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Page Setup & Information

VerzatileDev edited this page Nov 22, 2024 · 1 revision


Each new page requires the use of the base paneling on top of the page from line (1).

Basic example:

layout: default
title: Title
nav_order: 1
parent: Example2

layout: (default,..)

  • As a principle each page requires the use of the default layout, unless its puropse is to modify the core aspect of the entire page upon then it requires a re-write to the core and modifications for the intended purpose.

title: (Add your own title)

  • This modifies the Page title within the browser

  • Linked with the use of {{ page.title }}, which shows the title: .. on the page before content.






    • The use of {{ page.title }} is not required if the page title is different to the tile of the browser shown.
    • Though use ====================== after the tile for seperation and page functionality.

nav_order: (Can be 1 to 100)

  • Changes the order within the folder that the current file sits in and showns to the main website navigation bar.

  • The following should be at 1 if the purpose is to order them on the base of an alphabetical ordering.

    • If any other it will be ordered on the basis of the number such as 5 would position itself on the 5th spot within the navigation bar on the left.

has_children: (False or True)

  • Enable the following if the following content has a child and the grand_parent and parent is enabled to the ones before the current one it sits in.
  • Folder,, SecondFolder,

Not required from v1.0.2

parent: (Name of the .md file

  • An example would reference it as Version Control, this lists the content into the navigation panel.
  • In an instance where the file sits within the Root Folder structure such as "Doc" folder and its the first entry to it even if it is within a folder such as (Root -> MyFolder / The given .md first for the root does not require the use of Parent.

As for example:


grand_parent: (Base folder/NewFolder/CurrentFile)

  • An example is located within c++ folder that itself is part of the Language folder.
  • This makes Language to be the grandparent to the current child.
  • This makes c++ to be the parent of the current child.


  • Please use these carefully and test them locally!

Not required from v1.0.2

search_exclude: (True / False)

  • The following stops the pages content showing up in the search bar if enabled as true by default its false.

nav_exclude: (True / False)

  • The following stops the section showing up within the navigation bar on the left side of the page.


When publishing a new resource and writing the page yourself please remember to use the following statement at the bottom of the page:


#### Author: Your Name
#### Published: Date Published DD/MM/YY