipants items next name: Siguiente página. + League home_allparticipants items next lore: + - '' + - ' Clic para avanzar.' + League home_allparticipants items back name: Volver + League home_allparticipants items back lore: + - '' + - ' Clic para volver.' + League home_previous_league title: Liga anterior + League home_previous_league items fill name: ' ' + League home_previous_league items fill lore: [ + ] + League home_previous_league items current name: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:name% + League home_previous_league items current lore: + - '' + - ' Nombre: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:name%' + - ' Descripción: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:desc%' + - ' Fecha: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:start% to %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:end%' + - '' + - ' Estado: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:state%' + - ' Ganador: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:winner%' + - '' + - ' Recompensas:' + - ' Items: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:rewards_items_amount%' + - ' Comandos: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:rewards_commands_amount%' + - '' + - ' Clic izquierdo para ver los participantes.' + - ' Clic derecho para ver las recompensas.' + League home_previous_league items previous name: Pagina anterior. + League home_previous_league items previous lore: + - '' + - ' Clic para regresar' + League home_previous_league items next name: Siguiente página. + League home_previous_league items next lore: + - '' + - ' Clic para avanzar.' + League home_previous_league items back name: Volver + League home_previous_league items back lore: + - '' + - ' Clic para volver.' + League home_clan_events title: Eventos de clan | %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:name% + League home_clan_events items fill name: ' ' + League home_clan_events items fill lore: [ + ] + #Variables: {eventname}, {points}, {date} + League home_clan_events items current name: {eventname} + League home_clan_events items current lore: + - '' + - ' Evento: {eventname}' + - ' Puntos received: {points}' + - ' Fecha: {date}' + League home_clan_events items info name: 'Clan: %uclans_tag_color%' + League home_clan_events items info lore: + - '' + - ' Clan: %uclans_tag_color% (Level: %uclans_level%)' + - ' Líder: %uclans_leader_formated%' + - ' Miembros: %uclans_count_members%' + - ' Patent: %uclans_patent_formated%' + - '' + - ' Puntos: {points} point(s)' + - ' Posición: #{position}/{amount_clans}' + League home_clan_events items previous name: Previous page. + League home_clan_events items previous lore: + - '' + - ' Clic para regresar' + League home_clan_events items next name: Siguiente página. + League home_clan_events items next lore: + - '' + - ' Clic para avanzar.' + League home_clan_events items back name: Volver + League home_clan_events items back lore: + - '' + - ' Clic para volver.' + League home_season_rewards title: Recompensas de temporada | %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:name% + League home_season_rewards items fill name: ' ' + League home_season_rewards items fill lore: [ + ] + #Variables: , {cmd} + League home_season_rewards items current_commands name: 'Comando:' + League home_season_rewards items current_commands lore: + - '' + - ' Cmd: {cmd}' + #Variables: {item} + League home_season_rewards items current_items name: Item + League home_season_rewards items current_items lore: + - '' + - ' Item: {item}' + League home_season_rewards items previous name: Pagina anterior. + League home_season_rewards items previous lore: + - '' + - ' Haga clic para volver' + League home_season_rewards items next name: Siguiente página. + League home_season_rewards items next lore: + - '' + - ' Clic para avanzar.' + League home_season_rewards items back name: Volver + League home_season_rewards items back lore: + - '' + - ' Clic para volver.' + League home_season_unclaimed_rewards title: Recompensas no reclamadas + League home_season_unclaimed_rewards items fill name: ' ' + League home_season_unclaimed_rewards items fill lore: [ + ] + League home_season_unclaimed_rewards items current name: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:name% + League home_season_unclaimed_rewards items current lore: + - '' + - ' Nombre: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:name%' + - ' Descripción: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:desc%' + - ' Fecha: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:start% to %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:end%' + - '' + - '' + - ' Recompensa:' + - ' Items: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:rewards_items_amount%' + - ' Comandos: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:rewards_commands_amount%' + - '' + - ' Clic para abrir.' + - ' ¡Atención, este menú sólo se puede abrir UNA VEZ!' + League home_season_unclaimed_rewards items previous name: Pagina anterior. + League home_season_unclaimed_rewards items previous lore: + - '' + - ' Clic para volver' + League home_season_unclaimed_rewards items next name: Siguiente página. + League home_season_unclaimed_rewards items next lore: + - '' + - ' Clic para avanzar.' + League home_season_unclaimed_rewards items back name: Volver + League home_season_unclaimed_rewards items back lore: + - '' + - ' Clic para volver.' + League home_player_claim_rewards title: ¡Oportunidad única de reclamar! + League home_player_claim_rewards items fill name: ' ' + League home_player_claim_rewards items fill lore: [ + ] + #Variables: , {cmds} + League home_player_claim_rewards items current_commands name: 'Commands:' + League home_player_claim_rewards items current_commands lore: + - '' + - ' Comandos: {cmds}' + - ' Los comandos se ejecutarán ' + - ' ¡Cuando el menú este cerrado!. ' + #Variables: {item} + League home_player_claim_rewards items current_items name: Item + League home_player_claim_rewards items current_items lore: + - '' + - ' Item: {item}' + League home_player_claim_rewards items info name: ¡Atención. + League home_player_claim_rewards items info lore: + - '' + - ' Después de cerrar esta página, las recompensas ' + - ' ya no estarán disponibles para usted. ' + - ' Obtenga todos los artículos que desee ' + - ' ¡antes de cerrar! ' + League home_player_claim_rewards items back name: Volver + League home_player_claim_rewards items back lore: + - '' + - ' Clic para volver.' +CHAT: + leaguepointreceived: + message: + - ' ' + - '%tag% ! Tu clan ha recibido {amount} puntos de liga!.' + actionbar: ! Recibido {amount} puntos de liga! + title: + line: ! Puntos de liga + subline: +{amount} + bossbar: ! Recibido {amount} puntos de liga! ({time}) + leagueclanwinner: + message: + - ' ' + - ! Tu clan ganó la liga %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:name%!. + - ' - ¡Los miembros pueden recolectar recompensas desde el menú de la liga!' + actionbar: ! Tu clan ganó la liga %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:name%! + title: + line: ! ¡Ganador de la liga! + subline: %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:name% + bossbar: ! Tu clan ganó la liga %clanleague_season:{seasonname}:name% ({time}) diff --git a/addon/ClanNexus/language/Lang_EN.yml b/addon/ClanNexus/language/Lang_EN.yml index 0a61c83..52218c7 100644 --- a/addon/ClanNexus/language/Lang_EN.yml +++ b/addon/ClanNexus/language/Lang_EN.yml @@ -12,39 +12,57 @@ COMUM: clan dont permission role gui: Your role cannot do this. clan dont nexus: '%tag% Your clan doesnt have a nexus.' player not inside land: '%tag% You are not inside a nexus land..' + colliding terrain: '%tag% This location seems to be colliding with other terrain!' + player does not exist: '%tag% This player does not exist or is offline' + player is you: '%tag% This player is you.' + player is leader: '%tag% This player is the clan leader.' + clan does not exist: '%tag% This clan does not exist.' + all days: Every day + month plus: month+ + text too big: '%tag% Your text is very large and must contain a maximum of {amount} characters.' + text very small: '%tag% Your text is very small.' + none: None + nexus chunk already claimed: '%tag% This chunk has already been claimed by another clan.' + nexus limit: '%tag% Your clan has already reached the chunk limit, try to increase the level or look for more members.' + nexus no member: '%tag% You are not a member of this land.' + nexus chunk no land: '%tag% This chunk is not part of a nexus land.' + nexus clan noland: '%tag% Your clan does not have a nexus land.' + nexus disabled visitation: '%tag% Visitation for this nexus land is disabled.' + nexus location disabled claim: '%tag% This location is disabled to claim a nexus, look for another location.' + nexus player no banned: '%tag% This player is not banned from the nexus.' + nexus player aready banned: '%tag% This player is already banned from the nexus.' + nexus player no trusted: '%tag% This player is not trusted from the nexus.' + nexus player aready trusted: '%tag% This player is already trusted from the nexus.' + nexus player aready member: '%tag% This player is already member from the nexus.' + nexus settings use: '%tag% Use only valid keys: {keys}' + nexus map toggled: '%tag% The nexus map was toggled.' + nexus is center: '%tag% This chunk is the heart of the land and cannot be unclaimed, unclaim the other chunks first or delete the nexus with //clan nexus delete' + nexus chunk is home: '%tag% This chunk contains the lands home, change the home location before deleting' + nexus only rival pvp: '%tag% Only rivals can pvp inside the nexus land.' help clan header subcommand: 'Help with subcommands: [!] subcmd | <> obligatory | () optional ' help list empty: ' - There is nothing on this list.' - banner get error: '%tag% There was an error getting the clan banner.' - banner get error gui: Error getting banner! - banner get success: '%tag% Clan banner successfully received.' - banner no clan: '%tag% This banner does not belong to your clan.' - land errorclaim: '%tag% An error occurred while claim the land.' - land hasland: '%tag% Your clan already has a land.' - land successclaim: '%tag% Successfully secured land, use /clan nexus to manage' - land veryclose: '%tag% There is other land very close to the limits.' - land nobanner: '%tag% Your clan does not have a banner set up yet.' - nexus is protected: '%tag% The Nexus is active and protecting this land!' - nexus min members: '%tag% This Nexus does not have an amount of members online to protect it.' - nexus is nearby: '%tag% You are trying to build too close to the nexus.' - nexus feed error: '%tag% An error occurred while feeding the nexus.' - nexus show error gui: An error occurred. - nexus feed success: '%tag% The nexus was fed on %life% and %amount% blocks was consumed.' - nexus under attack true: UNDER ATTACK! - nexus under attack false: EVERYTHING IS PEACEFUL! - nexus under attack check: checking terrain... - nexus in maxlevel: '%tag%The nexus is at the maximum allowed level.' + nexus banned header: 'Nexus Banned players:' + nexus banned format: ' List: {banned_list}' + nexus trusted header: 'Nexus Trusted members:' + nexus trusted format: ' List: {trusted_list}' nexus view header: 'Nexus Info:' nexus view format: - '| Owner:' - ' Clan: %uclans_tag_color%' - - ' Members: %uclans_count_members%' - ' Leader: %uclans_leader_formated%' - '| Info:' + - ' Name: %clannexus_land_name%' - ' Creation: %clannexus_land_creation%' - - ' Level: %clannexus_land_level%' - - ' Size: %clannexus_land_size%' - - ' Life: %clannexus_land_nexus_life%/%clannexus_land_nexus_maxhealth%' - - ' Shield: %clannexus_land_nexus_shield%' + - ' Trusted: %clannexus_land_trusted%' + - ' Size: %clannexus_land_chunks_amount%/%clannexus_land_nexus_claim_amount%' + - ' Power: %clannexus_land_nexus_power%/%clannexus_land_nexus_power_total%' + - ' Shield: %clannexus_land_nexus_shield_left%' + nexus view power header: 'Nexus Power:' + nexus view power format: + - '| Power:' + - ' Name: %clannexus_land_name%' + - ' Power: %clannexus_land_nexus_power_current%/%clannexus_land_nexus_power%' + - ' Shield: %clannexus_land_nexus_shield_left%' player teleport dont move: '%tag% Preparing teleport, do not move by %sec% sec.' player teleport moved: '%tag% You moved and the teleport was canceled!!!' player teleport true: '%tag% You were teleported!' @@ -56,67 +74,58 @@ COMUM: player error withdraw gui: Error when debiting. land build outside: '%tag% You are building outside your land.' land build only land: '%tag% You can only build on your land.' - land upgrade error: '%tag% An error occurred while improving clan nexus, try again.' - land upgrade error gui: Error while upgrading - land uograde success: '%tag% Your clans nexus has been successfully improved!' - land upgrade success gui: Successfully Improved Nexus! land teleport error gui: Error when teleporting! land teleport error: '%tag% An error occurred while teleporting to Nexus spawn.' land teleport error create: '%tag% An error occurred while changing the spawn location.' land teleport error create gui: Error when changing! land teleport success create: '%tag% The spawn location has been successfully changed to its current location.' land teleport success create gui: Changed Spawn! - nexus deleted by admin: '%tag% Your clans Nexus and land have been deleted by an admin, your items and house may be unprotected now!' - nexus attack stoped: '%tag% Attack on your clan''s nexus has stopped, but beware they may attack you again!' - nexus attack stoped bar: Nexus attack has stopped! - nexus attack down: '%tag% Your clans Nexus has been destroyed and your land is now vulnerable, run to defend your lands!' - nexus attack down bar: Nexus has been destroyed! - nexus regenerated: '%tag% Your clan Nexus has regenerated and is now active again, a %shield_time% minute shield is active on your land!' - nexus regenerated bar: Nexus has regenerated! - nexus delay nofeed: '%tag% The nexus was recently attacked, wait %feed_time% seconds to feed the nexus.' - nexus under attack nofeed: '%tag% The Nexus of your clan is being attacked' - nexus under attack: '%tag% The Nexus of your clan is being attacked, if it is destroyed your land becomes vulnerable, run to protect your lands!' - nexus under attack bar: Nexus under Attack! - nexus shield down: '%tag% Watch out, your Nexus shield has ended and is now vulnerable to attacks!' - nexus shield down bar: Nexus shield has ended! - nexus created: '%tag% Clan Nexus was created, defend it to protect your land!!' - nexus created bar: The Nexus Was Created! - nexus tag: '%tag% You are in combat with the nexus for %tag_time% seconds, if you log out you will be punished!' - nexus tag bar: You are in combat with the nexus! (%tag_time%) - nexus untag: '%tag% You are no longer in combat with the nexus.' - nexus untag bar: Combat with the nexus finished - nexus error delete gui: Error when deleting. - nexus error delete: '%tag% There was an error deleting nexus, please try again.' - nexus success delete: '%tag% Clan Nexus Your clan has been successfully deleted.' - nexus success delete leader: '%tag% The Clan Nexus has been deleted by the leader or a moderator!' - - # JOIN AND LEAVE LAND MESSAGES (Use '' to not send, All placeholders from PLACEHOLDERS.txt can be used.) - enter title: Entered - enter title sub: %uclans_tag_color% - enter actionbar: Entered the land of %uclans_tag_color% - enter message: '' - leave title: Left - leave title sub: %uclans_tag_color% - leave actionbar: Left the land of %uclans_tag_color% - leave message: '' - land focus title: Focused! - land focus title_sub: Nexus of %uclans_tag_color% - land focus actionbar: Clan %uclans_tag_color% nexus focused on you!!! - land focus message: '%tag% Clan %uclans_tag_color% nexus has focused on you, the attacks will begin soon!!!' - land unfocus title: Blurred - land unfocus title_sub: Nexus of %uclans_tag_color% - land unfocus actionbar: Clan %uclans_tag_color% nexus blurred from you!!! - land unfocus message: '%tag% Clan %uclans_tag_color% nexus blurred from you!!!' - land attack title: Attack! - land attack title_sub: Nexus attack of %uclans_tag_color% - land attack actionbar: An attack from %uclans_tag_color% nexus is coming your way! - land attack message: '%tag% An attack from %uclans_tag_color% nexus is coming your way!' header help: 'Nexus Admin Commands:' header list: 'List of Nexus:' line list: '%num% - ID: %id% - Name: %name%' empty list: ' - Empty.' logger clannexusclaimevent: The nexus was created by %uclans_player% logger clannexusunclaimevent: Nexus was deleted by %uclans_player% +LANGUAGE: + ago: Ago + nexus null: No info + nexus totem name: Nexus Creator + nexus totem lore: + - ' ' + - ' This item should be used to mark' + - region. + - ' ' + - ' LEFT/RIGHT-CLICK to start' + nexus structure_wand name: Nexus Structure Wand + nexus structure_wand lore: + - ' ' + - ' This item should be used to mark' + - nbt region. + - ' ' + - ' LEFT-CLICK to #1' + - ' RIGHT-CLICK to #2' + nexus structure already exists: '%tag% A structure with this name already exists, you can delete it or choose another name.' + nexus structure no exists: '%tag% There is no structure with this name.' + nexus structure no loaded: '%tag% You didn''t load any structures, use <#8fce00>/unexus