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+#### [HIRE US](http://vrgsoft.net/)
+# SmsView
+Custom view for sms code input with customization
+# Usage
+*For a working implementation, Have a look at the Sample Project - app*
+1. Include the library as local library project.
+allprojects {
+ repositories {
+ maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
+ }
+dependencies {
+ compile 'com.github.VRGsoftUA:SmsView:1.0'
+2. Include SmsCodeView class in your xml layout. For Example:
+# Customization
+| Attribute | Description |
+| ------------- | ------------- |
+| app:smsLength | Number of digits in your sms (possible values from 1 to 8) |
+| app:itemWidth | Width of one field for digit |
+| app:itemHeight | Height of one field for digit |
+| app:itemBackground | You can set any drawable for background of one item to give your view unique style |
+| app:itemTextCursorDrawable | Sets cursor drawable for one digit field |
+| app:itemTextColor | Sets text color for one digit field |
+| android:gravity | Sets text alignment for one digit field |
+| android:textSize | Sets text size for one digit field |
+| app:onSubmit | Sets a listener for ACTION_DONE event on the last digit (data binding method references is also applicable) |
+| Method | Description |
+| ------------- | ------------- |
+| setOnSubmitListener(OnSubmitListener submitListener) | Sets the listener for keyboard ACTION_DONE event on the last digit |
+| setSmsLength(int smsLength) | Sets sms length (number of digits in sms). Possible values: from 1 to 8 |
+| requestFirstFocus() | Convenience method for requesting focus on first digit (for example, when view just created) |
+| setItemSize(int itemWidth, int itemHeight) | Sets the size for one digit input view |
+| setItemBackground(Drawable itemBackground) | Sets the item background for input views |
+| setItemTextCursorDrawableRes(int itemTextCursorDrawableRes) | Sets the cursor drawable for input views |
+| setItemTextColor(int itemTextColor) | Sets the text color for input views |
+| setItemTextSize(int itemTextSize) | Sets the text size for input views |
+| setDigitGravity(int gravity) | Sets the text size for input views |
+#### Contributing
+* Contributions are always welcome
+* If you want a feature and can code, feel free to fork and add the change yourself and make a pull request