library(ASCAT )
ascat.bc = ascat.loadData(Tumor_LogR_file = " Tumor_LogR.txt" , Tumor_BAF_file = " Tumor_BAF.txt" , Germline_LogR_file = " Germline_LogR.txt" , Germline_BAF_file = " Germline_BAF.txt" , gender = rep(" XX" ,100 ), genomeVersion = " hg19" ) # isTargetedSeq=T for targeted sequencing data
ascat.plotRawData(ascat.bc , img.prefix = " Before_correction_" )
ascat.bc = ascat.correctLogR(ascat.bc , GCcontentfile = " GC_example.txt" , replictimingfile = " RT_example.txt" )
ascat.plotRawData(ascat.bc , img.prefix = " After_correction_" )
ascat.bc = ascat.aspcf(ascat.bc ) # penalty=25 for targeted sequencing data
ascat.plotSegmentedData(ascat.bc )
ascat.output = ascat.runAscat(ascat.bc , write_segments = TRUE ) # gamma=1 for HTS data
QC = ascat.metrics(ascat.bc ,ascat.output )
save(ascat.bc , ascat.output , QC , file = ' ASCAT_objects.Rdata' )
Minimal ASCAT run (adapted from the standard run: no logR correction, no intermediate plot, no QC)
library(ASCAT )
ascat.bc = ascat.loadData(Tumor_LogR_file = " Tumor_LogR.txt" , Tumor_BAF_file = " Tumor_BAF.txt" , Germline_LogR_file = " Germline_LogR.txt" , Germline_BAF_file = " Germline_BAF.txt" , gender = rep(" XX" ,100 ), genomeVersion = " hg19" )
ascat.bc = ascat.aspcf(ascat.bc , out.dir = NA ) # penalty=25 for targeted sequencing data
ascat.output = ascat.runAscat(ascat.bc ) # gamma=1 for HTS data
save(ascat.bc ,ascat.output ,file = ' ASCAT_objects.Rdata' )
ASCAT run without matched normal data (platform
needs to be adapted, see ?ascat.predictGermlineGenotypes
library(ASCAT )
ascat.bc = ascat.loadData(Tumor_LogR_file = " Tumor_LogR.txt" , Tumor_BAF_file = " Tumor_BAF.txt" , gender = rep(" XX" ,100 ), genomeVersion = " hg19" )
ascat.plotRawData(ascat.bc , img.prefix = " Before_correction_" )
ascat.bc = ascat.correctLogR(ascat.bc , GCcontentfile = " GC_example.txt" , replictimingfile = " RT_example.txt" )
ascat.plotRawData(ascat.bc , img.prefix = " After_correction_" )
gg = ascat.predictGermlineGenotypes(ascat.bc , platform = " AffySNP6" )
ascat.bc = ascat.aspcf(ascat.bc , = gg )
ascat.plotSegmentedData(ascat.bc )
ascat.output = ascat.runAscat(ascat.bc , write_segments = TRUE )
QC = ascat.metrics(ascat.bc ,ascat.output )
save(ascat.bc , ascat.output , QC , file = ' ASCAT_objects.Rdata' )
ASCAT run with multi-sample segmentation (when shared breakpoints are expected)
library(ASCAT )
ascat.bc = ascat.loadData(Tumor_LogR_file = " Tumor_LogR.txt" , Tumor_BAF_file = " Tumor_BAF.txt" , Germline_LogR_file = " Germline_LogR.txt" , Germline_BAF_file = " Germline_BAF.txt" , gender = rep(" XX" ,100 ), genomeVersion = " hg19" )
ascat.plotRawData(ascat.bc , img.prefix = " Before_correction_" )
ascat.bc = ascat.correctLogR(ascat.bc , GCcontentfile = " GC_example.txt" , replictimingfile = " RT_example.txt" )
ascat.plotRawData(ascat.bc , img.prefix = " After_correction_" )
ascat.bc = ascat.asmultipcf(ascat.bc )
ascat.plotSegmentedData(ascat.bc )
ascat.output = ascat.runAscat(ascat.bc , write_segments = TRUE ) # gamma=1 for HTS data
QC = ascat.metrics(ascat.bc ,ascat.output )
save(ascat.bc , ascat.output , QC , file = ' ASCAT_objects.Rdata' )
Getting CNA profiles from CEL files using ASCAT
Extracting logR and BAF from HTS data and running ASCAT
library(ASCAT )
tumourseqfile = " Tumour.bam" ,
normalseqfile = " Normal.bam" ,
tumourname = " Tumour_name" ,
normalname = " Normal_name" ,
allelecounter_exe = " /PATH/TO/allelecounter" ,
alleles.prefix = " G1000_alleles_hg19_chr" ,
loci.prefix = " G1000_loci_hg19_chr" ,
gender = " XX" ,
genomeVersion = " hg19" ,
nthreads = 8 ,
tumourLogR_file = " Tumor_LogR.txt" ,
