diff --git a/Examples/Scripts/GenericfMRISurfaceProcessingPipelineBatch.sh b/Examples/Scripts/GenericfMRISurfaceProcessingPipelineBatch.sh index cc59cac77..913c7d260 100755 --- a/Examples/Scripts/GenericfMRISurfaceProcessingPipelineBatch.sh +++ b/Examples/Scripts/GenericfMRISurfaceProcessingPipelineBatch.sh @@ -104,9 +104,8 @@ for Subject in $Subjlist ; do FinalfMRIResolution="2" #Needs to match what is in fMRIVolume, i.e. 2mm for 3T HCP data and 1.6mm for 7T HCP data SmoothingFWHM="2" #Recommended to be roughly the grayordinates spacing, i.e 2mm on HCP data GrayordinatesResolution="2" #Needs to match what is in PostFreeSurfer. 2mm gives the HCP standard grayordinates space with 91282 grayordinates. Can be different from the FinalfMRIResolution (e.g. in the case of HCP 7T data at 1.6mm) - # RegName="MSMSulc" #MSMSulc is recommended, if binary is not available use FS (FreeSurfer) - RegName="FS" - + RegName="MSMSulc" #MSMSulc is recommended, if binary is not available use FS (FreeSurfer) + if [ -n "${command_line_specified_run_local}" ] ; then echo "About to run ${HCPPIPEDIR}/fMRISurface/GenericfMRISurfaceProcessingPipeline.sh" queuing_command=""