structure load ' + nexus structure loaded: '%tag% The structure has been loaded into your location successfully!' + nexus structure wand empty: '%tag% You need to first mark the two points with the structure wand like a cube.' + nexus structure creator percent: '%tag% Creating your file ({percent}/100).' + nexus structure creator error: '%tag% An error occurred while saving the file, please try again.' + nexus structure creator success: '%tag% Your file has been saved successfully, you can see the list in <#8fce00>/unexus structure list.' + nexus state true: Enabled + nexus state false: Disabled + nexus state player: Player + nexus state system: System + nexus state protected: Protected + nexus state unprotected: UNPROTECTED! + nexus state nomember: Not a member. + nexus state nonexus: No Nexus. + nexus state anotherworld: Another world. + nexus state itarrived: It arrived. + nexus state onyourright: On your right. + nexus state onyourleft: On your left. + nexus state behindyou: Behind you. + nexus state gostraighton: Go straight on. GUI: Nexus: '' @@ -127,116 +136,73 @@ GUI: Nexus home items fill2 name: ' ' Nexus home items fill2 lore: [ ] - Nexus home items banner name: Clan Nexus - Nexus home items banner lore: - - '' - - ' Nexus information:' - - '' - - ' Creation: %clannexus_land_creation%' - - ' Level: %clannexus_land_level%' - - ' Size: %clannexus_land_size%' - - ' Life: %clannexus_land_nexus_life%/%clannexus_land_nexus_maxhealth%' - - '' - - ' Shield: %clannexus_land_nexus_shield%' - Nexus home items settings name: Nexus Adjustments - Nexus home items settings lore: - - '' - - ' Click to open.' - Nexus home items spawn name: Nexus Spawn - Nexus home items spawn lore: - - '' - - ' Teleport to nexus.' - Nexus home items upgrade name: Land Upgrade - Nexus home items upgrade lore: - - '' - - ' Click to open.' - Nexus home items life name: 'Feed info:' - Nexus home items life lore: - - '' - - ' You can feed your nexus to' - - regain health using %clannexus_feed_block%, each - - 'block restores %clannexus_feed_amount% ' - - '' - - ' If you are holding more than 1 item' - - ' it will try to consume as many items as' - - possible to recover. - Nexus home items show name: Show terrain boundaries - Nexus home items show lore: - - '' - - Close and Show. Nexus home items back name: Come back Nexus home items back lore: - '' - ' Click to go back.' - Nexus delete title: Confirm delete the Nexus? - Nexus delete items fill name: ' ' - Nexus delete items fill lore: [ - ] - Nexus delete items confirm name: CONFIRM - Nexus delete items confirm lore: - - '' - - ' Click to confirm' - Nexus delete items cancel name: CANCEL - Nexus delete items cancel lore: - - '' - - ' Click to cancel and return' - Nexus settings title: Nexus ajusts - Nexus settings items fill name: ' ' - Nexus settings items fill lore: [ - ] - Nexus settings items setspawn name: Adjust the spawn. - Nexus settings items setspawn lore: - - '' - - ' Click to adjust the spawn to' - - 'your current location ' - - '' - - ' The spawn must be inside the terrain.' - Nexus home settings remove name: Remove nexus - Nexus home settings remove lore: - - '' - - ' The nexus will be removed and' - - the terrain will be unprotected. - Nexus settings items back name: Come back - Nexus settings items back lore: - - '' - - ' Click to go back.' - Nexus upgrade title: Nexus Upgrade | %clannexus_land_level% - Nexus upgrade items fill name: ' ' - Nexus upgrade items fill2 name: ' ' - Nexus upgrade items info name: 'Nexus Info:' - Nexus upgrade items info lore: - - '' - - ' Nexus information:' - - '' - - ' Level: %clannexus_land_level%' - - ' Size: %clannexus_land_size%' - - ' Life: %clannexus_land_nexus_life%/%clannexus_land_nexus_maxhealth%' - Nexus upgrade items moneybuy name: Buy with Money. - Nexus upgrade items moneybuy lore: - - '' - - ' Price: %uclans_money_currency%%price%' - - '' - - 'Improvements:' - - ' Life: +%improve_life% (%improve_maxhealth%)' - - ' Size: +%improve_size% (%improve_maxsize%)' - - '' - - ' Click to Buy.' - Nexus upgrade items maxlevel name: Maximum level - Nexus upgrade items maxlevel lore: - - '' - - ' Your Nexus is at maximum level' - Nexus upgrade items back name: Come back - Nexus upgrade items back lore: - - '' - - ' Click to go back.' - Nexus home_noland title: No Nexus - Nexus home_noland items fill name: ' ' - Nexus home_noland items fill2 name: ' ' - Nexus home_noland items get name: Start the Nexus claim. - Nexus home_noland items get lore: - - '' - - ' Your clan has no nexus, you can start the claim now' - Nexus home_noland items back name: Come back - Nexus home_noland items back lore: - - '' - - ' Click to go back.' + + + # TRANSLATIONS OF THE CHAT ACTIONS + +CHAT: + wildernessenter: + message: + - ' ' + - ! You entered the wilderness!. + actionbar: ! You entered the wilderness! + title: + line: ! Wilderness + subline: '' + bossbar: ! You entered the wilderness! ({time}) + nexusenter: + message: + - ' ' + - ! You entered the {nexus_name}!. + actionbar: ! You entered the {nexus_name}! + title: + line: '' + subline: ! {nexus_name} + bossbar: ! You entered the {nexus_name}! ({time}) + nexuscreate: + message: + - ' ' + - ! You have created a new nexus land for your clan!. + - ! Be very careful with invaders, and always keep an eye on power!. + actionbar: ! New Nexus Land created! + title: + line: ! New Nexus + subline: '' + bossbar: ! New Nexus Land created! ({time}) + nexusbanned: + message: + - ' ' + - ! You are banned from this nexus!. + actionbar: ! You are banned from this nexus! + title: + line: ! Banned + subline: From this nexus. + bossbar: ! You are banned from this nexus! ({time}) + nexusinside: + message: + - ' ' + - ! Nexus Land %clannexus_land_name%!. + actionbar: ! Nexus Land %clannexus_land_name%! + title: + line: ! Nexus Land + subline: '%clannexus_land_name%' + bossbar: ! Nexus Land %clannexus_land_name%! ({time}) + # Scoreboards for version 1.13 or lower do not support GRADIENT, HEX COLOR or RAINBOW + scoreboard_title: Nexus + scoreboard_lines: + - ' ' + - ' Clan: %uclans_tag_color%' + - ' Leader: %uclans_leader_formated%' + - '| State:' + - ' %clannexus_land_nexus_state_formated%' + - '| Info:' + - ' Name: %clannexus_land_name%' + - ' Creation: %clannexus_land_creation%' + - ' Trusted: %clannexus_land_trusted%' + - ' Size: %clannexus_land_chunks_amount%/%clannexus_land_nexus_claim_amount%' + - ' Power: %clannexus_land_nexus_power%/%clannexus_land_nexus_power_total%' + - ' Shield: %clannexus_land_nexus_shield_left%' diff --git a/addon/ClanNexus/language/Lang_PL.yml b/addon/ClanNexus/language/Lang_PL.