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hlx: HTTP Server Utilities

What are they

A few utilities for testing and curling from http servers.

hurl HTTP Server Load Tester

hurl is an http server load tester similar to ab/siege/weighttp/wrk with support for mulithreading, parallelism, ssl, url ranges, and an api-server for querying the running performance statistics. hurl is primarily useful for benchmarking http server applications.

  • A little more about URLs Ranges: hurl has support for range expansion in urls which is useful for testing a server's capability to serve from many files. hurl will expand the ranges specified in the wildcards and perform requests in user configurable orders (see the "--mode" option in help). eg: "[1-100]/my_[1-9]_file.html".

  • Stats API: If hurl is started with -P port_number option, hurl listens on the user specified port for stats requests: For example if hurl is run with:

~>hurl "" -P12345
Running 1 parallel connections with: 1 reqs/conn, 1 threads
|    Cmpltd /     Total |    IdlKil |    Errors | kBytes Recvd |   Elapsed |       Req/s |      MB/s |
|      2603 /      2603 |         0 |         0 |      2158.15 |     0.20s |       0.00s |     0.00s |
|      5250 /      5250 |         0 |         0 |      4352.78 |     0.40s |   13235.00s |    10.72s |
|      7831 /      7831 |         0 |         0 |      6492.69 |     0.60s |   12905.00s |    10.45s |
|     10390 /     10390 |         0 |         0 |      8614.37 |     0.80s |   12795.00s |    10.36s |
|     13131 /     13131 |         0 |         0 |     10886.93 |     1.00s |   13705.00s |    11.10s |
|     15737 /     15737 |         0 |         0 |     13047.57 |     1.20s |   13030.00s |    10.55s |

####An example

hurl "" --num_calls=100 -p100 -f100000 -c


Usage: hurl [http[s]://]hostname[:port]/path [options]
Options are:
  -h, --help           Display this help and exit.
  -V, --version        Display the version number and exit.
Input Options:
  -w, --no_wildcards   Don't wildcard the url.
  -M, --mode           Request mode -if multipath [random(default) | sequential].
  -d, --data           HTTP body data -supports curl style @ file specifier
  -y, --cipher         Cipher --see "openssl ciphers" for list.
  -p, --parallel       Num parallel. Default: 100.
  -f, --fetches        Num fetches.
  -N, --num_calls      Number of requests per connection
  -t, --threads        Number of parallel threads. Default: 1
  -H, --header         Request headers -can add multiple ie -H<> -H<>...
  -X, --verb           Request command -HTTP verb to use -GET/PUT/etc. Default GET
  -l, --seconds        Run for <N> seconds .
  -A, --rate           Max Request Rate.
  -R, --recv_buffer    Socket receive buffer size.
  -S, --send_buffer    Socket send buffer size.
  -D, --no_delay       Disable socket TCP no-delay (on by default).
  -T, --timeout        Timeout (seconds).
  -x, --no_stats       Don't collect stats -faster.
  -r, --addr_seq       Rotate through local addresses (number).
Print Options:
  -v, --verbose        Verbose logging
  -c, --no_color       Turn off colors
  -q, --quiet          Suppress progress output
  -C, --responses      Display http(s) response codes instead of request statistics
  -L, --responses_per  Display http(s) response codes per interval instead of request statistics
Stat Options:
  -U, --update         Update output every N ms. Default 500ms.
  -P, --data_port      Start HTTP Stats Daemon on port.
Results Options:
  -j, --json           Display results in json
  -Y, --http_load      Display results in http load mode -Legacy support
  -Z, --http_load_line Display results in http load mode on a single line -Legacy support
  -o, --output         Output results to file <FILE> -default to stdout
Profile Options:
  -G, --gprofile       Google profiler output file
Note: If running long jobs consider enabling tcp_tw_reuse -eg:
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_tw_reuse

phurl Parallel Curl

phurl is a parallel curling utility useful for pulling a single url from many different hosts. phurl supports reading line delimited hosts from stdin, a shell command string, or a file.

