In this module, we use UMAP on control data to suggest batch effects are not the dominant signal in the mitosis movies (raw_data_umaps.ipynb). UMAP was introduced in McInnes, L, Healy, J, 2018 as a manifold learning technique for dimension reduction. We use UMAP to reduce the feature data to 2 dimensions.
As shown in the Metadata_Gene
UMAPS of raw_data_umaps.ipynb, UMAP tends to group features based on their gene.
This demonstrates that the biological changes induced by gene pertubations have manifested in the CellProfiler
and DeepProfiler
features extracted with idrstream
The other UMAPs in raw_data_umaps.ipynb suggest that batch effects from plate, well, and frame are not the dominant signal in the feature data.
Note: We generate UMAPs with 10% random subsample (without replacement) of data from positive and negative controls.
Next, we derive a normalization scaler with sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler from the negative control features and apply this scaler to all mitosis movie features ( Caicedo et al, 2017 explain why the negative control features are a good normalization population for our use case:
When choosing the normalizing population, we suggest the use of control samples (assuming that they are present in sufficient quantity), because the presence of dramatic phenotypes may confound results. This procedure is good practice regardless of the normalization being performed within plates or across the screen.
Because batch effects are likely not the dominant signal in the mitosis movies, we perform normalization across the entire screen. In other words, we create one normalization scaler from all negative control features and apply this normalization scaler to all mitosis movie feature data.
Use the commands below to normalize all data. All normalized data will be saved to normalized_data/. Only the normalized training data has been uploaded to GitHub as the positive and negative control datasets are very large.
# Make sure you are located in 3.normalize_data
cd 3.normalize_data
# Activate mitocheck_data conda environment
conda activate mitocheck_data
# Normalize all data