- Updated to patch 9.0.2.
- Added suport again for koKR, zhTW.
- Added support for zhCN.
- Updated addon localizations.
- Blizzard made a BIG cleanup of the spells available through the API, so the addon is now lighter.
- Updated to patch 9.0.1.
- Now the addon displays the Spell names too.
- The addon now only includes English. Other languages can be downloaded as individual modules.
- Updated to patch 8.2.5.
- Updated to patch 8.1.5.
- Fixed old items and added some missing.
- Updated to patch 8.0.1.
- Fix esMX support and update version.
- Updated to patch 7.3.5.
- Added new item locale: esMX.
- Updated addon localizations.
- Added koKR (thanks to yuk6196!) addon localization.
- Updated addon localizations.
- Updated to patch 7.2.5.
- Added ptPR (thanks to Canettieri!) and ruRU (thanks to DogmatX!) addon localizations.
- Updated addon localizations.
- Updated to patch 7.1.5.
- Updated addon localizations.
- Updated to patch 7.1.0.
- Added deDE addon localization (Thanks to pas06 and xaiznah2!).
- Added new item locales: zhTW and koKR.
- Added new locales: itIT, ptBR, and ruRU.
- Merged "wowhead" and "print" commands into "link". It shows the Wowhead URL and a hyperlink of that item from where you can copy the name.
- Fixed some errors.
- Fully supported enUS, esES, frFR and deDE locales.
- Add the item name on the tooltip title.
- Add the item name on a single line of the tooltip.
- Generate Wowhead URLs with a command from an item link (/inl wowhead [shift+click any item to link it]).
- Print on the chat the name of an item with a command (/inl print [shift+click any item to link it]).