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 0cd449a..0000000 --- a/addon/ClanNexus/language/Lang_PL.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,227 +0,0 @@ -COMUM: - player dont have clan: '%tag% Ten gracz nie należy do klanu.' - gui error: '%tag% To menu zawiera błąd i nie może zostać otwarte.' - disabled function: '%tag% Ta funkcja jest wyłączona lub wyłączona.' - chan does not exists: '%tag% Ten klan nie istnieje.' - clan does not nexus: '%tag% Ten klan nie ma Nexusa.' - command by player: '%tag% Tę komendę musi użyć gracz.' - no permission: '%tag% Nie masz uprawnień do tego.' - disabled world: '%tag% Nie można użyć w tej świecie.' - disabled region: '%tag% Nie można użyć w tej regionie.' - clan dont permission role: '%tag% Twoja obecna rola nie pozwala ci na to.' - clan dont permission role gui: Twoja rola nie może tego zrobić. - clan dont nexus: '%tag% Twój klan nie ma Nexusa.' - help clan header subcommand: 'Pomoc z podkomendami: [!] subcmd | <> obowiązkowe | () opcjonalne ' - help list empty: ' - Na tej liście nie ma niczego.' - banner get error: '%tag% Wystąpił błąd podczas pobierania baneru klanu.' - banner get error gui: Wystąpił błąd podczas pobierania baneru! - banner get success: '%tag% Baner klanu został pomyślnie pobrany.' - banner no clan: '%tag% Ten baner nie należy do twojego klanu.' - land errorclaim: '%tag% Wystąpił błąd podczas zabezpieczania terenu.' - land hasland: '%tag% Twój klan już ma ziemię.' - land successclaim: '%tag% Pomyślnie zabezpieczono teren, użyj /clan nexus aby zarządzać' - land veryclose: '%tag% W pobliżu granic jest inna ziemia.' - land nobanner: '%tag% Twój klan nie ma jeszcze ustawionego baneru.' - nexus is protected: '%tag% Nexus jest aktywny i chroni tę ziemię!' - nexus min members: '%tag% Ten Nexus nie ma wystarczającej liczby członków online, aby go chronić.' - nexus is nearby: '%tag% Próbujesz budować zbyt blisko Nexusa.' - nexus feed error: '%tag% Wystąpił błąd podczas karmienia Nexusa.' - nexus feed success: '%tag% Nexus został nakarmiony %life% i zużyto %amount% bloków.' - nexus under attack true: ATAK! - nexus under attack false: Wszystko jest spokojne. - nexus under attack check: Sprawdzanie terenu... - nexus in maxlevel: '%tag%Nexus jest już na maksymalnym poziomie.' - nexus view header: 'Informacje o Nexusie:' - nexus view format: - - '| Właściciel:' - - ' Klan: %uclans_tag_color%' - - ' Członkowie: %uclans_count_members%' - - ' Lider: %uclans_leader_formated%' - - '| Informacje:' - - ' Data utworzenia: %clannexus_land_creation%' - - ' Poziom: %clannexus_land_level%' - - ' Rozmiar: %clannexus_land_size%' - - ' Życie: %clannexus_land_nexus_life%/%clannexus_land_nexus_maxhealth%' - - ' Tarcza: %clannexus_land_nexus_shield%' - player teleport dont move: '%tag% Przygotowywanie teleportacji, nie ruszaj się przez %sec% sekund.' - player teleport moved: '%tag% Poruszyłeś się i teleportacja została anulowana!' - player teleport true: '%tag% Zostałeś przeteleportowany!' - player teleport false: '%tag% Nie zostałeś przeteleportowany z powodu błędu!' - player no money: '%tag% Nie masz wystarczającej ilości pieniędzy na koncie.' - player no money gui: Brak wystarczających środków. - player error withdraw: '%tag% Wystąpił błąd podczas pobierania pieniędzy z twojego konta.' - player error withdraw gui: Błąd podczas pobierania. - land build outside: '%tag% Budujesz poza swoją ziemią.' - land build only land: '%tag% Możesz budować tylko na swojej ziemi.' - land upgrade error: '%tag% Wystąpił błąd podczas ulepszania nexusa klanu, spróbuj ponownie.' - land upgrade error gui: Błąd podczas ulepszania. - land uograde success: '%tag% Nexus twojego klanu został pomyślnie ulepszony!' - land upgrade success gui: Ulepszanie nexusa zakończone sukcesem! - land teleport error gui: Błąd podczas teleportacji! - land teleport error: '%tag% Wystąpił błąd podczas teleportacji do Nexus spawn.' - land teleport error create: '%tag% Wystąpił błąd podczas zmiany lokalizacji spawnu.' - land teleport error create gui: Błąd podczas zmiany! - land teleport success create: '%tag% Lokalizacja spawnu została pomyślnie zmieniona na bieżącą lokalizację.' - land teleport success create gui: Zmieniono Spawn! - nexus deleted by admin: '%tag% Nexus i ziemia twojego klanu zostały usunięte przez administratora, twoje przedmioty i dom mogą być teraz bez ochrony!' - nexus attack stoped: '%tag% Atak na nexus twojego klanu został zatrzymany, ale uważaj, że mogą cię zaatakować ponownie!' - nexus attack stoped bar: Atak na Nexus został zatrzymany! - nexus attack down: '%tag% Nexus twojego klanu został zniszczony, a twoja ziemia jest teraz bezbronny, biegnij, aby obronić swoją ziemię!' - nexus attack down bar: Nexus został zniszczony! - nexus regenerated: '%tag% Nexus twojego klanu został zregenerowany i jest teraz aktywny, na twojej ziemi działa osłona trwająca %shield_time% minut!' - nexus regenerated bar: Nexus został zregenerowany! - nexus under attack: '%tag% Nexus twojego klanu jest