####An example

printf "\\\n" | phurl -p2 -t3 -u"" -s -c -T5


Usage: phurl -u [http[s]://]hostname[:port]/path [options]
Options are:
  -h, --help           Display this help and exit.
  -V, --version        Display the version number and exit.
URL Options -or without parameter
  -u, --url            URL -REQUIRED (unless running cli: see --cli option).
  -d, --data           HTTP body data -supports curl style @ file specifier
Hostname Input Options -also STDIN:
  -f, --host_file      Host name file.
  -J, --host_json      Host listing json format.
  -x, --execute        Script to execute to get host names.
  -p, --parallel       Num parallel.
  -t, --threads        Number of parallel threads.
  -H, --header         Request headers -can add multiple ie -H<> -H<>...
  -X, --verb           Request command -HTTP verb to use -GET/PUT/etc
  -T, --timeout        Timeout (seconds).
  -R, --recv_buffer    Socket receive buffer size.
  -S, --send_buffer    Socket send buffer size.
  -D, --no_delay       Socket TCP no-delay.
  -n, --no_async_dns   Use getaddrinfo to resolve.
  -k, --no_cache       Don't use addr info cache.
  -A, --ai_cache       Path to Address Info Cache (DNS lookup cache).
  -C, --connect_only   Only connect -do not send request.
  -Q, --complete_time  Cancel requests after N seconds.
  -W, --complete_ratio Cancel requests after % complete (0.0-->100.0).
TLS Settings:
  -y, --cipher         Cipher --see "openssl ciphers" for list.
  -O, --tls_options    SSL Options string.
  -K, --tls_verify     Verify server certificate.
  -N, --tls_sni        Use SSL SNI.
  -B, --tls_self_ok    Allow self-signed certificates.
  -M, --tls_no_host    Skip host name checking.
  -F, --tls_ca_file    SSL CA File.
  -L, --tls_ca_path    SSL CA Path.
Command Line Client:
  -I, --cli            Start interactive command line -URL not required.
Print Options:
  -v, --verbose        Verbose logging
  -c, --no_color       Turn off colors
  -q, --quiet          Suppress output
  -s, --show_progress  Show progress
  -m, --show_summary   Show summary output
Output Options: -defaults to line delimited
  -o, --output         File to write output to. Defaults to stdout
  -l, --line_delimited Output <HOST> <RESPONSE BODY> per line
  -j, --json           JSON { <HOST>: "body": <RESPONSE> ...
  -P, --pretty         Pretty output
Debug Options:
  -G, --gprofile       Google profiler output file
Note: If running large jobs consider enabling tcp_tw_reuse -eg:
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_tw_reuse

hlxcore hlx HTTP API Client/Server Library

hlxcore is a library for creating simple API servers with support for subrequests and static files.

####An example

#include <hlx/hlx.h>
#include <hlx/lsnr.h>
#include <hlx/api_resp.h>
#include <hlx/default_rqst_h.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
ns_hlx::hlx *g_hlx = NULL;
class bananas_getter: public ns_hlx::default_rqst_h
        // GET
        ns_hlx::h_resp_t do_get(ns_hlx::hconn &a_hconn,
                                ns_hlx::rqst &a_rqst,
                                const ns_hlx::url_pmap_t &a_url_pmap)
                char l_len_str[64];
                uint32_t l_body_len = strlen("Hello World\n");
                sprintf(l_len_str, "%u", l_body_len);
                ns_hlx::api_resp &l_api_resp = create_api_resp(a_hconn);
                l_api_resp.set_header("Content-Length", l_len_str);
                l_api_resp.set_body_data("Hello World\n", l_body_len);
                ns_hlx::queue_api_resp(a_hconn, l_api_resp);
                return ns_hlx::H_RESP_DONE;
int main(void)
        ns_hlx::lsnr *l_lsnr = new ns_hlx::lsnr(12345, ns_hlx::SCHEME_TCP);
        ns_hlx::rqst_h *l_rqst_h = new bananas_getter();
        l_lsnr->add_route("/bananas", l_rqst_h);
        g_hlx = new ns_hlx::hlx();
        // Run in foreground w/ threads == 0
        if(g_hlx) {delete g_hlx; g_hlx = NULL;}
        if(l_rqst_h) {delete l_rqst_h; l_rqst_h = NULL;}
        return 0;

#####Build with:

g++ -lhlxcore -lssl -lcrypto -lpthread -o example


./example &
curl ""
Hello World


##OS requirements: Linux/OS X (kqueue support coming soon-ish)

###Install dependecies: Library requirements:

  • libssl/libcrypto (OpenSSL)

###OS X Build requirements (brew)

brew install cmake
brew install openssl

###Building the tools


And optionally install

cd ./build
sudo make install