A spaced learning web app, based on the Leitner system of flashcards.
- Flask
- Flask-WTF
- Flask-SQLAlchemy
- Flask-Login
Implementation Timeline: Milestone One: Get basic app working for one user
Get basic tester workingImplement the Leitener system for spaced repetitionSwitch internal logic from prototype mocks to objects
Milestone Two: Get Basic Login, DB capabilites
- Add login, authentication, and multiple users
- Save information about entries into database, and pull when needed
- Refractor html; add basic template/ navbar for all pages
- Switch from linking to pages to url_for's
- Create user "hub" page
Milestone Three: Expand basic app for multiple users
- Create page to create new entries
- Create page to edit current entries
- Implement "flashcard" type entries rather than just text entries
- Create new feature; "Decks" of cards, with importing and exporting features
- Create homepage to access decks
- Create settings page to change basic features (how many displayed)
- Begin deploying online
Milestone Four: Facelift
- No specifics, but reform interface frontend
- Add importing of flashcards from CSV