atakowany, jeśli zostanie zniszczony, twoja ziemia stanie się bezbronna, biegnij, aby chronić swoją ziemię!' - nexus under attack bar: Nexus jest atakowany! - nexus shield down: '%tag% Uważaj, ochrona twojego Nexusa się skończyła i jest teraz narażony na ataki!' - nexus shield down bar: Osłona Nexusa się skończyła! - nexus created: '%tag% Nexus klanu został utworzony, przygotuj się do obrony swojej ziemi!' - nexus created bar: Nexus został utworzony! - nexus error delete gui: Błąd podczas usuwania. - nexus error delete: '%tag% Wystąpił błąd podczas usuwania Nexusa, spróbuj ponownie.' - nexus success delete: '%tag% Nexus klanu został pomyślnie usunięty.' - nexus success delete leader: '%tag% Nexus klanu został usunięty przez lidera lub moderatora!' - - # JOIN AND LEAVE LAND MESSAGES (Use '' to not send, All placeholders from PLACEHOLDERS.txt can be used.) - enter title: Wejście - enter title sub: %uclans_tag_color% - enter actionbar: Wejście na teren %uclans_tag_color% - enter message: '' - leave title: Wyjście - leave title sub: %uclans_tag_color% - leave actionbar: Wyjście z terenu %uclans_tag_color% - leave message: '' - land focus title: Uwaga! - land focus title_sub: Nexus klanu %uclans_tag_color% - land focus actionbar: Nexus klanu %uclans_tag_color% skupił się na Tobie!!! - land focus message: '%tag% Nexus klanu %uclans_tag_color% skupił się na Tobie, ataki rozpoczną się wkrótce!!!' - land unfocus title: Zmiana celu - land unfocus title_sub: Nexus klanu %uclans_tag_color% - land unfocus actionbar: Nexus klanu %uclans_tag_color% przestał być skupiony na Tobie!!! - land unfocus message: '%tag% Nexus klanu %uclans_tag_color% przestał być skupiony na Tobie!!!' - land attack title: Atak! - land attack title_sub: Nexus klanu %uclans_tag_color% - land attack actionbar: Atak z Nexusa klanu %uclans_tag_color% idzie w Twoim kierunku! - land attack message: '%tag% Atak z Nexusa klanu %uclans_tag_color% idzie w Twoim kierunku!' - header help: 'Administracyjne Komendy Nexusa:' - header list: 'Lista Nexusów:' - line list: '%num% - ID: %id% - Nazwa: %name%' - empty list: ' - Pusta lista.' -GUI: - - Nexus: '' - Nexus home title: Nexus | %uclans_tag_color% - Nexus home items fill name: ' ' - Nexus home items fill lore: [ - ] - Nexus home items fill2 name: ' ' - Nexus home items fill2 lore: [ - ] - Nexus home items banner name: Klan Nexus - Nexus home items banner lore: - - '' - - ' Informacje o Nexusie:' - - '' - - ' Data stworzenia: %clannexus_land_creation%' - - ' Poziom: %clannexus_land_level%' - - ' Rozmiar: %clannexus_land_size%' - - ' Życie: %clannexus_land_nexus_life%/%clannexus_land_nexus_maxhealth%' - - '' - - ' Tarcza: %clannexus_land_nexus_shield%' - Nexus home items settings name: Ustawienia Nexusa - Nexus home items settings lore: - - '' - - ' Kliknij, aby otworzyć.' - Nexus home items spawn name: Teleport do Nexusa - Nexus home items spawn lore: - - '' - - ' Teleportuj do Nexusa.' - Nexus home items upgrade name: Ulepsz teren - Nexus home items upgrade lore: - - '' - - ' Kliknij, aby otworzyć.' - Nexus home items life name: 'Informacje o karmieniu:' - Nexus home items life lore: - - '' - - ' Możesz nakarmić Nexusa, aby' - - odzyskał zdrowie za pomocą %clannexus_feed_block%, każdy - - 'blok przywraca %clannexus_feed_amount% ' - - '' - - ' Jeśli trzymasz więcej niż 1 przedmiot' - - ' nexus weźmie jak najwięcej przedmiotów,' - - aby odzyskać zdrowie. - Nexus home items back name: Powrót - Nexus home items back lore: - - '' - - ' Kliknij, aby wrócić.' - Nexus delete title: Potwierdź usunięcie Nexusa? - Nexus delete items fill name: ' ' - Nexus delete items fill lore: [ - ] - Nexus delete items confirm name: POTWIERDŹ - Nexus delete items confirm lore: - - '' - - ' Kliknij, aby potwierdzić' - Nexus delete items cancel name: ANULUJ - Nexus delete items cancel lore: - - '' - - ' Kliknij, aby anulować i wrócić' - Nexus settings title: Ustawienia Nexusa - Nexus settings items fill name: ' ' - Nexus settings items fill lore: [ - ] - Nexus settings items setspawn name: Ustaw spawn. - Nexus settings items setspawn lore: - - '' - - ' Kliknij, aby ustawić spawn w' - - ' Twojej obecnej lokalizacji ' - - '' - - ' Spawn musi znajdować się wewnątrz terenu.' - Nexus home settings remove name: Usuń nexus - Nexus home settings remove lore: - - '' - - ' Nexus zostanie usunięty, a' - - teren zostanie niechroniony. - Nexus settings items back name: Powrót - Nexus settings items back lore: - - '' - - ' Kliknij, aby wrócić.' - Nexus upgrade title: Ulepszanie Nexusa | %clannexus_land_level% - Nexus upgrade items fill name: ' ' - Nexus upgrade items fill2 name: ' ' - Nexus upgrade items info name: 'Informacje o Nexusie:' - Nexus upgrade items info lore: - - '' - - ' Informacje o Nexusie:' - - '' - - ' Poziom: %clannexus_land_level%' - - ' Rozmiar: %clannexus_land_size%' - - ' Życie: %clannexus_land_nexus_life%/%clannexus_land_nexus_maxhealth%' - Nexus upgrade items moneybuy name: Kup za pieniądze. - Nexus upgrade items moneybuy lore: - - '' - - ' Cena: $%price%' - - '' - - 'Ulepszenia:' - - ' Życie: +%improve_life% (%improve_maxhealth%)' - - ' Rozmiar: +%improve_size% (%improve_maxsize%)' - - '' - - ' Kliknij, aby kupić.' - Nexus upgrade items maxlevel name: Maksymalny poziom - Nexus upgrade items maxlevel lore: - - '' - - ' Twój Nexus osiągnął maksymalny poziom' - Nexus upgrade items back name: Powrót - Nexus upgrade items back lore: - - '' - - ' Kliknij, aby wrócić.' - Nexus home_noland title: Brak Nexusa - Nexus home_noland items fill name: ' ' - Nexus home_noland items fill2 name: ' ' - Nexus home_noland items get name: Rozpocznij zajmowanie Nexusa. - Nexus home_noland items get lore: - - '' - - ' Twój klan nie ma Nexusa, możesz teraz rozpocząć zajmowanie' - Nexus home_noland items back name: Powrót - Nexus home_noland items back lore: - - '' - - ' Kliknij, aby wrócić.' diff --git a/addon/ClanNexus/language/Lang_TR.yml b/addon/ClanNexus/language/Lang_TR.yml deleted file mode 100644 index b9118e3..0000000 --- a/addon/ClanNexus/language/Lang_TR.