tumourBAF_file = " Tumor_BAF.txt" ,
normalLogR_file = " Germline_LogR.txt" ,
normalBAF_file = " Germline_BAF.txt" )
ascat.bc = ascat.loadData(Tumor_LogR_file = " Tumor_LogR.txt" , Tumor_BAF_file = " Tumor_BAF.txt" , Germline_LogR_file = " Germline_LogR.txt" , Germline_BAF_file = " Germline_BAF.txt" , gender = " XX" , genomeVersion = " hg19" )
ascat.plotRawData(ascat.bc , img.prefix = " Before_correction_" )
ascat.bc = ascat.correctLogR(ascat.bc , GCcontentfile = " GC_file.txt" , replictimingfile = " RT_file.txt" )
ascat.plotRawData(ascat.bc , img.prefix = " After_correction_" )
ascat.bc = ascat.aspcf(ascat.bc )
ascat.plotSegmentedData(ascat.bc )
ascat.output = ascat.runAscat(ascat.bc , gamma = 1 , write_segments = TRUE )
QC = ascat.metrics(ascat.bc ,ascat.output )
save(ascat.bc , ascat.output , QC , file = ' ASCAT_objects.Rdata' )
Extracting logR and BAF from Tumor-only HTS (WGS) data and running ASCAT
library(ASCAT )
tumourseqfile = " Tumour.bam" ,
tumourname = " Tumour_name" ,
allelecounter_exe = " /PATH/TO/allelecounter" ,
alleles.prefix = " G1000_alleles_hg38_chr" ,
loci.prefix = " G1000_loci_hg38_chr" ,
gender = " XX" ,
genomeVersion = " hg38" ,
nthreads = 8 ,
tumourLogR_file = " Tumor_LogR.txt" ,
tumourBAF_file = " Tumor_BAF.txt" )
ascat.bc = ascat.loadData(Tumor_LogR_file = " Tumor_LogR.txt" , Tumor_BAF_file = " Tumor_BAF.txt" , gender = " XX" , genomeVersion = " hg38" )
ascat.plotRawData(ascat.bc , img.prefix = " Before_correction_" )
ascat.bc = ascat.correctLogR(ascat.bc , GCcontentfile = " GC_file.txt" , replictimingfile = " RT_file.txt" )
ascat.plotRawData(ascat.bc , img.prefix = " After_correction_" )
gg = ascat.predictGermlineGenotypes(ascat.bc , platform = " WGS_hg38_50X" )
ascat.bc = ascat.aspcf(ascat.bc , = gg )
ascat.plotSegmentedData(ascat.bc )
ascat.output = ascat.runAscat(ascat.bc , gamma = 1 , write_segments = TRUE )
QC = ascat.metrics(ascat.bc ,ascat.output )
save(ascat.bc , ascat.output , QC , file = ' ASCAT_objects.Rdata' )
Processing targeted sequencing data
library(ASCAT )
Worksheet = " myWorksheet.tsv" , # A tab-separated file with specific information. Check format using ?ascat.prepareTargetedSeq
alleles.prefix = " G1000_alleles_hg19_chr" ,
BED_file = " my_targeted_design.bed" ,
allelecounter_exe = " /PATH/TO/allelecounter" ,
genomeVersion = " hg19" ,
nthreads = 8 )
tumourseqfile = " Tumour.bam" ,
normalseqfile = " Normal.bam" ,
tumourname = " Tumour_name" ,
normalname = " Normal_name" ,
allelecounter_exe = " /PATH/TO/allelecounter" ,
alleles.prefix = " ./alleleData/Cleaned/alleleData_chr" ,
loci.prefix = " ./alleleData/Cleaned/loci_chr" ,
gender = " XX" ,
genomeVersion = " hg19" ,
nthreads = 8 ,
tumourLogR_file = " Tumor_LogR.txt" ,
tumourBAF_file = " Tumor_BAF.txt" ,
normalLogR_file = " Germline_LogR.txt" ,
normalBAF_file = " Germline_BAF.txt" )
ascat.bc = ascat.loadData(Tumor_LogR_file = " Tumor_LogR.txt" , Tumor_BAF_file = " Tumor_BAF.txt" , Germline_LogR_file = " Germline_LogR.txt" , Germline_BAF_file = " Germline_BAF.txt" , gender = " XX" , genomeVersion = " hg19" , isTargetedSeq = T )
ascat.plotRawData(ascat.bc , img.prefix = " Before_correction_" )
ascat.bc = ascat.correctLogR(ascat.bc , GCcontentfile = " GC_file.txt" , replictimingfile = " RT_file.txt" )
ascat.plotRawData(ascat.bc , img.prefix = " After_correction_" )
ascat.bc = ascat.aspcf(ascat.bc , penalty = 25 )
ascat.plotSegmentedData(ascat.bc )
ascat.output = ascat.runAscat(ascat.bc , gamma = 1 , write_segments = TRUE )
QC = ascat.metrics(ascat.bc ,ascat.output )
save(ascat.bc , ascat.output , QC , file = ' ASCAT_objects.Rdata' )