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,243 +0,0 @@ -COMUM: - player dont have clan: '%tag% Bu oyuncunun bir klanı yok.' - gui error: '%tag% Bu menü bir hata içeriyor ve açılamıyor' - disabled function: '%tag% Bu işlev kapalı veya devre dışı.' - chan does not exists: '%tag% Bu klan mevcut değil' - clan does not nexus: '%tag% Bu klanın Nexusu yok.' - command by player: '%tag% Bu komut bir oyuncu tarafından kullanılmalıdır.' - no permission: '%tag% Bunun için izniniz yok.' - disabled world: '%tag% Bu dünyada kullanamazsın.' - disabled region: '%tag% Bu bölgede kullanamazsınız.' - clan dont permission role: '%tag% Mevcut rolünüz bunu yapamazsınız.' - clan dont permission role gui: Rolünüz bunu yapamaz. - clan dont nexus: '%tag% Klanınızın bir nexusu yok.' - player not inside land: '%tag% Bir nexsus arsasının içinde değilsin.' - help clan header subcommand: 'Alt komutlarla ilgili yardım: [!] subcmd | <> gerekli | () isteğe bağlı ' - help list empty: ' - Bu listede hiçbir şey yok.' - banner get error: '%tag% Klan bannerı alınırken bir hata oluştu.' - banner get error gui: Banner alınırken hata oluştu! - banner get success: '%tag% Klan bannerı başarıyla alındı.' - banner no clan: '%tag% Bu banner klanınıza ait değil.' - land errorclaim: '%tag% Arazi talep edilirken bir hata oluştu.' - land hasland: '%tag% Klanınızın zaten bir arazisi var.' - land successclaim: '%tag% Arsa başarıyla emniyete alındı, yönetmek için /clan nexus kullanın' - land veryclose: '%tag% Sınırlara çok yakın başka arazi var.' - land nobanner: '%tag% Klanınızın henüz ayarlanmış bir banner yok.' - nexus is protected: '%tag% Nexus aktif ve bu araziyi koruyor!' - nexus min members: '%tag% Bu Nexusu korumak için çevrimiçi üye sayısı yok.' - nexus is nearby: '%tag% Nexusa çok yakın inşa etmeye çalışıyorsunuz.' - nexus feed error: '%tag% Nexus beslenirken bir hata oluştu.' - nexus show error gui: Bir hata oluştu. - nexus feed success: '%tag% Nexus %life% ile beslendi ve %amount% blokları tüketildi.' - nexus under attack true: SALDIRI ALTINDA! - nexus under attack false: HER ŞEY HUZURLU! - nexus under attack check: araziyi kontrol etmek... - nexus in maxlevel: '%tag%Nexus izin verilen maksimum düzeyde.' - nexus view header: 'Nexus Bilgisi:' - nexus view format: - - '| Owner:' - - ' Klan: %uclans_tag_color%' - - ' Üyeler: %uclans_count_members%' - - ' Lider: %uclans_leader_formated%' - - '| Bilgi:' - - ' Oluşturulma: %clannexus_land_creation%' - - ' Seviye: %clannexus_land_level%' - - ' Boyut: %clannexus_land_size%' - - ' Can: %clannexus_land_nexus_life%/%clannexus_land_nexus_maxhealth%' - - ' Kalkan: %clannexus_land_nexus_shield%' - player teleport dont move: '%tag% Işınlanma hazırlanıyor, %sec% sn kadar hareket etmeyin.' - player teleport moved: '%tag% Hareket ettin ve ışınlanma iptal edildi!!!' - player teleport true: '%tag% Işınlandın!' - player teleport false: '%tag% Herhangi bir hata nedeniyle ışınlanmadınız!' - player no money: '%tag% Bunun için %uclans_money_currency%%price% gerekli.' - player no money gui: %uclans_money_currency%%price% gerekli. - player debited money: '%tag% %uclans_money_currency%%price% hesabınızdan çekildi' - player error withdraw: '%tag% Hesabınızdan para çekilirken bir hata oluştu.' - player error withdraw gui: Para çekilirken hata. - land build outside: '%tag% Arazinizin dışında inşa ediyorsunuz.' - land build only land: '%tag% Sadece arazinize inşaat yapabilirsiniz.' - land upgrade error: '%tag% Klan nexsusu geliştirilirken bir hata oluştu, tekrar deneyin.' - land upgrade error gui: Yükseltme sırasında hata - land uograde success: '%tag% Klan mexsusunuz başarıyla geliştirildi!' - land upgrade success gui: Başarıyla Nexus Geliştirilmiş! - land teleport error gui: Işınlanırken hata! - land teleport error: '%tag% Nexus spawnına ışınlanırken bir hata oluştu.' - land teleport error create: '%tag% Spawn konumu değiştirilirken bir hata oluştu.' - land teleport error create gui: Değiştirirken hata! - land teleport success create: '%tag% Spawn konumu başarıyla mevcut konumuna değiştirildi.' - land teleport success create gui: Spawn Değiştirildi! - nexus deleted by admin: '%tag% Klanlarınızın Nexusları ve arazileri bir yönetici tarafından silindi, eşyalarınız ve eviniz artık korumasız olabilir!' - nexus attack stoped: '%tag% Klanınızın nexsusuna yapılan saldırı durdu, ancak size tekrar saldırabileceklerine dikkat edin!' - nexus attack stoped bar: Nexus saldırısı durduruldu! - nexus attack down: '%tag% Klanlarınızın Nexusu yok edildi ve topraklarınız artık savunmasız durumda, topraklarınızı savunmak için koşun!' - nexus attack down bar: Nexus yok edildi! - nexus regenerated: '%tag% Klanınızın Nexusu yenilendi ve şimdi tekrar aktif, arazinizde %shield_time% dakikalık bir kalkan aktif!' - nexus regenerated bar: Nexus yenilendi! - nexus delay nofeed: '%tag% Nexus yakın zamanda saldırıya uğradı, nexusu beslemek için %feed_time% saniye bekleyin.' - nexus under attack nofeed: '%tag% Klanınızın Nexusu saldırıya uğruyor' - nexus under attack: '%tag% Klanınızın Nexusu saldırıya uğruyor, eğer o yok edilirse araziniz savunmasız hale gelir, topraklarınızı korumak için koşun!' - nexus under attack bar: Nexus Saldırı Altında! - nexus shield down: '%tag% Dikkat, Nexus kalkanınız sona erdi ve artık saldırılara açık!' - nexus shield down bar: Nexus kalkanı sona erdi! - nexus created: '%tag% Klan Nexus oluşturuldu, toprağınızı korumak için onu savunun!!' - nexus created bar: Nexus Oluşturuldu! - nexus tag: '%tag% nexus ile %tag_time% saniye savaş halindesiniz, oturumu kapatırsanız cezalandırılacaksınız!' - nexus tag bar: Nexus ile savaştasın! (%tag_time%) - nexus untag: '%tag% Artık nexus ile savaşta değilsiniz.' - nexus untag bar: Nexus ile mücadele tamamlandı - nexus error delete gui: Silerken hata. - nexus error delete: '%tag% Nexus silinirken bir hata oluştu, lütfen tekrar deneyin.' - nexus success delete: '%tag% Clan Nexus Klanınız başarıyla silindi.' - nexus success delete leader: '%tag% Klan nexusu lider veya moderatör tarafından silindi!' - - # JOIN AND LEAVE LAND MESSAGES (Use '' to not send, All placeholders from PLACEHOLDERS.txt can be used.) - enter title: Girdin - enter title sub: %uclans_tag_color% - enter actionbar: %uclans_tag_color% adasına girdin - enter message: '' - leave title: Çıktın - leave title sub: %uclans_tag_color% - leave actionbar: %uclans_tag_color% adasından ayrıldın - leave message: '' - land focus title: Sana Odaklanıldı! - land focus title_sub: %uclans_tag_color% Nexus - land focus actionbar: %uclans_tag_color% Klanı nexsusu size odaklandı!!! - land focus message: '%tag% %uclans_tag_color% Klanı nexsusu size odaklandı, saldırılar yakında başlayacak!!!' - land unfocus title: Odağın Kalktı - land unfocus title_sub: %uclans_tag_color% Nexus - land unfocus actionbar: %uclans_tag_color% Klanınexsusunun odağı sizden kalktı!!! - land unfocus message: '%tag% %uclans_tag_color% Klanınexsusunun odağı sizden kalktı!!!' - land attack title: Saldır! - land attack title_sub: %uclans_tag_color% Nexus saldırısı - land attack actionbar: %uclans_tag_color% nexustan bir saldırı size doğru geliyor! - land attack message: '%tag% %uclans_tag_color% nexus'tan bir saldırı size doğru geliyor!' - header help: 'Nexus Yönetici Komutları:' - header list: 'Nexus listesi:' - line list: '%num% - ID: %id% - İsim: %name%' - empty list: ' - Boş.' - logger clannexusclaimevent: Nexus %uclans_player% tarafından oluşturuldu - logger clannexusunclaimevent: Nexus, %uclans_player% tarafından silindi -GUI: - - Nexus: '' - Nexus home title: Nexus | %uclans_tag_color% - Nexus home items fill name: ' ' - Nexus home items fill lore: [ - ] - Nexus home items fill2 name: ' ' - Nexus home items fill2 lore: [ - ] - Nexus home items banner name: Klan Nexus - Nexus home items banner lore: - - '' - - ' Nexus bilgisi:' - - '' - - ' Oluşturulma: %clannexus_land_creation%' - - ' Seviye: %clannexus_land_level%' - - ' Boyut: %clannexus_land_size%' - - ' Can: %clannexus_land_nexus_life%/%clannexus_land_nexus_maxhealth%' - - '' - - ' Kalkan: %clannexus_land_nexus_shield%' - Nexus home items settings name: Nexus Ayarlamaları - Nexus home items settings lore: - - '' - - ' Açmak için tıklayın.' - Nexus home items spawn name: Nexus Spawn - Nexus home items spawn lore: - - '' - - ' Nexusa ışınlan.' - Nexus home items upgrade name: Arazi Yükseltmesi - Nexus home items upgrade lore: - - '' - - ' Açmak için tıklayın.' - Nexus home items life name: 'Besleme bilgisi:' - Nexus home items life lore: - - '' - - ' %cannexus_feed_block% kullanarak' - - nexusunuzu sağlık kazanmak için besleyebilirsiniz, - - 'her blok %cannexus_feed_amount% yeniler ' - - '' - - ' 1 den fazla öğe tutuyorsanız,' - - ' kurtarmak için mümkün olduğu kadar' - - çok öğe tüketmeye çalışacaktır. - Nexus home items show name: Arazi sınırlarını göster - Nexus home items show lore: - - '' - - Kapat ve Göster. - Nexus home items back name: Geri Dön - Nexus home items back lore: - - '' - - ' Geri dönmek için tıklayın.' - Nexus delete title: Nexusu silmeyi onaylayın? - Nexus delete items fill name: ' ' - Nexus delete items fill lore: [ - ] - Nexus delete items confirm name: ONAYLA - Nexus delete items confirm lore: - - '' - - ' Onaylamak için tıklayın' - Nexus delete items cancel name: iPTAL ET - Nexus delete items cancel lore: - - '' - - ' İptal etmek ve geri dönmek için tıklayın' - Nexus settings title: Nexus ayarları - Nexus settings items fill name: ' ' - Nexus settings items fill lore: [ - ] - Nexus settings items setspawn name: Spawnı ayarlayın. - Nexus settings items setspawn lore: - - '' - - ' Spawnı geçerli konumunuza göre' - - 'ayarlamak için tıklayın ' - - '' - - ' Spawn arazinin içinde olmalıdır.' - Nexus home settings remove name: Nexusu kaldır - Nexus home settings remove lore: - - '' - - ' Nexus kaldırılcak ve' - - arazi korumasız kalacak. - Nexus settings items back name: Geri dön - Nexus settings items back lore: - - '' - - ' Geri dönmek için tıklayın.' - Nexus upgrade title: Nexus Geliştir | %clannexus_land_level% - Nexus upgrade items fill name: ' ' - Nexus upgrade items fill2 name: ' ' - Nexus upgrade items info name: 'Nexus Bilgisi:' - Nexus upgrade items info lore: - - '' - - ' Nexus bilgisi:' - - '' - - ' Seviye: %clannexus_land_level%' - - ' Boyut: %clannexus_land_size%' - - ' Can: %clannexus_land_nexus_life%/%clannexus_land_nexus_maxhealth%' - Nexus upgrade items moneybuy name: Parayla Satın Al. - Nexus upgrade items moneybuy lore: - - '' - - ' Fiyat: %uclans_money_currency%%price%' - - '' - - 'İyileştirmeler:' - - ' Can: +%improve_life% (%improve_maxhealth%)' - - ' Boyut: +%improve_size% (%improve_maxsize%)' - - '' - - ' Satın almak için tıkla.' - Nexus upgrade items maxlevel name: Maximum seviye - Nexus upgrade items maxlevel lore: - - '' - - ' Nexusunuz maksimum seviyede' - Nexus upgrade items back name: Geri dön - Nexus upgrade items back lore: - - '' - - ' Geri dönmek için tıklayın.' - Nexus home_noland title: Nexus yok - Nexus home_noland items fill name: ' ' - Nexus home_noland items fill2 name: ' ' - Nexus home_noland items get name: Nexus talebini başlatın. - Nexus home_noland items get lore: - - '' - - ' Klanınızın nexusu yok, talepte bulunarak şimdi başlayabilirsiniz' - Nexus home_noland items back name: Geri dön - Nexus home_noland items back lore: - - '' - - ' Geri dönmek için tıklayın.' - \ No newline at end of file